View Full Version : LOOONG post about a recurring problem

08-17-2009, 07:23 PM
I brought my boys home in February. Havoc was sneezing on the car ride home, but it cleared up on its own before I could get him to the vet a few days later. I figured maybe he was allergic to something in the shelter or car.

The first or second week in May he started sneezing again. I'm like OK this will pass. Then he started reverse sneezing which looks pretty violent in a cat. Took him to the vet, they gave him a shot of something, and he was fine within a couple days. This was at vet clinic#1, where I used to work years ago

ROUND 3, part 1
The end of July more sneezing and reverse sneezing. I had my bf take Havoc to vet #2. (I actually prefer vet #2 because it's a little closer and I knew the doc (just one doc here) from when he briefly worked at vet #1). Vet #2
sends them home with some Clavamox drops. I see the bottle is opened but I figured they gave Havvy a dose before he left.

6 days later I realize the bottle was not full because I've run out earlier than what should have been in the bottle. Havoc has barely sneezed at all since the meds ended, so I didn't worry. He looked to be over it.

part 2
a few days later Havoc starts up again. This time Toby snorts a little also, but stops in a couple days. I call vet #2 to see if I need more meds, or should bring them in. Doc is not able to come to phone but relays message thru receptionist that no more meds are needed, just let it run it's course. if it gets bad or he stops eating call them. This was a week ago, August 10th

part 3
Havoc seems stable enough but then around Friday or so, it starts getting a little worse. Saturday evening he's sneezing, reverse sneezing, and blowing actual blobs of snot on my windows....and occasionally me.....while I'm asleep. Talk about a rude awakening! YUCK! Come Sunday, he's looking miserable, his nose is running and he's snorting and gagging randomly. He still seems perky and playful oddly enough, but I know he has to see a vet. Soonest I could get him anywhere was this morning.

Hmmmm.... which vet? I like vet #2 better, but he doesn't open until 8 and I'm supposed to be at work by 7. Vet #1 opens at 7 but I know the head tech gets there a lot earlier, and I am trying to get to work on time if possible. I drop him off at vet #1 and head on to work. They'll have all day to look at him and I'll pick him up on my way home.

I call them before I leave and they say Doctor A had looked at him and was conferring with Doctor B, but Havoc wasn't quite ready to go. I tell them to call me at home when he's ready.

They call later and I talk directly to Doctor A, which is a plus because I can ask questions. Doctor A was a mere technician waaaay back when I worked there and honestly I still see him as a dopey tech that never impressed me much. But everyone else swears by him (eventhe head tech who I've known for like 15 years) so I'm like OK, I'm just re-living the past and that's not fair to him. Doctor A says he looked Havoc over this afternoon and he seemed perfectly fine! No runny eyes, no sneezing, no boogers, just a little bit of congestion in his lungs. I told Doc that Havoc was blowing big ol' snot boogers just this morning and he seemed surprised to hear it. I told him Havoc has a history of these supposed URI's and wondered what may cause it. He says probably asthma or allergies. Asthma is tricky to diagnose and requires complex possibly long-term medications or inhalers. Allergies may come and go as the allergens appear and disappear. Finding the source is often difficult. I say "well if he seemed fine at the clinic, I'm gonna go with allergies, gimme some anti-biotics to clear up the crud and we'll start all over" He says "fine I'll get you 3 weeks worth just to be absolutely sure we've gotten it all". I go to pick "perfectly fine" Havoc up.

WTF? Havoc's right eye is running and his left nostril is crusted shut. Did this moron even look at the right damn cat? "Pefectly fine"? At this point I'm truly getting annoyed. The afternoon rush is coming in and I know there's no way in hell they'll let me talk to the doctor again. Frustrated I take my cat and my fresh new bottle of antibiotic tablets home. Havoc seems tired but very relieved to be home.

sooooooo...... now what? Have faith in Vet #1, and give the antibiotics a few days to kick in? Go to vet #2 and tell them they didn't give me enough meds the last time? Find a vet #3? I am starting to think that no vets out there are willing to slow down enough to really look at animals any more. I have a co-worker who's boyfriend is a vet that maybe I can get somewhere with but he's in the middle of the city and I'm on the outskirts of the suburbs.

Or maybe I'm just paranoid that I'm gonna lose a cat to something that could have been diagnosed and dealt with long before it became a problem.

Sorry for the loooooooong post. I'm just worried about my poor widdle Havoc and his frequent respiratory woes.

Oh yeah Doctor A said he had no idea why Havoc's fur wasn't growing back after his surgery in March, nor could he offer any suggestions on what to do about it.:rolleyes: It grew back about halfway and seemed to stop...or at least slow waaaay down.

08-18-2009, 07:08 AM
My Coco Puff has "mucous globules" as my vet called them and on occasion, it gets worse so that he needs an antibiotic, an antihistamine and sometimes even a steroid shot to reduce inflammation. My vet feels that it could be an allergy but testing for it is lengthy and expensive and nearly impossible to determine what he's allergic to because it's probably environmental and not a food allergy. So I understand how frustrating it is for you but it's important that you be able to trust your vet's judgment so if you're unhappy w/yours, I'd do a search for another one that you feel comfortable with. I sure hope that Havoc is doing better now, poor baby. :)

Pinot's Mom
08-18-2009, 07:25 AM
I'm sorry you (and your kitty) are going through this. I don't know where you take your cats, but I think I would have to change to find someone I really trusted. I did a search for North Memphis and came up with these reviewed vets....good luck and keep us posted!


