View Full Version : Wow, Lily just ate a huge moth - and puked!

08-22-2009, 04:06 PM
About half an hour ago, Lily killed a big moth and ate it. Well, and a couple of minutes ago, she threw it up again!! :eek: I hope there are no things like toxic butterflies, or bugs. :( Hope that thing felt just weird in her stomach, so she decided to better get rid of it. Scary!


08-22-2009, 04:09 PM
She just threw up again - this time a huge amount of grass. Guess she ate that to get rid of the moth. Hopefully she'll be alright! :(


08-22-2009, 04:38 PM

Maybe? ;):D

08-22-2009, 04:51 PM
A Luna moth! What a sweet name! However, Lily's was a little bit smaller. *g*

Speaking of Luna, she's also hunting a moth right now, and Lily gladly joined her. :rolleyes: Oh no, and just ate it again!! :( I understand that the hunting thing is fun for the girls, but the puking can't be funny! :rolleyes:

Edit: Now that Lily ate Luna's moth, Luna's sitting by the window, waiting for the next one to come in. Silly girls!


08-22-2009, 05:50 PM
If I ate a moth, I'd puke too! Hope her tummy feels better soon. :love:

Pinot's Mom
08-22-2009, 10:11 PM
Kirsten, she'll be fine. Two days ago, Pinot was out with us on a yard walk, she got into the "I'm gonna throw up" pose, I started petting her, as I always do with kitties that are in that state, she threw up the remains of a VERY LARGE bug (she eats them for entertainment). I petted her for a while, gently brought her inside, she threw up a long hairball (she has not, in the last year, tossed a hairball), then there was some more fluid to come up, and she didn't eat dinner for a while. When things settled, she ate, and she's been fine since. We believe the bug of choice was a butterfly or a cicada.

Your girls will be fine.:)

08-22-2009, 10:50 PM
Now Lily, you don't have to eat those icky bugs! Stick with the good food and tasty treats you get from Meowmie. That food tastes much better and won't make your poor tummy feel bad. Sending you lots of scritchies and lovies :love: :love: :love: :love:

08-23-2009, 10:40 AM
Thats right Lily just catch that Moth, maybe if Kirsten has some nice wool clothes she will give you a big reward for keeping her wardrobe safe!!!
The Found Cats would say one Package of Whiskas Temptations per Moth is fair!!!

08-23-2009, 10:52 AM
I always thought the Luna moth was rather pretty - compared to some other varieties, that is. :D

We don't often get any in the house - however - crickets are another story. My son's girls just love to eat them, but leave the legs on the kitchen floor. :eek: Cricket season is just around the corner, so they'll be in their glory soon.

Kirsten - do you have crickets in your little corner of the world?

08-23-2009, 10:57 AM
While we have crickets here I never had one in the house. Filou also ate moths and he didn't puke. But I caught him one day with a moth in his mouth that was too big for him. A wing stuck out and it was humming frantically in Filou's mouth- I first had no idea whether he tried to swallow a mobile or something vibrating :D I opened his little mouth and it flew away.
Maybe Lily ate that thing to produce the hairball ;)

08-23-2009, 11:42 AM
Yup, that's right, we do have crickets (could hear them all night last week), but they do not come into the house.

Anyway, Lily is fine, she kept the second bug and her food down last night, so I figure the first one was just too big for her. Lily can be such a silly girl sometimes... :rolleyes:


08-23-2009, 04:02 PM
Archy sometimes catches flies or flying bugs and eats them.:p:eek: Gross! It's amazing how he does it. Last year I remember a fly was in our bedroom and he walked in, made one leap and that was it! We were astounded.

I don't think I would like to eat anything that would make me puke!:confused:

08-23-2009, 04:09 PM
For some reason, crickets are considered a delicacy by some cats. Except the legs, pomtzu is right, the legs are always left behind.:confused:

08-25-2009, 01:24 PM
These crickets must be tasty! LOL

Re. the legs: I'm also finding lots of bug legs here lately, so the kitties definitely know how to seperate them from the body. :eek:

BTW, found a dead wasp here on the floor yesterday, wonder if one of my girls had killed it. If so, they are lucky that they didn't got stung! This could have gone seriously wrong! :(