View Full Version : Creative Word

08-12-2009, 03:55 PM
I'm trying to come up with a good, smart-sounding word with a simple easy to understand definition for my AP English class.

My mind is blanking, so I thought someone could offer some suggestions :p.

Words, anyone?

08-12-2009, 04:07 PM
One of my favorite words - I like the way it sounds - is soliloquy

n. pl. so·lil·o·quies

1. - a. dramatic or literary form of discourse in which a character talks to himself or herself or reveals his or her thoughts without addressing a listener.
b. A specific speech or piece of writing in this form of discourse.

2. The act of speaking to oneself.

[Late Latin sōliloquium : Latin sōlus, alone; see s(w)e- in Indo-European roots + Latin loquī, to speak; see tolkw- in Indo-European roots.]

08-12-2009, 04:10 PM
Thanks, Grace! :)

08-12-2009, 05:04 PM
peripatetic - travels around a lot

official definition: Walking about or from place to place; traveling on foot.

One good way to find another good one is to go play Free Rice - http://www.freerice.com/ - all the definitions you choose from are one or two words, so just pick an impressive sounding one!

08-12-2009, 05:12 PM
peripatetic - travels around a lot

official definition: Walking about or from place to place; traveling on foot.

One good way to find another good one is to go play Free Rice - http://www.freerice.com/ - all the definitions you choose from are one or two words, so just pick an impressive sounding one!

I forgot about Free Rice - that's a great site!! And you can see how many foreign words you can translate. I did quite well with the Italian words :)

08-12-2009, 07:44 PM
How's about anamanapia - A word describing the sound something makes when in action such as "buzz" or "splat"

I like that one

08-12-2009, 08:09 PM
I, too, was going to suggest going to freerice.com to find some neat words. I love that site.

I have always been fond of the word "kerfuffle". :)