These were ones that had the most recent reviews. Let us know!


08-18-2009, 07:28 AM
I agree, if you don't feel comfortable with the vet, find another one for your dear one. Would you listen to a doctor who didn't seem to take any notice of your health problems or would you go out of your way to find one that cared about you? Since our furkids can't do that for themselves, they depend on us to do that for them. If your gut is telling you that your baby has something else wrong with him, listen to it. If you are comfortable that it is a URI and that the antibiotics will help, go with that.

Personally I don't love my vet, but I live in a very small town. There are only two choices and I had a bad experience with the other one when he was my vet. I guess because it is such a small practice or because I'm there so often, I can get in or talk to the vet any time I need to. I also do a lot of my own research so that I can be as knowledgeable as possible when I go in there.

08-18-2009, 09:54 AM
Havoc is a little more lively this morning, so I guess he was just a little depressed from being at the vet all day yesterday. He's still a little snuffy, but he's not actually sneezing as much as he was yesterday. Granted, he's only had one dose of antibiotics so far.

Antibiotics always clear up the problem, but I'm wondering if I'm just treating the symptoms rather than finding and preventing the problem. Seems a little odd that one cat would keep getting URI's and the other cat be perfectly fine.

I think what I need to do is talk to a vet and discuss all of my concerns before I take the cat in next time. Seems like once you drop them off, they're just another patient to be seen when you can squeeze them in. I've worked at a clinic before and I know how busy they can be, so I kinda know why these things happen, it's just a shame that everything is so rush-rush nowadays. Doctor B at clinic #1 is an excellent vet, but she is the large animal doctor and if there is a horse anywhere in that clinic it's hard to get her to pay attention to a dog or cat. Small animals get heaped on Doctor A who also gets stuck with surgeries.

08-20-2009, 02:22 AM
I went through a couple of vets before I found one I trusted. I will never take either of my boys to a vet that doesn't listen to me or take my concerns about my furbabies seriously. My vet's receptionists are even sympathetic and will talk to you. I love my vet!:love:

09-20-2009, 01:26 AM
I go to pick "perfectly fine" Havoc up.

WTF? Havoc's right eye is running and his left nostril is crusted shut. Did this moron even look at the right damn cat? "Pefectly fine"?

that would bother me too. try another vet. if he doesn't take your concern for your cat seriously he is not the right vet. like the one I took one of my cats to said she had a simple hairball, the 2nd one did an x-ray and she was badly constipated:mad:

09-20-2009, 09:52 AM
Sorry to hear about your vet troubles, and I've been there. The only really good vet in town is so busy it's hard to get in.

Thanks to this group for being here. Reverse sneezing? Never heard of it before, but Samwise starting gagging last night like he was trying to clear his sinuses. It wasn't violent but it sure got my attention. Then he did it this morning while trying to eat. His sinuses are snuffling so all sorts of reasons are going through my mind, esp with the new kitty.

Then I log on and see 'reverse sneezing' and knew what it meant. That takes a load of worry from my mind. I used a clay litter for the new kitty so she could have her own box. It's probably a reaction to that but he goes to the vet tomorrow morning on the way to work.

Hope your kitty feels better and you can find a good vet.

09-20-2009, 04:22 PM
Reverse sneezing? Never heard of it before

same here:rolleyes:

09-20-2009, 04:55 PM
look up a video called "reverse sneezing Tapioca" on YouTube or Google Video and you'll see a Siamese doing something pretty close to what Havoc does. He doesn't go that long though. And he almost always sneezes normally a few times first.

I'm guessing if he had allergies that the antibiotics wouldn't clear it up, right? I use Tidy Cats litter, which is the least dusty I have been able to find.

I looked up feline asthma and from what I see the symptoms are more along the lines of coughing, turning blue, etc....not sneezing. Can't say I've seen him coughing per say. Seems more sinus-related to me

I know URIs are pretty common in cats, but they're pretty contagious too and Toby only started sneezing once and was perfectly fine 2 days later.

Havoc finished up his 3weeks of antibiotics on Labor Day. He's starting to get a little snuffy again. Poor thing, I guess I'll take him back to the vet in a couple days, just gotta figure out which one to go to.:(

09-20-2009, 05:21 PM
look up a video called "reverse sneezing Tapioca" on YouTube or Google Video and you'll see a Siamese doing something pretty close to what Havoc does. He doesn't go that long though. And he almost always sneezes normally a few times first.

Yup, that's pretty much Sam. He does it just a few times, but it's when he eats mostly so it's hard to eat and I know that is stressing him. So I gave him some CTM in the gravy of some canned food. He's mad at me but he ate something a little later without the gagging. He didn't get the full dose that's allowed so I'll try a little more tonight before bed.

TO the vet tomorrow.

Hope Havoc continues to improve.