View Full Version : EEEEK! A Mini Me?

Laura's Babies
08-06-2009, 07:04 PM
Yes, I am going overboard with the pictures but I been telling Button's, he is Boo's Mimi Me. Here she was walking by and saw him and I got to ask her "Is he your Mini Me?

Look at her markings and then look at his

She is not happy they have been in the house and neither is Giz.. Amy and Samantha could care less. I do not want to rock the boat so I only bring them in during the hot part of the day and they immediately go to sleep (when I can leave them alone) and sleep the whole time they are in here.

All you experiences people, the one right behind Buttons to his right, see his eye? Yesterday, while playing, another kitten scratched him in that eye.. What can I put in it to keep it from getting infected?

08-06-2009, 10:46 PM
That IS Boo's Mini Me! Kitty Boo, I am sorry you aren't happy about the kittens. :(

08-06-2009, 10:55 PM
the one right behind Buttons to his right,

I dont what to put on his scratches, but Im wondering if he can be shipped here?

08-07-2009, 06:56 AM
OMG, that second pic is too much! It's as though they all posed for it. How adorable. There's an ointment for the wee one's eye that you can get from your vet but for the life of me I can't recall the name of it now. :love:

08-07-2009, 07:19 AM
When Aroara scratches Morgan's eye and it gets runny, I will steep some chamomile tea and soak a paper towel and rub it over Morgan's eye. It has helped every time.

Pinot's Mom
08-07-2009, 07:27 AM
When Aroara scratches Morgan's eye and it gets runny, I will steep some chamomile tea and soak a paper towel and rub it over Morgan's eye. It has helped every time.

I've never heard of that! It wouldn't have occurred to me. You learn something new all the time here!

That picture of all of them looks like the poor orangie Buttons is being shunned!

08-07-2009, 08:07 AM
Laura, I think Trioptic P is what I had for Gracie and Gabriel when I first got them. I got it from the vet and was pretty inexpensive.

I think you should call Buttons "Mini Boo". ;)

Laura's Babies
08-07-2009, 08:15 AM
That picture of all of them looks like the poor orangie Buttons is being shunned!

I don't know if they are shunning him or he shuns him but I had told Rie the other day that he don't huddle with them like he is one of the pack. It could be that when he sees humans, he is up and wanting to check it out where they see a human and huddle together. He is an explorer, he is a lot more courise about his world than they are and he is so people oriented where they are not.

I dont what to put on his scratches, but Im wondering if he can be shipped here

I am sure that could be arranged after he is older if we can keep him socialized until then..

08-07-2009, 09:41 AM
I have found that too that Orange Male Kittens are a lot more curious about things that other Kittens.
That would be Wonderful if Boo would get used to and LOVE her Protege!
Button belongs with Our Aunt Laura!!:cool::cool::cool:

08-07-2009, 09:54 AM
It all comes with time. Every time we have had a kitten in the house theres been trouble. But when thier about 10-15 weeks old the tables turn and the older ones can't take the energy of the little ones. After about 6 months it all calms down.
Just got to love that face.

08-07-2009, 09:57 AM
Michael and Miquelito want Button sent ASAP!
We need more ORANGE here!!!

Laura's Babies
08-07-2009, 11:01 AM
I called the vet and he is giving me some eye ointment for the wee ones eye. Off to go get it now!

08-07-2009, 11:10 AM
:love: Aweee they are All so Cute & Sweet.. Gosh Laura you really should keep Buttons..

Yup I have topical eye ointment at the house from my Vet as a prescription for if I need for my babies..
I called the vet and he is giving me some eye ointment for the wee ones eye. Off to go get it now!

Laura's Babies
08-07-2009, 02:47 PM
Got the ointment and the first dose is in it's eye already. I told the girls at the vets office of my delima with them and asked if there was anyone who could take them and help keep them socialized while I was gone...I'd get them back when I return. One girl said she might, had to call her boyfriend as ask. I told them to please tell her to call me rather the answer is Yes or No.

They are totally tame today, not hissy or scared at all. Rie came got her kitten fix already..

Gosh Laura you really should keep Buttons..

# 1 thing is my age. I don't think at my age, I should be taking on any this young no matter how bad I want to. I would hate to think of what would happen if I die and have a housefull of cats that nobody else wanted..

08-07-2009, 04:16 PM
:) Well I know that you will live to be 100.. Really I understand.. I just had a conversation with a guy here at work that him & his wife just got a 6 wk old puppy && the couple is 68 yrs of young.. He did not see what I was saying at all.. Go with your Heart Laura & all will be good & right..
Got the ointment and the first dose is in it's eye already. I told the girls at the vets office of my delima with them and asked if there was anyone who could take them and help keep them socialized while I was gone...I'd get them back when I return. One girl said she might, had to call her boyfriend as ask. I told them to please tell her to call me rather the answer is Yes or No.

They are totally tame today, not hissy or scared at all. Rie came got her kitten fix already..

# 1 thing is my age. I don't think at my age, I should be taking on any this young no matter how bad I want to. I would hate to think of what would happen if I die and have a housefull of cats that nobody else wanted..

Edwina's Secretary
08-08-2009, 04:26 PM
I think the other kittens are just jealous of how cute, cute, cute Buttons is!

08-08-2009, 08:21 PM
When Aroara scratches Morgan's eye and it gets runny, I will steep some chamomile tea and soak a paper towel and rub it over Morgan's eye. It has helped every time.

I'm a member of a body modification site, and they often recomend using steeped chamomile tea bags to calm down and soothe an irritated piercing. I've also read in a number of magazines, that you can use steeped chamomile tea bags as a way to sooth puffy eyes and help relieve dark circles. If it works for us, why shouldn't it works for kitties?

08-09-2009, 10:23 PM
Oh gosh Laura, what a bunch of adorable widdle kitties. I'm glad that you were able to get the ointment for the little ones eye. I hope he/she has a full and speedy recovery.

I also pray that the vets boyfriend agrees to take the kittens while you are gone. I hate to think of them being under your house when you are not there to feed them.