View Full Version : Otis to the vets' today

10-01-2002, 04:10 PM
Otis has been suffering with diarrhea for the past week. so, today I took him to the vet for a check up. He was beginning to become weak and emaciated also and particularly so today. Vet said that he has some kind of bacteria in his gut that is causing the "runs". They gave me some meds for him. Now that Otis is on the sick list also, please continue to pray for him. One of the receptionists, began to ooh and aah at him because of his vibrant orange coloration. He is one of the most orange tabbys that I have seen. He looks alot like Murf COTD for June 16th ,2000 but he is still a kitten -being less than 9 months old. All the rest of my furkids appear to be OK. I hope when this bout with sickness is over it will be just that--over! Whew!


10-01-2002, 04:42 PM
Wayne, you and your furkids are going through such a rough time! The herd is crossing all available limbs and tails for a speedy recovery for Otis, and some peaceful time for you and the rest of the furries!:)

10-01-2002, 05:56 PM
I hope Otis feels better soon:( I'm sure the medication will kick in shortly and Otis will be over this in no time. Being so young, he will recover quicker than an older cat would-so youth is on his side!!

Get well soon Otis!! Lots of love from the gang:)

Miss Meow
10-01-2002, 06:06 PM
All the best for Otis too. Hopefully his medication kicks in quickly and he comes back to good health soon. Good luck Wayne, we are thinking of you.

10-01-2002, 06:26 PM
Otis, my dear, being sick is no fun , but I KNOW you will be just great real soon. The whole gang here will pray for you.

10-01-2002, 06:41 PM
Rough times is an understatement. :) I havn;t been able to do much around this place, except cut the yard today. Otherwise, all of my available time is taken to care for my furkids. The "poop patrol", feeding, special feeding for Tiger, Amy, Kitten, and Otis. and also since the weather is due to get cooler, they are really scarfing up on the cat food. Yesterday, I went to Tulsa, Okla, (appx 88 miles south) and looked over a flame point Siamese for adoption (to replace Snow Cat). He was brought to a Pets Mart. The first visit to any Pets Mart any where. I never saw so much stuff for pets, especially cats and dogs. I bought a bunch of food for my furkids, (and a few treats) knowing they will eat it all up. I wish we had one close to this little city, but, I believe the nearest one is in Tulsa, Okla.:(

Otis has had diarrhea off and on since I can remember having him in the gang from his birth. About 2 weeks ago, he was running an jumping with the others being a fat and healthy kitten, but since then the diarrhea has returned and he looks sick. Since the vet gave him his first dose of the meds, the diarrhea hasn nearly stopped, and this since he ate with the others.


10-01-2002, 10:59 PM
Wayne, I'm so sorry to hear that Otis is now sick. :( I guess when it rains it pours. I sure hope that the meds will kick in and that he'll feel better soon. All fingers and paws are crossed here. I'll also add Otis to my list of prayers. Good luck and please keep us posted.

10-02-2002, 06:08 AM
Just one dose of the meds for Otis has stopped the dirrhea. He looks much better this morning. His coat is more kept and not so messy. Although the instructions state to give him twice daily, so far all he has had are two doeses, and he is nearly well. :)


10-02-2002, 06:56 AM
Oh Wayne you and the furkids are really going through it at present aren't you? I'm holding you all in my thoughts and sending 'good' vibes over there to you. I wouldn't stop the medicine on Otis just yet - let it get in his little system properly.


10-02-2002, 07:15 AM
Hooray! I'm so glad to hear that Otis is feeling a litter better! Continue with the meds and I'm sure he'll be fine!!

10-02-2002, 07:27 AM
That's a good report this morning, Wayne. I'm glad Otis is feeling better.


10-03-2002, 12:09 AM
I'm so glad to hear that Otis is feeling better. :) Thanks for the update. :)

10-03-2002, 01:00 AM
so sorry to hear this. is this the third cat to be sick?

10-03-2002, 07:49 AM
toughcookie, yes, th is my 3rd cat to be sick, and all at once. I found them this way after my return from Tucson, Ariz. And from the way they greeted me, I believe that it will be necessary to find a more cat-friendly person to pet sit, should it be necessary for me to leave for a week or so again.

Otis is nearly back to normal, I suppose he will be comepletely healed in a week or so.


10-04-2002, 08:11 AM
I have been finding little poops aroundthe house, as though the sick kitty is not able to get to the tubs in time. Last night, nearly 9 of my furkids were sleeping on the bed with me. It was then that I noticed that Nightshade has diarrhea also. So, I will give him some of the meds for Otis. Apparantly, the problem could be something that I am feeding them. It is only my younger furkids that are getting infected.


10-04-2002, 08:27 AM
Originally posted by wayne0214
Last night, nearly 9 of my furkids were sleeping on the bed with me. .......wayne

Wayne, sorry another kitty has the dreaded "D" word...Do you even need to use covers with 9 furkids in bed with you? LOL:D

10-04-2002, 05:06 PM
Cataholic, the weather channel stated that the cold front would come through sometime during the night. Well, it didn't make it until about 3AM. (almost time for me to get up) -and it was HOT with all of my furkids on the bed with me. ;)

I tried to give Nightshade some of Otis' meds. All he does is keep his jaws shut and will not take a full dose, although I did manage to give him some of it.


10-04-2002, 05:22 PM
Dear Wayne, all of us here are praying for your sweet babies. You surely have had a time of it lately. Hopefully the medic. will do the trick for both Nightshade and Otis. Now, how about a Rx for you??;) You must be exhausted from worry. Big hugs are in order for you from all of us here! And prayers are on the way, too!! Sandra, Oliver and Mr. B.

10-05-2002, 12:12 AM
Wayne, I'm so sorry to hear that now Nightshade is also sick. :( I hope you can give him enough meds to get him back to normal again. Maybe you should call the vet and ask him why all of your younger cats seem to be getting sick. All fingers and paws are crossed here. Good luck.

10-05-2002, 01:17 AM

if it is the younger cats with the "d" problem, maybe it is a change in their diet that is upsetting their systems? how long have you had those ones?

I am glad to hear kitten and otis are doing better, I will be thinking of them and praying that they continue to get well.

10-05-2002, 05:56 AM
Thanks for all of your concern. The vets in Visalia, Calif. said that their diet can cause diarrhea. When at the vets'here in town, they gave me a bag of Science Diet dryc at food. I will begin feeding Otis and Nightshade with that today. Perhaps this will help. Normally I feed my gang with friskies dry and canned food. They seem to really like it, especially the large cans of meaty food.


10-07-2002, 07:16 AM
Otis looks and acts better this mornig, after feeding him Science Diet dry kitten food. I will try to keep Otis on this type of food, and not so much on the other brand.


10-07-2002, 12:39 PM
Hi Wayne,

I am sorry to read about all of the "d" problems you have been having. You may only need to give them the Science Diet cat food until they get older. Their digestive systems may not be able to handle the Friskies brand and that is what is causing the '"d".

BTW, if you really like PetSmart you can order online and they will deliver to you door (www.petsmart.com).


10-07-2002, 12:44 PM
Wayne- not that I am a vet (or even play one on TV), but I have given my cats Kaopectate via eye dropper many times before, with great success. It absolutely does not address the underlying medical issues, but really is for times when, for what ever reason, they get "d". It usually is just Alabama and Dakky, too. Just my two cents! Good luck with your herd. :)