View Full Version : Clipping a cat at home.

08-13-2009, 11:30 PM
Erps been getting some bad knots this summer, first time in her 6 years. I have clippers here but they are for me, I am assuming that cat clippers and human clippers arent the same and I shouldnt use the human clippers on Erp, is this correct?

Erp is a very trusting and forgiving cat so I have no problem using the clippers on her by myself, I just dont want to use my clippers if they will hurt her.

08-13-2009, 11:47 PM
Clippers are clippers are clippers;) Unless they are a cheap-o brand they will probably be fine for Erp. We use people clippers on our kitties(when we can catch them:rolleyes:) I've groomed horses for shows, trimmed dogs for the summer, and cut peoples hair. One of the best brands of clippers for all of these projects is Oster. Conair is not a bad lesser expensive brand. Hope this helps:)

08-13-2009, 11:57 PM
freckledimple, that is a big help. Thank you.

When I do try clipping the knots out of Erps coat Ill do a test cut so I dont get in over my head or hurt her.

I remember clipping horse manes when I was a teenager, horse hair isnt as fine as cat hair but my hair is pretty fine too.

Thanks again.

08-14-2009, 05:26 AM
It depends on the blade that is on the clipper. If the blade is meant to shave very close, like on the neck, it would be too close for the cat.

If there are plastic attachments that go over the blade to allow for different lengths, they might not clip out a matted area.

And just a warning, cat's skin is super easy to cut!

08-14-2009, 05:52 AM
Because my Pidge is so old, she can't reach certain spots to groom herself and she mats very easily and she detests being brushed. So I bought a clipper at Pet Supplies Plus and it came w/a handy video that demonstrates the proper to clip, where on the body to begin, etc. It was demonstrated on a dog but I applied it to Pidge and it was very helpful. :)

08-14-2009, 05:52 AM
Because my Pidge is so old, she can't reach certain spots to groom herself and she mats very easily and she detests being brushed. So I bought a clipper at Pet Supplies Plus and it came w/a handy video that demonstrates the proper way to clip, where on the body to begin, etc. It was demonstrated on a dog but I applied it to Pidge and it was very helpful. :)

08-14-2009, 04:47 PM
One thing that makes grooming a lot easier is having the proper tools and with the Furminator sent by Our Friend Pat aka Phesina, its so much easier now.:love::love:

08-15-2009, 01:24 AM
Got done clipping Erp's knots out with out any bloodshed from either side.

Thanks for the tips and encouragements everyone.

Even though Erp is a very mellow cat I did envision this being a big deal even though it was a small area, she has again shown she is a very forgiving, mellow cat.



08-15-2009, 06:35 AM
Erp's facial expression looks like she's saying "This guy thinks he got away w/something". Beautiful girl, blue. :)

08-15-2009, 08:10 AM
She sure is a pretty kitty! I'm glad you were able to get the mats out without incident. I didn't have any suggestions for you because I've never had to deal with that. I only have one long haired kitty and she keeps herself and her fur immaculate.

08-15-2009, 01:08 PM
Oh, yay, glad everything went without incident. Good kitty, Erp, letting Dad help you!

08-15-2009, 06:56 PM
I just LOVE the look!!!! " He will NEVER do that again!!!"

08-15-2009, 10:57 PM
She was irritated that I stopped petting her to take pictures.

08-16-2009, 04:30 AM
Thank you, because I've been asking this question to myself for a long time.

My mother has a long hair pershian cat, called Pippa, for those who know her and every summer she takes her to get groomed. Their problem is that she's not happy with the service they give. Normally in summer they are way too busy to give the propper attention to every pet and that really infurates my parents. For about 3 yrs they took her to a professional groomer, but the problem is they are so busy that the certified groomer has extra help from other people who are not certified. But what really got her mad was that they called her to collect Pippa 4 hours later and they didn't even give her any water to drink. By the time Pippa was home she was so dehydrated that she emptied her bowl of water in one go!!! That is just not fair!

This year they changed to someone else but where not happy either, they entered a room heavy with cigarette smoke, that she couldn't even stand and again the end result was horrible.

So I've been suggesting that I might do a better job on her. I have a clipper that my husband uses before shaving his head once in a while and now that I know it is good to use I might have a go.

Thanks for answering my untold question!

08-16-2009, 09:33 AM
What a beautiful girl she is! Especially now so perfectly groomed.

Pinot's Mom
08-17-2009, 09:14 AM
Got done clipping Erp's knots out with out any bloodshed from either side.

Thanks for the tips and encouragements everyone.

Even though Erp is a very mellow cat I did envision this being a big deal even though it was a small area, she has again shown she is a very forgiving, mellow cat.



Blue, that second picture is priceless....my Mother had a saying when she was alive that she used QUITE often, and I think it fits here...

"We won't do THAT again!" :rolleyes:

01-19-2010, 09:52 PM

"We won't do THAT again!" :rolleyes:

We might very well be seeing that look of anoyance soon.

01-19-2010, 10:27 PM
What a beautiful cat! Erp, you are magnificent!

When Smudge got mats, I just used scissors, but now that he's on a skin & coat supplement he doesn't get them any more. And he certainly doesn't object to having what's essentially a huge dollop of fish oil mixed into his food anyway.

Love, Columbine

01-20-2010, 05:20 AM
What supplements are you giving Smudge?

I clipped most of Erps mats out tonight, she wont be going outside anytime soon. I dont have pics because I dont have batteries for my camera.

01-20-2010, 10:33 AM
Well at least you only had to do a little clipping.

When I rescued Ozzy last spring he had to be shaved. They called it a lion cut at the vets.

Poor guy probably felt so naked. Now he's just a fuzzy dude. Pics below, the one is shortly after we took him in from the outside world.

01-20-2010, 08:12 PM
What supplements are you giving Smudge?

He gets Omega-Caps (http://healthypets.ecomm-search.com/redirect?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.healthypets.com%2Fom egacapgrn.html) - very easy to administer, as it's fish oil! I just put it in his canned food. It's his Special Sauce.

Love, Columbine

01-20-2010, 08:38 PM
You know that clipping a cat is a -i-teen yard penalty in the N-L!;)

08-01-2010, 12:17 AM
Erp got clipped again tonight, about twice the area as last time. Ill get pics if anybody wants them.

ETA: Since I took pics here are two.

