View Full Version : Hey there Lillie.

08-14-2009, 11:10 PM
You look like such a hoot to be with even if your favorite thing to do is sleep. Enjoy your time as DOTD.

08-15-2009, 11:07 AM
Oh!!! Be still my Beagle (and Beagle mix:D) loving heart!:love: Just look at that smile, those long, soft and silky ears! hehe Who could resist you is right!:p You're melting my heart, Pooh Bear! I must say sweet Beagle girl, you don't look at day over 5, and by the sound of it, you're just as spry, sprightly and active as a youngster!:cool: Bet you give your best bud Apollo a run for the money, and those pesky squirrels, too! So, now that's you've joined the ranks of Pet Talk's "top dogs," time to nominate Apollo!:D What a lucky family, having a furkid as beautiful and loving as you, Lillie! And I'll return the invite, Pooh Bear! If you're ever up North (PA) please stop by for a visit! Me and my Labbie girl Star would love to have you over for a fun day, romping in the woods and playing at the lake!:love: Congrats and bunches of hugs and smoochies to you, Lillie! Hope you enjoy a very happy, fun and adventure filled day, celebrating your MUCH deserved day of honor with your people, Apollo, and all of your adoring friends and fans!:love::love::love: Hope you get to go to the doggie beach or park today!:D

Daisy and Delilah
08-15-2009, 11:40 AM
Who wouldn't love you is right, Lillie Girl!! You are so cute with your smiley face on in both pictures. We don't care how much you snore. We would love to have you in our big bed any day. We can see why your family is so taken with your charms. We are in :love: with you too!! Congrats on your big day as our precious little Beagle DOTD!! Please tell Mom to deliver all day kisses to you from us today to help in the big celebration. How about some for Apollo too? We wish you all happiness always!!!!:love: :D :love: :D :love:

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Partly Cloudy, We hope it cools off, Florida :cool: :cool:

08-15-2009, 11:43 AM
Lillie, you are just gorgeous!:) I think your human doesn't REALLY care that you snore.;) I think they are just teasing you! I totally get the sleep, eat, sleep routine! I think that is a wonderful thing for dogs to do. Hanging out with Apollo sounds like fun, too. I hope some day we get to see a picture of the two of you playing together!:D :love: Well, CONGRATULATIONS on being named Dog of the Day! You certainly deserve it! Have a great afternoon and please get your human to give you hugs and nose kisses from us!:love:

08-15-2009, 04:26 PM
Hello Lillie,

You have the cutest face & great smile. No one could resist your charms.:love:
I have a special place in my heart for sweet Beagleslike you.:)
It's a pleasure meeting you today & congratulating you
for being chosen as our darling DOG OF THE DAY.:) Sending lots of
hugs & little kisses sweet Lillie.

finn's mom
08-15-2009, 06:26 PM
What a happy girl! I don't think I could ever frown around you!