View Full Version : Puppy pictures

08-12-2009, 11:24 AM
Hi everyone, I figured out how to post facebook albums publicly. :)

Here are the most recent shots, all at age 9 weeks:

First album:
Second album:

And their little camping trip pictures:

And just a picture of the sire to our next litter:
This will be Visa's final litter and then she'll head back into the show ring and rally-o and agility. I'm excited about this litter, Tabu is a very sound, solid dog. This will be a linebreeding on the great Am Ch Nobel V Seigestor CD,WH,TD,AD,B,SCH III, IPO I, HIC, SAR. So I'm definatly expecting high drive puppies who want to work! Tabu's dam was a terv so some of these pups will carry terv too, how exciting. I'll get my terv puppy one day darnit lol.
We're getting a female pup from NH either late this year or early next (hoping that she and Tandem might be a good match -- pedigree-wise they would be but won't know about conformation and temperament-wise till we get the little stinker), so it will be another 3 or 4 years before our next litter. It will be a nice break, puppies are hard work and don't leave me much time for other things. Plus it will be nice to have puppies when the baby is a bit older, she can "help out." :) Anywhos, just thought you guys might like to see Tabu!

08-12-2009, 11:49 AM
Oh, how fun! Amazing how much of the forest a fluffy pup can carry home in his fur, isn't it?

08-12-2009, 04:05 PM
I´ve been seeing them in fb... but it´s grest to see them over and over again.. just hope you keep posting about Tandem.. and Visa of course

Tabu is sooooo handsome.. it´ll be great if you got a Terv.. but you´d need Visa to carry it too isn´t it?...(can´t remember about that one :p)

will you be getting updates on baby girl?.. and how about Solo? how´s he doing?

08-12-2009, 04:14 PM
The pictures are priceless!! I stand by my earlier comment - they look like baby black bears.

I think I've come in the middle of things - what breed are they? You mention wanting a terv one day. Is that a Belgian Tervuren, and are these puppies Belgian Shepherds?

08-12-2009, 04:28 PM
The pictures are priceless!! I stand by my earlier comment - they look like baby black bears.

I think I've come in the middle of things - what breed are they? You mention wanting a terv one day. Is that a Belgian Tervuren, and are these puppies Belgian Shepherds?

OMG they are so furry and cute! I agree. I thought they could pass for little baby black bears too.

08-13-2009, 11:43 AM
Thanks everyone! :)

Tabu is sooooo handsome.. it´ll be great if you got a Terv.. but you´d need Visa to carry it too isn´t it?...(can´t remember about that one :p)

will you be getting updates on baby girl?.. and how about Solo? how´s he doing?

Yes I'd need Visa to carry it, and unfortunatly it's highly highly unlikely that she does. But atleast some of the pups will, so maybe if I breed one of those ones I will get tervs one day. :)
Yes I'll be getting lots of updates on Kira. Her owner has been emailing me several times a day. She's already training her for tracking (and apparently she's doing very well and loooves turkey) and she started puppy classes yesterday.
Unfortunatly Solo is no longer with us. The people I had rehomed him with called me two months later and said he was attacking people. I was highly surprised as Solo was not an aggressive dog whatsoever, if anything he was exactly the opposite. I knew he could easily become fear aggressive if mishandled (he didn't have a great temperament), so I assumed this was the case. Unfortunatly this was not the case -- he was so extremely aggressive when I got him back that I ended up putting him down. I felt he was dangerous and was a liability for me to rehome. I don't know what happened to him but I've never seen a dog make a switch like that before. It wasn't even him anymore, there was no reasoning left in his head. He was absolutely vicious. It was one of the saddest things I've had to do but I think of it as a good life experience because it taught me a great deal of things, and I'll never take good temperament for granted -- it will always be my first priority in this breed.

I think I've come in the middle of things - what breed are they? You mention wanting a terv one day. Is that a Belgian Tervuren, and are these puppies Belgian Shepherds?
In every registry (except AKC) all four varieties (the tervuren, the malinois, the laekenois, and what I have -- the groenendael) are all considered Belgian shepherds. So yes, these are Belgian shepherds; Their variety is the longhaired black, called the groenendael. :) In AKC, they split the varieties into seperate breeds (excluding the laeken, AKC hasn't recognised these yet), and they changed the name of the groenendael to the Belgian sheepdog. So when I show up here in Canada, I am competing against all four varieties. When I show in the states, I will only be showing against other "Belgian sheepdogs." :)

