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08-01-2009, 02:11 PM
I have a general idea as to what Kindle is.
Would I buy one? No. Don't need one, plan for one and have no desire to have one in my home.

The idea is cool, People that can't hold a book open, arthritis, disabilities and what else?

I Know that there are bad things about books, trees, paper and the enviroment...From what I understand you have to download and recharge this thing? What does that do to the enviroment.

Now that I have that out of the way, I read about how the company-let me grab the article. (it's in the news paper, where I get most of my news.....)
deleted copies of ANIMAL FARM and 1984 from the machines and also the notes some 17 year old student made on them. The suit was also filed by some adult in CA.

The deletions were because the e-copies were pirated and not authorized by the publishers.

Refunds were given to the users, but the deletions were made without the consumers being notified.

Why does everything have to be a lawsuit?

If that happened to me I'd run down to the book store, get a Cliff Note version, or heaven forbid, a copy of the book, two liter of Mountain Dew or some Red Bull and spend a few nights reading.

What is the cost in money, man hours (lawyers), court time and other expenses over a book and some notes deleted from a electronic clipboard?

I know it's the point, but why burn down a house because you have termites?

I had a friend that would do anything for a freebie.
We went to a concert at a dinner theater twice and both times he spent 20 minutes trying to "improve" out seating. The last time? He complained about the guy who was doing the seating and ended up with a pair of passes for dinner and a show.

He asked me to think about who I wanted to see next time and I declined the offer.

Another time he screwed up refinishing a table he owned, then got a refund from the home store who sold him the kit, then called the company who made the kit and had them refinish the job he screwed up.

There is no more consumer 'blame'.

Now, we don't call the company directly anymore, we call the Better Business Bureau, release a press statement then call a lawyer to sue the pants off of 'big industry' because you were 'clever' enough to put your homework onto a machine that can have memory/items/notes deleted.

Not the smartest thing to do, but what do you expect from a 49 and 17 year old that get a new toy?

A new copy of Orwell will cost about 7-8 bucks? A used copy off the web?

I know, it's the principle of the matter, but wasn't it easier just to say that the dog ate your assignment?

Oh, The dog has no assest to sue for!:mad::rolleyes::(

Prairie Purrs
08-01-2009, 03:42 PM
Without expressing an opinion on the Amazon Kindle Deletion Debacle (other than to note the thoroughly orwellian irony of having such a thing happen to Orwell's books), I have to say that I love my Kindle to pieces.

I'm usually working my way through a stack of books simultaneously, and with the Kindle I can carry the entire stack around in my purse and pick one to read while I'm sitting in a waiting room or traveling or whatever wherever. And because I'm an instant gratification kind of gal (who lives an hour away from the nearest decent bookstore), I love the instant download thing.

Also, there are sites with out-of-copyright books available for download for free. If you try to get a book for free from a bookstore, a security guard is likely to chase you down in the parking lot.

I'm a big fan of "real" books--my house is stuffed to bursting with them. And libraries are wonderful, even if I do occasionally forget to return the books on time.

But I do adore my Kindle. It rocks.

08-01-2009, 05:37 PM
But I do adore my Kindle. It rocks.

I am slowly embarcing the 'new way'.:eek::)

In the last two months I have learned a bunch of stuff on computers and tech, that has intrigued me.

I have done some report writing and was a stand in sys admin in my 'yout':D.
It just didn't appeal to me. I dropped out and the tech passed me by.

This ramble isn't about the tech-it's the waste of money and time by two users who are not satisfied over a small 'problem' with the service or product.

How many units are there on the market? TWO PEOPLE AREN'T HAPPY?

Again, It is a principle, but what is the purpose of the lawsuit?

They got thier money back!

08-01-2009, 05:57 PM
I am slowly embarcing the 'new way'.:eek::)

In the last two months I have learned a bunch of stuff on computers and tech, that has intrigued me.

