View Full Version : Zeke

10-02-2002, 01:49 PM
Hm. Zeke jumped on the counter the other day, and I said "Zeke! No!" Then I walked up to up to get him to laydown in his spot. I've NEVER hit him, not even a tap, and he ran off and hide behide the couch! Does anyone knwo why he'd do that? He doesn't seem like he was abused, he doesn't lower his head when you go to pat him...only then..I didn't scream at him either, so I can't see him being scared of me..and I didn't storm in like I was going to attack him..? My poor little boy..

10-02-2002, 02:05 PM
Hmm...I don't know? Maybe he was just scared. Maybe someone has yelled at him in the past. I really don't know. Hopefully someone else can help you with this one.

10-02-2002, 02:57 PM
One of my huskies does this when he knows he's in trouble. Earle is not a rescue, I've had him since he was eight weeks old, he's never been hit or abused in any way. But when he's done something he knows he shouldn't of, like counter surfing, he suddenly acts like I beat him daily!:rolleyes: It's his way of trying to get out of trouble. I bet Zeke was doing the same thing.

10-02-2002, 03:01 PM
I agree with Glacier...I have known dogs that can sense when you are unhappy with them, and try to shrink down. There was one dog, Charlie, that all you had to do was raise your voice a little and say "Charrrrrrlieeeee" and he would sink to the ground and look at you with these great big eyes like you had just hit him.

10-04-2002, 12:58 AM
Nebo runs behind the couch too. Ok so he does it ALL the time. Normally it's just because he likes to run laps around the couch (drives my parents crazy). Hopefully he won't be able to fit back there for much longer, lol. There are 2 rooms that he is not allowed in (front room, parents rule, no dogs...don't want him in there b/c of the door anyway....and the room where reggie and smokey sleep/eat). Whenever he goes in one of those rooms I yell "Out!" and he normally listens. Well today he went in Reggie/Smokeys room and was heading for their food. I yelled "Out!" and he didn't listen......so I went in there and stomped my foot. Whoa speeding bullet! lol. He was behind that couch in a flash! He wouldn't come out for a minute either. I guess he knows how pissed off I get when he eats their food lol (gives him the poops). I doubt Zeke really thought you were gonna hurt him, he just knew you were mad. Even if you don't yell and scream like a mad woman (lol) they can still tell when you are upset.

Later on that night he accidentally flipped his toy a foot or two into the dog room. He just kind of looked at me pathetically like, "Can I go and get it........plllleaase?" :rolleyes:

10-04-2002, 06:44 AM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
Nebo runs behind the couch too. Ok so he does it ALL the time. Normally it's just because he likes to run laps around the couch (drives my parents crazy). Hopefully he won't be able to fit back there for much longer, lol.

Malone did that when we first got him, and it drove me insane...:eek: ...I was sure he was going to poop behind the couch (or something), and I didn't like not being able to see him. So I took 4 mambo-jambo sized books and placed them between the couch & the wall, and he has never tried to go behind there again.

Nebo is a lot older than that, and he might figure out (unlike Malone) that "oooh see Mom? I can jump over!."

10-04-2002, 10:14 AM
Its one of those big sectional couches. We tried putting a pillow there, but he chewed up the pillow. Then we put a cardboard box, and he tried to eat (literally) the box. I'm not sure if I dare try books, he'd probably eat them too! lol. He would definitely jump over them...as he just soars right over the magazine rack on the other end.

10-04-2002, 01:55 PM
Maybe he doesn't like the word no? Honey doesn't.