View Full Version : about how often

10-03-2002, 08:50 AM
I was wondering how often a cat should be taken to the vet. Should they go in for regular checkups like dogs.
My Cam is an indoor cat and people tell me that unless he is feeling ill that there is no need to bring him to the vet. Is this true?:confused:


10-03-2002, 08:59 AM
Since we have required shots annually in SC, mine go once a year, at least. They get a good checkup at that time. And if they get sick or injured in between, of course we go then too.

My cats are indoor/outdoor cats, so their rabies protection and other shots are very important. But here, the rabies is required, regardless. Besides, I think there is some peace of mind, just having the vet check them over periodically to make sure I'm not missing anything.


Edwina's Secretary
10-03-2002, 09:09 AM
I feel more strongly about taking my cat (indoor) for a once a year checkup that taking myself for one. She can't tell me if something doesn't feel right so it goes to me to observe -- which I discuss with the vet and the vet to do preventative maintenance. Rabies shot are also required (someone died last week in Iowa from rabies!)

10-03-2002, 09:34 AM
I am a strong advocate for healthcare! Animals and humans too...in fact, do you all know that October is national breast cancer awarness month? Do your part!!!

I take mine every year...and someone usually goes more often than that. I also give them a good going over often..infact, when I groom them, I like to feel all over them for lumps, bumps and cuts. I also learned that it is good to know what healthy cat mouths look like, so that you can distinquish between anemic ones and healthy ones...nice pink shiny glistening gums...good for dogs, too.

So, at least once a year..and though your kitty is in indoor only kitty, accidents do happen. Better to be cautious...though I know there are some on PT that don't always advocate the shots/immunizations..so, talk it over with your vet!

10-03-2002, 02:58 PM
A yearly checkup, with the required shots, is the best way to catch a possible problem before it goes unnoticed for too long.
AN Example:
The first year that I had my Fern she was a SUPER shy cat, so I did not make her do anything that would upset her in any way (while gaining her trust). One year later, at her yearly vet visit, she was only 2 years old then, the vet found some very bad teeth. It was due to her eating only canned food combined with my not looking in her mouth. I NEVER expected to find that on so young a cat. So if I'd have waited to take her in, she would have been worse off.
Gee, I hope that made sense:confused:
So in a word, ANNUALLY

10-03-2002, 03:29 PM
Jenluckenbach- Total Sense. That is exactly why I too suggest annual visits. You don't know sometimes, and the vet sees so many more than us, and we learn what to notice, etc. Annual!!!

10-03-2002, 04:47 PM
I'm a tech and would strongly recommend bringing cats every year. Indoor cats here get a distemper vaccine yearly and a rabies vaccine every 3 years. If the cat goes outside then a leukemia vaccine is also given yearly. My boss does a thorough physical exam for every patient that comes in-even for vaccines so he would be able to catch on if the cat had a problem.
My cats are my children and I want them to live long and healthy lives and vet checkups are extremely important!!!:D

10-03-2002, 11:03 PM
I also take mine in one time a year for an annual exam. My cats are my children so I also want them to live long happy and healthy lives. :)