View Full Version : Going to buy a new computer

08-03-2009, 01:07 PM
I put this off for quite a while, but now I think the time has come... My pc will be 4 years old in November, and even though I really liked this one because it always worked reliable and barely crashed, I think it's about time to get something new.

The hard drives are almost full, and the entire machine is so slow now... Some of my programs (including my internet browser) take forever to load, and it's getting annoying.

First I was thinking about keeping this one, and only getting bigger hard drives and ram, But it turned out that the new ones are not fitting, and the older ones are too expensive. And I don't want to rely on external drives alone...

So I decided to buy one that comes without an operation system. That way, I cam save money, and I can still use my old XP. But I'm getting a bit nervous. It takes a lot of time and a lot of planning and organizing, and my biggest fear is that I cannot go online for a while! Call me an internet addict, and you're probably right! LOL

I really wish I'd already have the new one running. Wish me luck, please! :)


Laura's Babies
08-03-2009, 03:08 PM
Why not keep your old one up and online until you get the new one done and it is running right? I still have my old one since my new one is a 64 bit system and some of the older programs won't work on a 64 bit system.

08-03-2009, 03:24 PM
Good idea! Yes, I think I'm going to try that...


08-03-2009, 09:21 PM
Good luck Kirsten! I hate it if I can't get online for any reason! Hopefully you can keep the old one up and running until the new one is all set.:)

08-04-2009, 12:39 AM
Kirsten, could'nt you borrow an external hardrive to save the files you need and just reformat your current hard drive and reinstall XP? It would save you the expense of a new computer. If you dont need to save any files on your current computer just reformat and reinstall XP.

If you do buy a new computer, you could use the old computer to try another operating system other then what Windows offers. Im currently using 3 computers with different OS, XP Pro, Ubuntu desktop, and Ubuntu Server.

08-04-2009, 02:07 PM
Kirsten, could'nt you borrow an external hardrive to save the files you need and just reformat your current hard drive and reinstall XP? It would save you the expense of a new computer. If you dont need to save any files on your current computer just reformat and reinstall XP

That was my original plan, but I also wanted to get a second, bigger internal hard drive for my photos. Anyway, it turned out that the interface of current hard drives won't fit, and buying an older HD would almost be as expensive as a new computer. Also, meanwhile I like the thought of having a pc with a dual core processor; my old AMD 3000+ doesn't match today's standards...