I have done some report writing and was a stand in sys admin in my 'yout':D.
It just didn't appeal to me. I dropped out and the tech passed me by.

This ramble isn't about the tech-it's the waste of money and time by two users who are not satisfied over a small 'problem' with the service or product.

How many units are there on the market? TWO PEOPLE AREN'T HAPPY?

Again, It is a principle, but what is the purpose of the lawsuit?

They got thier money back!

If a company came & took back something I had purchased from them
without explanation, I think I'd be ticked off too. I was surprised that
Amazon would make a mistake like that.

I don't have a kindle but my daughter does and she loves it.

08-02-2009, 04:37 PM
If a company came & took back something I had purchased from them
without explanation, I think I'd be ticked off too. I was surprised that
Amazon would make a mistake like that.

I don't have a kindle but my daughter does and she loves it.

They didn't take the kindle they merely took off two books that could have been purchased new or used for a few bucks.

It's not like they canceled a subscription or pulled the plug on it.

So, are we all supposed to sue the car companies because they didn't give us a life time supply of gas, oil or quarters to run the air pumps at the service stations?

I have to check my filthy mouth here.

So, this means that I should sue McDonald's for not giving me a straw with my shake? Or leave pickles off my Big Mac? The world will not end because of those things?

When my cable company or a channel get rid of a program, change the station number or increase my monthly bill?

I tend not to go "impotent" because something like that happens.

Now, If I take a med and I grow horns, a tail or another set of genitals-then I get ticked and see what the med co can do for me.

But to subscribe to tech and have them delete a service or a part of the service, I don't huddle in a corner holding my head and sob, then call a lawyer to sue the pants off of a company for something stupid like a deleted book.

Remember the 'consumer assignment" you got in school?
Write a note to a company to complain about something, then see what the reply was? You were graded on how, what and why-then on the answer from the company.

This 17 year old pansy probably broke out in pimples and wet his bed because his homework was gone. Then his parents got a lawyer to sue.

INstead of teaching kids-and having some adults- get a little sense of "Life says Eff You, whatcha gonna do, when your luck runs out on you!" we hand off the problem to a lawyer, the courts and how many hours and dollars of waste?

Again, nice product, nice tech - Stupid consumers, Whiny consumers.


I bought a 12 pack of 7-up to take camping.

It had carbonation. but no flavor.

I used it anyway as seltzer water. I emailed the company, they sent me three coupons, for a replacement 12 and 2 - 2 liter bottles.

My life went on and the only thing that bothered me for all of two minutes was having to drink a 7&7, one seven short.

I am sure I could have driven down the hill and bought some 'fresh' 7-up, then made up a huge story about how my weekend was ruined etc., etc.

Remember when the tires on cars were exploding and killing people?

That's a lawsuit- Acting like a bunch of p-ss--s because of a book taken off a computer, then making it sound like they were abused because they were not told about it?


08-03-2009, 01:29 PM

08-07-2009, 11:57 AM
I would be so annoyed if that had happened to me. I thought that whatever you bought on Kindle, stayed with your Kindle until you decided to delete it.

I don't have a kindle, and I think the main reason why is that I love my books and I love being able to turn the pages and and just sit with it in my hands and read. I'm a very textile person, and the whole book on a computer screen does nothing for me.

08-07-2009, 12:53 PM
I'm a very textile person,

So, how does that play out at the 'colony'?:eek:;)


With more and more tech in our phones, computers, iPods-we take it for granted that we 'buy' these products and we own them.

Yeah, we do own the physical portion, but the real problems is with the programs and "apps" - those are the drivers of the tech we hold in our hand, and without them, it don't work.

I still believe that we will never 'own' the info that comes to us via the airwaves and wires. We are just the users and abusers of the electronic world.

08-11-2009, 04:38 PM
So, how does that play out at the 'colony'?:eek:;)


Wouldn't you like to know?!

08-11-2009, 05:13 PM
Wouldn't you like to know?!

Nope, I have playboy delivered!;):D