View Full Version : Cole's bath - at long last...

08-26-2009, 05:19 PM
Gave Cole a bath a couple of months ago, when it started getting warm...just downloaded the pics today!

My albums - Cole's Bath


NOTE TO SELF: Use Furminator blade before bathing fluffy kitty or mats will form in the undercoat. :rolleyes:

08-26-2009, 05:24 PM
You know.... I bathed cats all the time when I worked at the vet, but I honestly don't think I've ever given one of my own cats a bath at home:p Lately I keep thinking I need to give Toby a good rinsing just to knock some hair off, 'cuz man he sheds like crazy!:eek:

08-26-2009, 07:20 PM
Awwww, Cole! You will be your fluffy, flooffy self again just as soon as you're dry. Ask mum to kiss you for me!

08-27-2009, 02:48 PM
HI Cole, Remember me...Miss Abby,,,,your look-alike friend:) My meowmie also give me baths all the time too. She says its because of my long fluffy fur, and its too fluffy on my behind, and that it needs washed..... gee I think its just fine, but she says that I need baths to freshen everything up back there:eek:. see what she does to me.....:eek:



08-27-2009, 03:40 PM
I have ony bather oneCat and that was the Late Mr Fluffy, as thankfully My Cats generally dont need bathing.
Cole looks so good after his bath, maybe I should consider a Cat Bath, but all the Found Cats would be invisible before I filled the tub.

08-27-2009, 06:22 PM
Aw, Mom, what did you do to that poor boy? LOL So cute! :)

08-27-2009, 06:46 PM
My goodness! He does not look like a happy camper there!

08-27-2009, 10:40 PM
I don't have health insurance, I can't give my babies baths.:rolleyes: