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08-28-2009, 09:47 AM
My next door neighbor rang my bell about 11:30 yesterday morning. There he stood with a white fluff on a leash! Justin (aka inlovewithanimals) seems to find all the neighborhood strays, and he always brings them to me. (This is the 3rd one this summer!) This was a nice bichon boy, un-neutered, VERY friendly! I put him out back with Tasha and she got him playing with her rather quickly, lol.

Neither of us (Justin and I) knew where this boy belonged, and I really did think I knew all the bichons in my area! He had a red collar and tags on, with a New Jersey address and phone. (That is a good 8 hours drive away. Don't think he hiked it all by himself!)

I had a walk planned at the park, with Mary Ellen, Mattie and Sassy. So after phoning my city's animal control, to let them know we had found a white bichon mix, and leaving my name and phone number, off we went to keep our walk date! Justin came along and we surprised Mary Ellen when we arrived (a bit late) for our walk. Justin took Marlin and Sugar, I had Lacey, Tasha and "Mister." He was SO excited to be on a walk, and with 6 other white fluffs, no less! I bet he thought he'd found bichon heaven.

Got home and had a message on my answer machine. Marshmellow (he is a mellow fellow!) Cole is just 3 years old. He belonged to a young lady in New Jersey, but she is starting college, so he came up here to live with "grandpa!" About 6 houses down, other side of my street. Marshmellow has only been up here a week. He knows Grandpa well from many visits, and has been sticking close by. Grandpa was out working on the gate, he is enclosing the back yard for the fluffer. One minute Marshmellow was on the deck watching and the next minute -- POOF! He was gone! Grandpa found it hard to believe the little guy got past him, he WAS working right on the gate after all! So he checked the whole house, the garage, etc. Started to get nervous, took off in the car driving around and calling. Finally the woman of the house* thought to call Animal Control, got my phone number and called.

(I know it reads a bit funny. She rents out rooms and has 2 fellas plus other women living there.)

Once I returned Marshmellow, I got to tell them he was "walked, did his business, and drank water" and should be ready for a bit of a nap. Grandpa commented that, after all the anxiety, he was too! Bet they slept together. Grandpa said he'd be going to PetCo and getting the new ID tag ASAP. Well, right after his nap, lol.

Ginger's Mom
08-28-2009, 10:19 AM
Aw, what a great story. I bet when "grandpaw" takes him for walks now that Marshmellow will want to walk over to your house. ;)

08-28-2009, 04:49 PM
I love happy endings - uh - tails that is! :love:

I'll bet he remembers where you live, and the fluffs that live there too. Yup - I'll bet he'll be taking Gramps for walks to see if he can find his new friends again. :D

08-28-2009, 06:43 PM
What a great story! I'm so glad you got him where he belongs! Hopefully grandpa will be a lil more careful. No pics?!?!?!

Daisy and Delilah
08-28-2009, 08:06 PM
Awwwww.......what an adorable story. Sandie comes to the rescue again!!! YAY!! Awesome job, Sandie and Justin!!:)