View Full Version : Help! We're In Jail!!

10-01-2002, 05:58 PM

Look what mommy & daddy did to us! They put me & Huney in jail!
Huney looks really sad, but I guess it wasn't THAT bad
At least we got a peanutbutter filled Kong to pass the time while we were locked up:) (and we do have a little room to play!)
And can you believe this? Angus actually stayed by our kennel & ate his Kong. He really loves us:D
Guess we're going to be spending some time in here from now on when mom & dad are at work:rolleyes:

Hey, it's Anna here, don't let those girls fool you, it really wasn't bad at all, the only problem was that they chewed up their water bowl! Guess I have to get them a metal one, but knowing them, they'll probably dump it too! Roxey actually was standing around in there tonight. Now, I know they don't really love it in there, but they can deal for a few hours a day! I just want to keep them safe! Can you believe Angus? He really must love those girls alot:D

10-01-2002, 06:08 PM
Anna, the girls will get used to their new kennel. It will only be a few hours a day. How sweet of Angus to hang out close by :)

10-01-2002, 07:27 PM
Hey Anna,
Where did you get your kennel at? We need one for Ruff.

10-01-2002, 07:54 PM
Pretty fancy kennel setup you have there. Looks very
nice. Can you use a tarp on top & a side in case of rain?
What kind of flooring did you use? At least you can leave
for a few hours & know they will be safe while you're gone.

10-01-2002, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by lizbud
...At least you can leave for a few hours & know they will be safe while you're gone.

Whew! Liz took the words right out of my mouth. ;) It has got to be a relief to know your girls will be safe, though. {{{hugs}}}

10-01-2002, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by lizbud
Can you use a tarp on top & a side in case of rain?

Yep, we actually spent about $70 on a tarp for the top, it blocks the rays & where we have it there is always shade in at least 1/2 of it. Don't want them to get too hot:D We may move it in the summer, under the trees, but for the winter this seems like it will work well (next to the house to block the wind & rain w/easy access for when it snows). We spent alot of $$ on it, but it's well worth it. The flooring is rubber mats on part of it, then some grass. If it's gonna rain, I think I will just leave them in the house, plus they have a dog house in there too:D But if needed, we will buy a tarp for the side.

Originally posted by Tina
Where did you get your kennel at?
We got it at TSC (a tractor supply store-it was about $250 & the mats on the bottom are truck mats-about $130 for the both of them & &70 for the tarp). Well worth the price for the life of my girls!

10-01-2002, 09:40 PM
Thanks Anna. We don't have a Tractor Supply store near us. But I may check Southern States for a kennel. We need one for Ruff cause he likes to go down town even though we live about 2-3 miles from town. We need to find one.

10-01-2002, 10:04 PM
What good doggie-parents you are, and Angus wins some "best big brother of the dog kingdom" award for sticking close by.

10-01-2002, 10:51 PM
I'm so glad you found a good solution to the problem!

Huney and Roxey - That's a pretty nice version of jail!! :)

10-01-2002, 11:56 PM
It does look like a pretty nice Jail!! But I agree with you, as long as they are safe!!!
You can buy the waterers that hook to the side of the kennel. Check www.drsfostersmith.com or www.petsmart.com
Tina, you should be able to find one at Home Depot, Lowe's, Carter's. Or any farm store should be able to find you one.

10-02-2002, 12:21 AM
Nice kennel! Roxey and Huney sure put on a big act on how sad they are! lol. Nebo did too at first, but he likes it now. How big are each of those mats on the floor? I need to get something to at least put in front of the door in Nebo's dog run. It gets all muddy! The grass is almost gone.

10-02-2002, 06:15 AM
Originally posted by shais_mom
You can buy the waterers that hook to the side of the kennel.
:) Mark & I were just talking about that last night, knowing us, Roxey will probably try to eat it too, but I think I'm gonna get one & try it.

Originally posted by wolf_q
How big are each of those mats on the floor?
I think Mark said they are 8x5.

Originally posted by Karen
Angus wins some "best big brother of the dog kingdom" award for sticking close by.
I would TOTALLY agree, he's a little angelhttp://pages.prodigy.net/rogerlori1/emoticons/angelz.gif

Dixieland Dancer
10-02-2002, 07:47 AM
I think you and Mark deserve lots of credit for making sure your babies are safe! It is a great solution and the two of them will get use to it before you even know it. Atleast they have each other in there to keep company!

Angus is definitely an ANGEL!!!! :D

Dakota's Mommy
10-02-2002, 08:26 AM
I think they'll love their jail in no time! Once they realize it's all theirs, it will help.

10-02-2002, 10:11 AM
Now now Huney and Roxey. If you had been good girls and stayed in the yard, you wouldn't be there.

Be happy that mommy and daddy love you so much and that you have an Angel for a brother who will stick by you.

The kennel looks great. No sign of them trying to dig under it is there?

10-02-2002, 01:01 PM
You're an angel, Angus!!! :D

10-02-2002, 02:30 PM
Hey, 2 days & no digging yet(and I do mean "yet"!). I know she's going to try, at least she won't get far with the wire under it! At least today when I coaxed them in with their Kongs, they didn't have a problem going in. I thought for sure they'd be like, no way, we're not going in there again! But they were fine!
Ok, so today I put a metal pan out for their water to go in, guess what?! It was dumped & when I came home Roxey was chewing on the hard plastic handle. What a little goober:rolleyes: Guess I will have to try one of the waterers that hook on the side..maybe a big metal bucket with no plastic, I don't know. Has anyone ever used one of the waterers? Do they get enough water out of them?

10-02-2002, 03:07 PM
aw bless their little hearts, they don't look very happy. They will get used to it. :)

10-02-2002, 03:10 PM
That is a beautiful dog cage , Anna !! Don't worry , your doggies will get used to it !!!
Success !!!!

10-02-2002, 03:16 PM
WOW! What a nice doggie jail! It won't be so bad. I had to put a lock on the door of my dog's pen. (he's long gone to the Rainbow bridge) We had a kid in the neighborhood that went around letting dogs loose. I bet they start enjoying themselves in no time.

10-02-2002, 04:22 PM
AWWWW! Poor girls! Your mommy is just trying to keep you safe! And your brother is such a good boy for staying close by.

10-03-2002, 05:05 PM
What a brilliant job you have done there! :) I don`t think the pair of them are a bit unhappy, I think they have just put on that "poor me" expression that most dogs figure out how to do to try and get what they want! As for my hero Angus, once again he has proved what a beautiful dog he is, inside and out. :) :) He fully deserves that halo you have given him in your new signature pic (which, by the way, I think is just great)!

10-04-2002, 07:38 AM
Well, thanks! I think the girls look just pathetic, but Angus is a wonderful big brother to them!