View Full Version : OK ladies with dogs.....survey

10-02-2002, 07:20 PM
today,my guy accused me of being more attentive and affectionate toward the dog than him. How many of you have mates that are jealous of the dog!!!
I keep telling him that if Rosie could fix things around the house there would be no need for him at all :D . I can't belive that he feels the need to compete with her for my attention. He says Rosie gives him attitude when he gets close to me.Have you ever heard anything so silly!!
Any one else face a similar situation?

10-02-2002, 07:31 PM
I did from my ex. But he'd accuse me more of wanting to take her everywhere and spend time with her instead of just leaving her home.

But Kia gets jealous if she's not getting the attention. So if my new boyfriend and I want to be affectionate, we have to shut Kia out. Even when we hug, Kia is right there whining. Andy just thinks she's silly and knows Kia is my baby, so he doesn't mind.

Kia adores Andy and protects him when we wrestle. If I'm tickling him, he'll call for Kia and she'll come running in and tries to push me away.

10-02-2002, 07:37 PM
Ralph has never expressed ant concern that I am more affectionate to the dogs then to him. I don't think he feels that way...I think sometimes he feels the dogs are closer to me then him cause unfortunaly, he ended up punishing them more when they were puppies (esp. Sadie cause he was off work the whole 1st week we had her), but their realtionships have improved greatly over the past several months.

10-02-2002, 08:16 PM
No, my hubby isn't jealous of Malone...he's jealous of Pettalk!! :D He at least gets attention from Malone...which is more that he can say about me when I'm reading Pettalk! ;)

10-02-2002, 08:30 PM
I don't think Dust is jealous of Bull at all. they have their time together, we have our time together, and we have our time all together. Besides Dust knows that the dogs come first with me.

10-02-2002, 08:56 PM
My mom is jealous of Pet Talk!! I always tell her "oh this person at pet talk said blah blah", and she thinks I care about Pet Talk more than family!! Hehe, never heard anything so weird...:)

10-02-2002, 09:32 PM
Sometimes...Last week I had Earle in the house with me--for some one on one time. He was happily chewing on a rawhide. Hubby was looking for some chip dip--his favorite treat--which I had forgot to buy for him. He got down on the floor with Earle and whined to him for a good ten minutes about how I always make sure Earle has treats, but I always forget about his poor neglected Daddy ;)

10-02-2002, 10:04 PM
No, my husband has never expressed that I give our dogs more attention than him.....cause I think we are both just as bad when it comes to our dogs. LOL

10-02-2002, 10:19 PM
Well I haven't had this problem with a dog, but I have with a cat. A few times we would be at her house and when she would ask me to stay over I would say, I have to go home or my cats will get sad. Boy was she mad about that one. And because she's allergic she can't stay over here. So once she finally realized I want to be at home with my cats so they don't get lonely she started taking allergy shots :)

10-02-2002, 11:01 PM
Originally posted by FloppsyLadySally54
My mom is jealous of Pet Talk!! I always tell her "oh this person at pet talk said blah blah", and she thinks I care about Pet Talk more than family!! Hehe, never heard anything so weird...:)

LOL! That's just like me.

I'm always like "So and So from Pet Talk said this." or "Oh no, Something happened to so and so's dog!" or "When this happens, So and So from pet talk said to do this."... I'm constantly showing her things from pet of the day and pet talk... like today i showed her that NASTY frog! GROSS!:eek:

10-03-2002, 12:04 AM
Umm my parents think that I treat Nebo as a child and spoil him waaay to much. Ok maybe this is true. ;) But my dad always calls him his little red-headed grandchild, lol. I really think my dad is jealous of Smokey though, I think that's one of the reasons why he doesn't like him. Smokey has ALWAYS been obsessed with my mom....can't be 3 feet away from her or he bawls. My dad can't stand this.

I find myself talking about Pet Talk to people too often myself. Melissa actually knows what I'm talking about when I tell her, but everyone else just thinks I'm nuts. Oh well, maybe I am. :rolleyes: I also find myself wanting to tell random people with pets to come here. I wanted to tell this lady with this gorgeous german shepard (did search and rescue, had a bunch of titles, the whole bit) to come here. But well she was a stranger coming to pick up her dog from grooming, so I decided against it lol.

10-03-2002, 01:11 AM
Originally posted by Uabassoon
Well I haven't had this problem with a dog, but I have with a cat. A few times we would be at her house and when she would ask me to stay over I would say, I have to go home or my cats will get sad.

Who's "her??" :confused:

10-03-2002, 01:14 AM
"her" would be my girlfriend

10-03-2002, 05:57 AM
I think my answer would be similar to turner's. Andrew never complains about m paying more attention to Drake than him. We are both just as bad when it comes to spoiling him and giving him lots of attention.

My older brother always teases me about loving Drake more than him :D Everytime He dogsits for me and I come home, Drake is the first in line for hugs and kisses. My dad also thinks we spoil Drake way to much but isn't jealous of him.

10-03-2002, 09:11 AM
Good topic!

My ex-boyfriend and I were together when I got Smokey so he wasn't ever really jealous (until the end when I didn't want to be with him so I spent more and more time w/ the dog... :o )

But this other guy I was seeing was insanely jealous and just covered it up by saying he didn't like dogs. Yet he let Smokey climb all over him and lick him when I was out of the room...

Silly boys. ;)

10-03-2002, 09:14 AM
I don't think either one of us in jealous of the dogs, because it seems we both show them alot of attention! It doesn't matter which one of us comes home from work the dogs are greeted first, then we greet each other:rolleyes: Hey, the dogs are waiting at the door for you, why shouldn't they be greeted first?!

Origianally posted by Glacier
He got down on the floor with Earle and whined to him for a good ten minutes about how I always make sure Earle has treats, but I always forget about his poor neglected Daddy
Oh that was great!

And about Pet Talk....I think Mark knows who the most of you are from me talking about you and your dogs!

10-03-2002, 09:23 AM
I'm with turner and Souroya, Dick and I are both terrible about spoiling the babies. I will say Max (dachshund) does NOT like Dick and I to sit next to one another. If we do, he comes up and sits between us. I'm not sure who he's protecting, but he sure is funny to watch.

10-03-2002, 05:40 PM
My problem is my 21 year old daughter, she's (now I just can't beleive this) a dog person. She has a 20 lb. cat. Tim (hubby) has Lady a Newfy. our son loves both dogs even that he is owned by 2 cats. He is teaching lady to play frisbee. Merlin just looked at him like "you have got to be kidding, it's not ediable". I just need a bigger couch now that Lady joined our family. she takes the whole thing herself.