View Full Version : Shelbie

08-06-2009, 10:05 AM
You are so cute- so glad you are in a loving home now-it is hard to believe some peoples stupidity when it comes to caring for an animal as with the person who was going to put you down -someone one should lock them in a house all day with no bathroom and see what they do!
You look really special in your sweater -we have a long haired chi and know the sleeping situation where it feels like you have a chi print in your back from the snuggling -wouldnt have it any other way
Enjoy your day!

KC and JoJo

08-06-2009, 10:41 AM
What a cute little guy you are, Shelbie! :cool:I am sorry to hear that there are people out there who are so stupid and cruel to animals. :mad:The only acceptable reason to put down and animal is if they are so sick their quality of life no longer exists! :( I cry each time I think about how horrible people are. I know there are good ones, though, like your new human. :love: Congrats on being named our very special little Dog of the Day. I hope you have a wonderful afternoon with your brother and get to go to the dog park. Have a lie down and a few special treats. :love:

08-06-2009, 12:38 PM
You are too cute for words! Congrats on being Dog of the Day. What a story you have. So happy for you now...
you really make me want a chihuahua...alot!
kisses to you...

Daisy and Delilah
08-06-2009, 01:24 PM
Let us try to stop crying after reading this story.:( We are almost speechless over this. What a complete idiot you had for your previous owner!! We aren't mean spirited but we can not wish enough bad karma on that woman.:mad: We will hope she gets what she deserves some day!!

Shelbie, you are so incredibly precious!! We are ever so slightly in love with you, little man. How cute are you in that stylin sweater? Thanks to your wonderful Mom for coming around at just the right time. As fate would have it, she was magically there to save you. Congrats on your big day today as our most deserving DOTD!! Please tell Mom to add a million kisses to your schedule of celebrating today. Those are from us. We wish you happiness always!!!:love: :D :love: :D :love:

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Very Hot and Sunny Florida :cool: :cool:

08-06-2009, 02:27 PM
Shelbie, you are so adorable. You look so proud of yourself in your pretty sweater. Thank goodness you are now in a forever loving home and away from that fool who took you to the vet. Wish I could kiss you on that sweet little face Mister Shelbie. Also wishing you many treats and a long happy life. Congratulations on being our DOTD.

08-06-2009, 04:13 PM
Happy Dog of the Day to you adorable, darling Shelbie!!!:D Fess up sweetheart, you're puckering up for a kiss in that heart melting photos!:p What a doll baby; your sweater is just too, too precious! Now don't get me started on your former "family!":mad: There are no words for so called humans such as they, people who would PTS a helpless, defenseless animal, a supposed member of the family, for NO reason under than a bit of inconvenience and lack of commitment and training on their part!!! Thank goodness for caring, compassionate forever families such as yours! You're safe now sweetheart, and loved beyond measure, forever and always, just as it should be! And you know Shelbie, as they say, living well is the best revenge, and boy, aren't you ever!;):cool::) Congratulations and bunches of love and kisses to you on your much deserved day in the spotlight, precious Shelbie! Enjoy your special day, celebrating with your beloved Mom, furbro Cody and all of your pup pals at the doggie park!:love::love::love: Hope you're spoiled rotten, hehe (No doubt about that, right sweetheart?

08-06-2009, 04:34 PM
Hi Shelbie,

I love your name Shelbie. It goes with your handsome self.:love: You seem
like a little guy with a big heart & a good spirit.:) I am so glad your momma
met you & took you home. Congratulations on being our DOG OF THE DAY.:)
Wishing many, many happy years together. Hugs & tiny kisses sweet boy.

08-06-2009, 08:35 PM
First off, I want to say that anyone who'd want to put down a pet for having an accident on the floor SHOULD NOT be a pet owner! Shame on that horrible woman for wanting to do that to you!
I'm glad that you have a new, LOVING home! Enjoy your DOTD status, cutiie! :)