View Full Version : Liberal idiocy ruins a good cause in my hometown.

08-31-2009, 01:19 AM
Video link. (http://www.ktva.com/ci_13217084?source=most_viewed)

Fill the Boot, a cause raising money for MDA, has been going on for a long time and now my hometown of Anchorage is putting a stop to it there. The firefighters get permits and pay insurance to do these fundraisers.

THe FFs dont disrupt traffic, they are aware of the traffic patterns and are very safe going about this program.

08-31-2009, 02:24 AM
What makes it a "liberal" thing? The city management is saying it is illegal - did the law change? Or who decided to enforce it differently?

I saw the firefighter walking the line with the Fill The Boot boot the other day, though they didn't get to me, as they did pay attention to the traffic lights. It wouldn't be my preferred way of fund-raising, I would think they could raise just as much with a table and a couple firefighters in the mall parking lot. It was right in the middle of what I think of as "shopping central" - giant mall to the left and right of the intersection, and for a mile going forward!

08-31-2009, 02:38 AM
What makes it a "liberal" thing? The city management is saying it is illegal - did the law change? Or who decided to enforce it differently?

I saw the firefighter walking the line with the Fill The Boot boot the other day, though they didn't get to me, as they did pay attention to the traffic lights. It wouldn't be my preferred way of fund-raising, I would think they could raise just as much with a table and a couple firefighters in the mall parking lot. It was right in the middle of what I think of as "shopping central" - giant mall to the left and right of the intersection, and for a mile going forward!

This is a popular charity for the residents of Anchorage, Ive given hand fulls of change there and out here in Wasilla.

There has been infighting between the muni and the FFs since Tony Knowles was mayor of Anchorage in the mid 90's. The new Mayor of Anchorage made the choice to stop the Fill the boot program for Anchorage. I would have thought stopping streetside panhandling would be first, but apperently stopping the raising of funds for MDA was a much more pressing issue.

Cinder & Smoke
08-31-2009, 09:18 AM
Fill the Boot, a cause raising money for MDA, has been going on for a long time
and now my hometown of Anchorage is putting a stop to it there.

Sounds like it's Tyme for a NEW Mayor!


Lady's Human
08-31-2009, 12:17 PM
"Fill the Boot" is pretty common, normally traffic patterns aren't interrupted and they set up plenty of warnings about it.

I wouldn't call it liberal or conservative idiocy, as idiocy runs across the spectrum when you get some idiot who suddenly decides to enforce a rule that has been ignored.

(strictly speaking, it would be conservative idiocy, as for better or worse conservatives are normally the ones who push for enforcement of existing laws, liberal would be allowing a practice that went against the letter of the law to continue......as in a liberal interpretation of a rule.)

08-31-2009, 01:13 PM
They have that fund raiser here in liberal california all the time, nobody complains.

09-01-2009, 02:04 AM
Sounds like it's Tyme for a NEW Mayor!


This is the new mayor.

"Fill the Boot" is pretty common, normally traffic patterns aren't interrupted and they set up plenty of warnings about it.

I wouldn't call it liberal or conservative idiocy, as idiocy runs across the spectrum when you get some idiot who suddenly decides to enforce a rule that has been ignored.

(strictly speaking, it would be conservative idiocy, as for better or worse conservatives are normally the ones who push for enforcement of existing laws, liberal would be allowing a practice that went against the letter of the law to continue......as in a liberal interpretation of a rule.)

A majority of the Muni board and Anchorage mayor are liberals (I wont insult all democrats by describing them as such). THe FFs obey the laws and get permits and insurance to do these fundraisers, and the city is ignoring the panhandlers that do the same thing year round without permits or insurance.

(Strictly speaking, the Muni and mayor should be going after the panhandlers who dont have permits or insurance, and not continuing their fued with the FFs.

They have that fund raiser here in liberal california all the time, nobody complains.

In some cases Anchorage Liberals out Lib California Liberals.

09-01-2009, 07:56 PM
Liberal -shmiberal. What does that have to do with any of this?

A couple of weeks ago Commie-Pinko Ann Arbor had a "Fill the Boot" drive. No problems or complaints whatsoever.

09-02-2009, 09:12 AM
We've had FFs standing in the road with the boot as well. I give them my spare (VERY spare) change. It's for a good cause and as long as they have the required permits and aren't causing traffic problems, so be it. I've also seen unemployed people stand at the end of an off ramp holding a sign asking for spare change. Now THAT's wrong. Rather than waste your time standing around, go to the library and look for a job, for God's sake!!!!