View Full Version : gingivitis

08-28-2009, 08:33 AM
CJ is 11yrs old & has just had 7 teeth extracted due to gingivitis approx 1 month ago. I have had her back to the vet twice during this time as she is not healing up well & she has been given antibiotics & anti inflamatories. She is hungry,will only eat wet food now but growls at her food and it is an effort for her to eat it all. The vet has said if she continues this for one more month, I would have to take her to a dental specialist to x-ray....she may have to be on anti-inflamatories for the rest of her life. Has anybody had any similar experiences?

08-28-2009, 11:34 AM
Several of us have had experience with cats with severe stomatitis and it is awful to watch cats go through it. Sometimes removing the back teeth is enough, though sometimes all the teeth are removed in a more desperate attempt to stop the inflammation, and if that doesn't work the cat is put on depo medrol shots.

What anti-inflammatory is your cat on at present? Metacam?

What is the vet hoping will show up on the specialist x-rays? Is he concerned that some roots were left behind after either his surgery or previous dental surgery? That can be a cause of stomatitis, and better that because it can be cured than the more usual no cause stomatitis.

08-29-2009, 07:01 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk! I'm sorry to read that your kitty is having such a time w/gingivitis. My RB Puddy had it but only slightly and my vet had me squirt Chlorhexadine onto her gums which helped w/inflammation. However, as Lizzie said, if your kitty has stomatitis, it can be very painful or if roots were left after surgery, that can also be a cause of much pain. There is a PT member who has had experience w/cats and stomatitis and she had all of their teeth removed and they did wonderfully after that, so if that is the end result for your kitty, try not to feel too badly about it. They learn to adapt just fine. After you get the x-rays done, I hope that you'll post again and let us know how your kitty is doing. :)

08-29-2009, 07:59 AM
Thanx for your info; having worked in the dental profession for 45 years(with people....not cats) I am embarassed to have my cat in such a state with her mouth. I know Chlorahexadene (spelling??) works well with humans; never gave it a thought for cats. It tastes TERRIBLE & I know it would be impossible to give to my Bengal. She's a wonderful cat but when it comes to anything to do with her mouth OR administering meds, she really shows her WILD side...my vet can attest to that. She has to be sedated for an oral exam & "burrito wrapped" for meds. We are waiting one more month to see if her condition improves B4 seeing a dental specialist. I do hope the antibiotics & anti inflammatory(Metacam 0.15 ml per day) does the trick. If not, the x-rays may reveal a root tip left from the surgery. It really breaks my heart to see her hurting.....this is going to be a LONG month. Thanx for your responses

08-29-2009, 08:13 AM
The Chlorhexadine that my vet gave me is specifically for cats, so it doesn't taste so bad plus it has a long tip that makes it easy to squirt on the gums. I do know how difficult some cats can be w/administering meds, though. Puddy was like that until she became so sick that she cooperated. I know how nasty it tastes for humans; I use it myself. LOL He also told me that I can put it right in her water fountain and not have to worry about her swallowing it, so maybe talk to your vet about it and see what s/he says. :)

08-29-2009, 02:22 PM
Sorry to hear about your cat's dental problem. Have you tried to puree her wet food?? Maybe that might help with the growling....good luck....