View Full Version : Eating more?

Tora Oni
08-03-2009, 02:22 PM
Alright so I've had Stormy for 8 years or so, I adore my cat he is my first cat and I probably made many mistakes with him. I noticed lately he has been eating more and more dry cat food, I have been told that wet cat food would do better for him since he is in check weight wise and its high nutrient dense and high moisture which is what a cat needs. Well I was thinking I haven't noticed a huge increase in water, though its hard to tell with the dog and cat drinking from the same bowl. Anyways do you guys know of any health issues that cause increase in appetite but now effect on weight I mean I thought about him having tapeworms or some type of parasite. Though I've looked at his stool no sign and he has rubbed his butt across the ground from day one, so that is just one of his lazy quirks.

Any ideas or suggestions would be nice, He is nine years old. He had been on diet because he just had been a little over weight which was about 2lbs difference. He enjoys sunbathing a lot and I know he has a small heart murmur which vet said its barely there but something down the road from now like heart disease may be awaiting.

08-03-2009, 03:18 PM
He's the right age for hyperthyroidism but that's usually indicated by an increase in appetite and loss of weight. I've been fooled by my cats before, thinking they look and feel about the same weight, and then been shocked at the vet to find they have lost several ounces. How long has it been since he was weighed at the vet's office? With his low grade heart murmur, you do want to tackle hyperthyroidism early.

On the other hand, he could just be going through a phase - you know, the kind of thing that makes us worry and it means nothing, like the way cats stare at a door when you are all alone at night, and then they walk away nonchalantly leaving you to worry that there is a burglar out there.

08-03-2009, 03:25 PM
If Stormy is acting normally and not losing a noticable amount of weight, just keep and eye on him and try not to be overly concerned. My cat, Mac, is around 11 years old and is losing a tiny bit of weight. I've had him checked, he is fine, just getting older. Still, I keep an eye one him for any loss of energy or more weight loss. He's not skinny, just not as round as he used to be.:D He still plays like a kitten, so I'm not overly worried.

08-03-2009, 03:37 PM
Could be thyroid, start of diabetes or a tummy worm - or just a phase.

Make a vet appt, and take a stool sample in with you and Stormy. The sample can be checked right there.

The other stuff will need bloodwork.

I hope all turns out well.:)

08-03-2009, 03:41 PM
butt-dragging may also be a sign of anal gland issues. He's neutered, right?

08-03-2009, 03:52 PM
At my vet, I drop in with a cat and get a weight, no charge, no appointment. I usually go in the mornings when they are doing surgeries, so there are no appointments, the exam rooms are just sitting there empty.

I know it is a nuisance to get the cat in the carrier and take him over, howling all the way if he is like mine. But it is an idea, and I've done it a few times over the years when I was wondering about stuff.

Tora Oni
08-07-2009, 10:51 AM
Lizzie- Thanks for the Advice I keep check of his weight but we do have a new pup, we got her almost a year after our first dog passed away and she was much rougher on the cat and still is from time to time. He puts up with it but he knows how to put her in her place time to time, she is a small dog, but she is rougher than our big dog.

Catty1- I'm still going to watch ans see how he is doing, I am thinking about taking him to the vets if I see a difference on his weight, I can get an estimate at home with our own scale, He can be co-operative.

aTaleof2Kitties- we had him neutered during the first year of getting him. Had to with all the farm cats our neighbors had. I think he was 1-2 years old then, Does that make a difference or does it still look like an option?

Freedom- That is a good Idea. I will consider my options.