View Full Version : URGENT - must find home for cat in Bay Area Calif.

08-09-2009, 12:02 AM
Hello all, I've been on vacation for several days now. I've just heard from my friend and she is leaving to move back home (East Coast) this Wednesday. Problem is she needs to find a home for her 8 year old cat. She would take him with her but her moms dog would eat him. :(
He is a LARGE kitty, and is tabby striped just like my Taz was. He is such a lover kitty. Right now he is outdoors because in order to be indoors he had to be confined to one little bedroom and that didn't work for him.
He is diabetic but has been off his insulin shots for a few months now and is doing quite well. I believe it's because he's getting exercise being outside. He hangs out in the garage, backyard and front yard. He can be an indoor cat with no problems.
Oh, he is also polydactyl and is in Alameda County.

PLEASE help us find him a home. I don't know what else to do.:confused:
This is why I put this in General instead of Rescue.

08-09-2009, 12:18 AM
Cindy - it might be too soon for you - but could you take him?

08-09-2009, 06:12 AM
I was thinking the same. I think there is a kitty vacancy a Chez Taz/Zoe? I can't have an outdoor baby, too urban. :(

08-09-2009, 09:57 AM
I have also thought the same. But I don't think my house is right for him. My dogs "chase" the cats. Not to hurt them, but they run after them. He is so big I don't think that would be good for him. I will not have an outdoor cat, period. Don't think I haven't thought of it. My other problem is trying to convince Bruce to take in a cat that already has health issues. Especially since I'm still paying on Taz. Oh, and Taggart got another foxtail in his nose while we are gone on vacation. Sigh!

But if things go as they are I might have to take him until I can find a permanent home for him. I think I MIGHT be able to persuade Bruce with the foster idea.

08-10-2009, 01:08 AM
Well, a decision has been made. It was actually quite easy since my friend texted me today and asked me to find a temporary home for G. That's easy....HERE!!
Although Bruce has some reservations about it, we are going to give it a shot. My friend will be back in Cali in a couple of months and will take him then. So if he doesn't work out here I'll have to find another temp home for him. But I'm thinking my mom might be able to handle a couple months. Of course the dog they've had for almost three years was supposed to be temporary too. LOL
But I know my friend will be back for her boy. This cat is very special. Her and her husband (who recently passed away) got him together after they got married.
So G might be here tomorrow night or Tuesday night. :D