View Full Version : Wonders about some people!!!!

Lori Jordan
08-05-2009, 08:50 PM
A friend of mine's Husky vanished about a month and a half ago,I helped her put posters,we even did an online add of all his information and numbers to call if he was found.And spoke with the dog catcher in the area numerous times.

It all falls into place as of 2 days ago,Me having the computer i had the emails sent to me from the Kijiji we used to post he was missing.Anyways we got a few false alarms,On both i called the dog catcher and it turned out to be nothing.The next afternoon Aug 4th,I got a call from a woman who lives just down the road from me,saying she had the dog,Jenn could not go get him her husband had there car,So i went,What a treat that was.

This woman has had him since the day he vanished,She told me the dog was starved,all she could do was complain,Ty is a big dog he is not starved,He lost that weight since in her care.Nice eh someone finds a dog with tags and waits a month to make the call...Anyways it ended up i unhooked ty put him in my car and left.

We honestly think she took him,There was no way he would of got out of the fence,The dig holes or anything would of been visible.He is a very hyper boy we think she could not handle him so she made the call.

Arnt people twisted????

08-05-2009, 10:58 PM
Its why I like my dogs and cat more then most people.

Glad your friend got her dog back.

08-06-2009, 08:57 AM
Wow that's awful. I can't imagine taking someone's dog! At least she gave him back instead of dumping him somewhere. That's the only positive I see.. that and getting him back safe. Crazy woman... geez.

Lori Jordan
08-06-2009, 10:22 AM
Its why I like my dogs and cat more then most people.

Glad your friend got her dog back.

I have a magnet on my fridge saying,The more people i meet,The more i love my dog.And it is very true.I would be happy on a deserted island with just my dogs,I would do just fine!

08-06-2009, 10:28 AM
I guess theft charges aren't possible?

A 14 year old in Calgary was charged with that (dog was returned to owners).