View Full Version : Motorcycle Road Trip Pix

08-31-2009, 01:49 PM
I finally got my pictures narrowed down (to 65 :eek:) and uploaded to photobucket. So I'll have a few threads to share.
We started out on the coast and headed up to Eureka. One of Bruce's missions was to stop at any and every brewery we could. He only had one drink, and we didn't go to more than one in a day while we were on the bike.
Here is one of the places we ate lunch. North Coast Brewery. The brewhouse was right across the street from the restaurant. Here is a picture of the fully loaded up bike.

Here is proof of how hot it was in Humboldt Redwoods State Park.

On the way to my sisters we stopped at another brewery called Eel River Brewery. Here is their mascot.
I asked the bartender what the cats name was. Her name is Amber. I guess she's named after the Amber Ale. She just stayed right there and people walked right past her. I was worried that people wouldn't see her and step on her but she didn't have a care in the world! She has a little house set up on the porch of the place.
Next we went through the Redwoods and just had to stop and visit these two.
Paul Bunyan and Babe the blue ox.
We finally arrived at my sisters in Albany, OR. Here are some pictures of her babies. I am sad that I didn't get one of Little Man, or orangie with the deformed front leg like Apollo.
First is Brodie.
Then Roo. I just love his pink nose.
Then the morning we were leaving I was on the computer and Brodie came to sit with me. Only he perched himself in the strangest place....on my shoulder. He would use his back legs to hold on to my arm so he wouldn't fall off.

Next we were off to Seattle to visit Bruce's brother. That's coming up in the next post.

08-31-2009, 01:57 PM
So now we are in Seattle and Bruce's brothers partner has two Basenji dogs.

Kente is 14 years old and is dealing with kidney failure just like my Taz did. :( That's why she's so skinny.

And Bakari is 6 months younger than Kente. They are not sure how he will do without his sister around when that time comes. He depends on her so much.

Here they are waiting for dinner. Bakari always sits like that. It cracks me up because he looks like an egyptian statue.

We went to brunch on Sunday morning and witnessed a seagull eat a starfish WHOLE. I couldn't believe what I was seeing! I got a couple pictures of it. I apologize if it upsets anyone.
It took him about 10 mintues total to get it down.

Then we went to the Space Needle. That was neat. I just kept looking around and thinking of the movie Sleepless in Seattle. LOL
We got lots of pictures from the top, but they are actually quite boring.

Ok, that's it for now. I'll start another thread later today. Thanks for looking. :)

08-31-2009, 03:14 PM
Well, since nobody has posted in here I'll just go ahead and put the last part of the trip here and make a separate thread for the Butchart Gardens and castle pictures.

While we were waiting for the ferry to go back to Washington (it was a 2 hour wait) I had the pleasure of meeting this little cutie. His name is Buddy and he was 11 weeks old.

We got to Elma, Washington and the bike was not riding okay. So Bruce checked it out and discovered a few loose spokes on the back tire AND one spoke that was broken off. We are lucky we did not crash on the freeway. So we had the bike towed to Lacey Harley dealer. We got GREAT customer service there too. Thanks Jeremy!!

We arrived in Lincoln City, OR late due to the bike issue. I wish we had been on schedule because this little place was so nice.
We had to walk along the beach before we left Lincoln City.

Here are two random shots. I can't remember exactly where we were at the time.


We stopped in Weed, California (for the brewery of course!) and got a nice shot of Mt Shasta.

And here is a shot of the mileage we traveled. Which doesn't include the ferry trips to and from Victoria.

I'll try to get the other thread up today (not much to do at work anyway). There will be LOTS of pictures of flowers and some shots of a couple of castles.
Thanks for looking!! Here (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=155307) is the other thread.

Edwina's Secretary
08-31-2009, 04:33 PM
You rode over 2,000 miles on the back? How long and how many miles a day?

What model is your bike? (we have a Electraglide Classic.)

08-31-2009, 04:48 PM
Lucky girl. Looks like you had a great time. Glad that you were able to catch the broken spoke before an accident happened.

08-31-2009, 05:05 PM
Looks like you had a great trip Cindy. That's a lot of riding.

About 20 years ago, my brother took his Gold Wing from Miami, FL to upstate Vermont, and back of course. He was no spring chicken when he did it either - in his mid-50's. Said it was a more comfortable trip than riding in a car!

My son and his wife bought a new bike last year - 2009 Ultra Classic Electraglide. Their dream is to take it cross country, but with their jobs, that's doubtful. They've had it to western PA and the Shenandoah Valley, but that's the farthest so far. They love riding.

08-31-2009, 05:05 PM
Loved the pictures!!!! I loved the picture of little Buddy!!! He's a little springer just like my Boomdog!

08-31-2009, 06:14 PM
You rode over 2,000 miles on the back? How long and how many miles a day?

What model is your bike? (we have a Electraglide Classic.)

Yes I did! I could go only about an hour and then we had to stop so I could stretch. My hips would begin to hurt if we went too long. Which we did a couple of times and I ended up in tears. :(
Our average a day was about 200 miles. Our longest day was just over 300 miles in one day. Of course that would take much longer because it would require more stops.

We have a 2004 Road King Classic. He had a special (wider) seat put on for me and the tour pack on the back is my back rest.

08-31-2009, 06:26 PM
I'm at work and can't see the pictures, I can't wait till I can check them out.

09-01-2009, 05:13 AM
Nice pictures! Thanks for sharing this overview of your trip :)
Brodie is a funny guy. Hopefully he is not too big and heavy :D Roo has a sweet kissabke face.

09-01-2009, 08:33 AM
Wow Cindy! Looks like you had a great time. Fantastic! I have to say I went to LA on the back of a bike many many years ago and arrived feeling like my insides were shaking like a milkshake!:eek::D I rented a car to get home! LOL!Gosh I was rattled and quesie for days!
Your trip sounds awesome! Love that you chronicled your animal encounters too! LOL! Cuties one and all! Cheers!:love:

09-01-2009, 09:33 AM
:eek: WoW looks as if you all had lots of fun.. Great pics thanks

Daisy and Delilah
09-01-2009, 10:46 AM
WOW!!! What a great trip that must have been, Cindy. I know you guys had a vacation to remember. Such a unique idea. I love all the pets. Especially love the pic of Brodie with the leg dangling over you.:D

Great pictures!!! I feel like I've taken a little vacay.:)

Prairie Purrs
09-01-2009, 10:55 AM
Great trip! So much beautiful scenery, and so many adorable critters!

I remember the Paul Bunyan and Babe statues from a visit to northern California almost 40 years ago. They've held up better than I have! :D