08-13-2009, 11:49 AM
In every registry (except AKC) all four varieties (the tervuren, the malinois, the laekenois, and what I have -- the groenendael) are all considered Belgian shepherds. So yes, these are Belgian shepherds; Their variety is the longhaired black, called the groenendael. :) In AKC, they split the varieties into seperate breeds (excluding the laeken, AKC hasn't recognised these yet), and they changed the name of the groenendael to the Belgian sheepdog. So when I show up here in Canada, I am competing against all four varieties. When I show in the states, I will only be showing against other "Belgian sheepdogs." :)

Thanks for the info :)

Daisy and Delilah
08-13-2009, 12:12 PM
Great pictures!! They are the cutest pups on earth.

Rest In Peace Solo.:( I'm so sorry he changed so drastically.:(

08-13-2009, 06:18 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about Solo. R.I.P. It's a shame he made such a drastic turn for the worst. I'm sure that choice was a hard one.

The puppies are adorable!:D

08-13-2009, 08:40 PM
I´m so sorry about bringing up sad memories... but you knew him better.. and i´m sure you did what was best... but still sad indeed...RIP Solo

on a happier note great news about Kira.. she´ll be awesome.. and Tandem are you gonna show him?..

I can wait for you to get tervs.. I´ll jump to the roof right with you.. ;)

08-14-2009, 12:56 PM
Thanks guys, to be honest it wasn't a hard decision; I just knew it had to be done. My boss (at the time) came with me, and though she wasn't sure it was the right decision, she trusted my instincts. She told me afterwards that she agreed with my decision when we walked through the door and sat down, and he just continued to lunge at everyone who walked by. I'd never seen anything like it. He was the dog that loved other dogs more than any dog I ever knew, and when I got him back he just tried to kill everything. He had become food aggressive (which he was anything BUT before, he would have gladly shared his food), dog aggressive (which was the complete opposite of him when I had him -- he loved other dogs), people aggressive... I just couldn't believe what had happened to him, it was unbelievable.

on a happier note great news about Kira.. she´ll be awesome.. and Tandem are you gonna show him?..

Yes I'm very happy with Kira. Her owner told me yesterday that she plans to get her first tracking certification at the end of the year, and is hoping to get her PT in herding before the herding specialty next year.
I'm definatly going to show Tandem. He is absolutely gorgeous, I couldn't have asked for anything better. :) He's got Visa's structure to a T but with a deeper chest, which is exactly what I was hoping for. Visa's structure is (not biased) perfect except for her one fault -- she has a very shallow chest -- not just a bit -- it's bad lol. Atleast it doesn't cause her elbows to turn in and out so it doesn't bother me as it doesn't affect her movement, but I chose a male with a nice deep chest to hopefully improve upon her's, and it worked. Neither pups' chest quite reaches the elbow, but there's such a small space inbetween it will go unnoticed. Tandem also has a much nicer head and earset than Visa. Honestly not sure where his head and earset came from -- it's very much beyond his lines -- but I am happy!! lol. He's going to be such a nice boy. I'm hoping he will influence the breed quite bit, as we have such a small gene pool, and nobody uses these lines anymore.

08-14-2009, 07:22 PM
In every registry (except AKC) all four varieties (the tervuren, the malinois, the laekenois, and what I have -- the groenendael) are all considered Belgian shepherds. So yes, these are Belgian shepherds; Their variety is the longhaired black, called the groenendael. :) In AKC, they split the varieties into seperate breeds (excluding the laeken, AKC hasn't recognised these yet), and they changed the name of the groenendael to the Belgian sheepdog. So when I show up here in Canada, I am competing against all four varieties. When I show in the states, I will only be showing against other "Belgian sheepdogs." :)

Very interesting.... somewhat similar to Collies.

Up until the late 80's or early 90's Rough and Smooth Collies were considered two varieties of the same breed. They still are in North America, however most European countries, for some stupid reason, split them up into two separate breeds, and with the exception of a couple countries, in Europe they can no longer be interbred with each other, as they are now considered two separate breeds. Luckily in the US and Canada they are considered the same breed, as I prefer to do rough x smooth breedings LOL

However, at all-breed shows in the US and Canada, Rough and Smooth Collies do not compete against each other. At specialties, they will, but only for Best of Breed. First they have BOV (Best of Variety) and BOS smooth... then do BOV and BOS rough... then will have BOV rough and smooth come back and compete for Best of Breed. But this is only at specialties. At All-Breed shows they only go as far as BOV.