View Full Version : first trip to petco

10-01-2002, 05:11 PM
I was up in Williston Vermont today (about 2 hours from here) and we were right near a Petco, so we stopped in there. Malone had SO much fun! He met a little white dog (whom he wanted to jump all over but I didn't let him--mean old Mom!); got a cookie (a BIG one!) from a store employee; got all kinds of pats and rubs; and investigated EVERYTHING! I was going to buy him a new toy, but he wasn't interested! He much preferred sniffing all the corners (probably where all the other doggies had to "go"). Then we went down the "bone" aisle, and he picked out a cow hoof (all by himself!) and Mom picked out a great big white bone. After that, he wanted to go into EVERY store with us (probably thinking he would be given cookies there, too). :D

*Sigh* I really wish they would build a Petco or Petsmart or SOMETHING near us! We do have a locally owned petstore near us, but they get there pups through puppy mills, so I don't like to go there unless I absolutely have to...

10-01-2002, 05:43 PM
Awwww, what a fun trip!! I just adore Malone!!! I'll bet he was a huge hit wherever he went!!:) Shopping with the kids is such fun!:D

10-01-2002, 06:15 PM
All my dogs love going to SuperPetz! It is always such a blast for them, but I think I have just as much fun as they do!
Roxey likes to go down the bone isle too, she always grabs one before I can stop her! She also likes to go down the food isle...seems there is always a bag that has had a hole in it & she likes to eat the food laying on the floor:eek: yuk!
So glad sweetie Malone had a good time, is there a store anywhere at all close to you? The nearest one to us is only about 10 miles. Maybe you could check online?

10-01-2002, 08:16 PM
That is so cool that you were up in Williston today, I work in Shelburne just a town or two away! The Petco is pretty new since this summer, I haven't been up there myself yet. Have you been to the Petsmart in Williston? That is where we got our parakeet last summer! Have you ever been to a big petstore in West Lebanon, NH? It is right off 89 by the Big K-mart. It has a cool bird room as well as other pets and a huge fish room downstairs!
I am glad that Mr Malone had a good time shopping!:)

10-01-2002, 08:54 PM
Ooops! I always get the two stores mixed up! It was Petsmart that we went to, not Petco. Silly me!

Yes, I've been to the Lebanon Pet & Aquarium Center, and *love* their bird room. We actually got our two hamsters from there (we got Buffy after Nibbles passed away).

Mark didn't even know there was a Petco in Wiliston--where abouts is it??

10-01-2002, 09:14 PM
The new Petco is actually in South Burlington just off 89 on Williston Road. Take the exit for UVM and the hospital to get there, its pretty much across the road from the Sheraton. I think Sasvermont said she has been there to get something for her cats, she works in the Burlington area.

That is it, the Lebanon Pet and Aquarium Center! My kids loved to visit there when we were down that way, of course that was before Petsmart came to Williston!:) I loved looking at the big birds there, but they always had big price tags!:eek:

Go to www.petco.com to find the store on the map and there are some listed in NH too. (I just checked the website after I posted so I had to add it in):)

10-02-2002, 12:27 AM
Yay for Malone! Nebo and Lady have regulare trips to Petco and Petsmart. We have both quite close to me! I love going there, it's fun! I think I just like taking the dogs in the store! LOL. I tried taking Reggie there once but he kept growling at all the dogs and pooped twice and peed a few times too...I swear he held it all day just for the minute we walked in the store!!......he hasn't been back since. I'm going to have to try to take him again sometime. Nebo has gone in the store too, but it was because he really couldn't hold it.......and I was at the back of the store for his class.

Nebo always grabs stuff off of the shelves too. He thinks everything in there belongs to him! The first time I took him in Petco I was in the toy isle. And I casually squeaked a cat toy as I was walking by. Nebo jumped right up and knocked a bunch of toys off. It was funny. :D

Dakota's Mommy
10-02-2002, 08:58 AM
Dakota absolutely loves going into Petco with us. She has a blast because of all the attention she gets and the friends that she meets. I love stores like that, ones that let you include your pets on the shopping. It's so much better than having to leave them at home while you get try to figure out what to get them to play with. I figure that kids get to choose their toys, why shouldn't pets get to too!