View Full Version : Guess who I have pictures of!!!

08-21-2009, 06:57 PM
YES! I finally have pictures/video of my namesake (:

"My" poor baby has been on and off lame since a pony show I think like a month ago. No one can figure out why, so for now we're just guessing that all those jumping lessons (he IS 17, after all!) are finally catching up on him. We know he has arthritis, so maybe it's just getting bad?

Anyways I asked if I could ride him and Sarah said I could hop on him and see if he was sound. He was a little off at the walk, and noticably off at the trot. I did a little walk/trot to see if he would loosen up at all but he didn't So I got off and tacked up Joey. But I got a short video of him, and a picture!

After I got on Joey, it started raining. Hard. Our indoor echoes like MAD when it's raining, so Joey started being a little b.utt. He had minor bucking fits at the canter, and kept refusing the jumps (the rain had him mucho f.reaked out). He also bolted down one line, but I was able to stop him and my trainer told me after that I rode very well, even when "things got western."

OH! And guess what!! Sarah got me a spot on a saddle rack so now my baby is staying at the barn 24/7!!! EEP!

ALSO! (and this is the biggest) Sarah told me to call her whenever I wanted to help out (tacking up horses, doing odd chores, etc...) THIS IS SO EXCITING!! Doing that is like being a part of the barn! And maybe I can work off extra lessons/rides! EEK!

My favorite pony...yes, he always looks this mad. That's just how Junior is.

Joey making...Joey faces :P after the lesson

My saddle in it's new home

Here's Junior

And then Joey:


08-21-2009, 08:05 PM
Junior is a handsome pony. Give him a carrot or sugar cube for me.

08-21-2009, 09:07 PM
So finally, we meet Junior! He's very handsome! Joey's a good looker also.:D

08-22-2009, 06:40 AM
Junior is a handsome pony. Give him a carrot or sugar cube for me.

i'll have to go with the carrot, as he's a little chunky muffin right now :P

So finally, we meet Junior! He's very handsome! Joey's a good looker also.:D

I know, it's ridiculous that I stopped riding him right after i joined all these forums with his name :rolleyes:

Thanks, Joey is such a cute little guy!