View Full Version : We're back!

10-02-2002, 02:51 PM
After six LONG days away from our furkids....we're back!!!

When we got home, we have three furry faces staring back up at us. Noel actually ran to the bedroom when I squeeled "Hello my babies!!", but was caught by hubby who held her for a few minutes. Noah tried to struggle and show his displeasure at us being gone...but mommy was stronger. :) Basil....well...he's grown so much gray hair on his body that I almost didn't recognize him! (I'll take some pictures tonight) They all haven't left our side until we had to go to work and leave them once more. :( You should have seen the looks I got! :( We spent all night cuddling with all three kitties...probably waking up every hour to move a kitty's leg or body away from our heads. :) Poor little things, I so hate leaving them for so long.

Our note from Auntie Kim (best friend and kitty sitter) said that Noel and Basil were her best friends and that Noah was pretty good. No attacking this time. :rolleyes:

It sure is great to be back!!!

10-02-2002, 02:55 PM
Welcome Home. Glad you had a safe and enjoyable trip. Yes take lots of photos tonight too!!! We just went away for three days this past weekend and our kitties missed us too like that. The first night we were back Yum Yum slept right inbetween the two of us. We thought it was cute. :)

10-02-2002, 02:57 PM
Welcome back! You were missed. I'm sure lots of cuddles and maybe a treat or two, will get you forgiven soon for being gone.:D

10-02-2002, 03:01 PM
Welcome back!! Hope you had fun. I remember when we went to Florida last month....both Joey and I couldn't wait to get back home to the babies. LOL...I squeal hello to my babies too. Sometimes I think I sqeal at too high a pitch and they don't like it...but it's just that I'm so happy to see them. Glad you're back!

10-02-2002, 06:35 PM
Thanks! :D

10-02-2002, 07:19 PM
Welcome home Noah's mommy, when I came home from tucson, Ariz. being gone 8 days, my furkids all began to meow and come around me. I surmized that they were hungry because there was not an interest from the sitter/checker about cats. Sure enough, after I fed them, and before I fed them, they all were happy to see me. Best welcome I could have received.


10-03-2002, 12:44 AM
Welcome back Kelly. :) I'm glad that you had a good trip and that your cats were also good while you were away. It's nice to know that you were missed by your furbabies. :)

10-03-2002, 04:27 PM
Yes, welcome back! I'm glad everything was all good with 'the kids'.
I think we were missed while we were gone too, but pretty much got the cold shoulder from our 2 boys when we returned. Scooter had also peed in the tub and against the wall under a window in the bathroom. :rolleyes:
How was your trip? Did you get to visit UC Davis?

Edwina's Secretary
10-03-2002, 04:29 PM
Wolflady...Isn't that what the bathroom is for?????

10-03-2002, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by wolflady
Yes, welcome back! I'm glad everything was all good with 'the kids'.
I think we were missed while we were gone too, but pretty much got the cold shoulder from our 2 boys when we returned. Scooter had also peed in the tub and against the wall under a window in the bathroom. :rolleyes:
How was your trip? Did you get to visit UC Davis?

Oh no!!! We were worried too, to see what Basil would do with us gone. Thankfully, nothing.

Yes! We went to UC Davis and it was WONDERFUL!! I can't wait to go there. We decided not to live in Davis...to college town for me. It's no fun when you're married and settled. You know what I mean? We are coming back up in February to check out Folsom and the surrounding areas.

How was your trip??

10-03-2002, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
Wolflady...Isn't that what the bathroom is for?????

LOL LOL Scooter is usually in his 'kitty cage' when we can't watch him during the day, but when we go away for longer periods, we take him out of the cage and put him in our Master bedroom bathroom...so he has more room to stretch. The cage would just be too small for several days of confinement. We usually put plastic down because his behavioral problem of peeing outside of the box, and we didn't this time...and found a nice yellow puddle in our tub! (YUK!) and on our wall under the window...Yuk! Needless to say, our bathroom needed a good cleaning to rid the cat pee smell. :rolleyes: If only Scooter understood that if he always went IN his litterbox, he would have free reign of the house like Marius! It's so frustrating sometimes. He had actually been good the past couple of times and I was hoping to come home to a pee free bathroom, but to no avail...

I'm so glad you enjoyed UC Davis, Kelly. I understand what you mean about the college town. Fremont and Walnut Creek are some options and I can look around for other options for you as well. Do let me know when you come up in Feb. You're more than welcome to come and stay with us, or we can at least meet up and go home hunting together! :D How exciting! I've never been to UC Davis. I wonder if they have any distance learning or classes that I could take through a closer location. Currently I'm looking into the vet school at Purdue University, since they offer distance learning and it will be easy for me to get re-entry since I already graduated from there. I'm still thinking about it though. What will you be taking at Davis?

Our trip was good, and I really enjoyed going back to the campus and seeing a bunch of my band alumni. It was homecoming at Purdue and we won the game against Minnesota. I also got to see my nephew who is now a year old, and I helped my sister and brother-in-law with their winery: crushing grapes, bottling and labeling wine. It was fun! Now, it's back to the grindstone...LOL


Miss Meow
10-03-2002, 06:10 PM
Welcome back! Glad to hear your furchildren welcomed you home and didn't destroy your house :) Look forward to seeing your pics.

10-03-2002, 08:01 PM
Sorry for the belated post but WELCOME BACK!!

10-04-2002, 04:57 AM
Welcome back Kelly - so pleased the trip went well and you had such a lovely welcome home from the furkids. LOL!! Have you managed to get up to date with the threads yet!!
Pics? Oh goody! When?
Can't wait to see how Basil has changed.
