View Full Version : Oh no, not another cat! What should I do?

10-01-2002, 10:32 AM
On Friday evening, my mom noticed a cat outside my house- a black and white tuxedo cat, no less. She thought it was one of mine! I noticed it again on Saturday...and Saturday night, my neighbor, also thinking it was mine, put it on my screened in porch. (She knocked, and I wasn't home). Imagine my suprise on Sunday am when I let my cats out for some fresh air on the porch, to see a look a like on my porch, all curled up on a blanket! I, too, looked twice, and realized it wasn't one of mine.

YES! I did the cardinal sin!!!! I fed it! I had too!!!!! She was locked up all night on my porch!!!! Starving, I was sure. So, now Tuesday morning...guess who won't leave my porch? Yes, I confess, I fed her 2 times a day since then. I couldn't just ignore her, could I? Her paws are so white, it makes me think it is someone's inside cat....I mean they are REALLY white, not dirty from being a outdoor cat.

I walked the street Sunday evening...no one knew anything, and I have looked in Sunday and Monday's paper...nothing about a lost cat.

Won't a cat go back to her home? It isn't cold, yet, so I don't have that concern. Should I just stop feeding her? She is young..not a kitten, but not really a full grown cat, or so it seems to me. Should I post an ad? UGH!!!! My mom thinks it is strange that a black and white would show up at my house...seeing that I have six...and wonders if it was 'dumped'....

10-01-2002, 10:42 AM
Smart cat, is all can say!! She knew just where to show up and stay!! :D

The only thing I can suggest is notify local veterinarians, put up signs (but don't say too much), and maybe put a notice in the newspaper (ours will do three lines for free for lost/found pets). Then it sounds like you have a decision to make.

I know I'd be inclined to keep her if the other cats can handle it....but then, I only have two cats! And one of them was just like this one. Showed up and never left and I didn't have the heart to just ignore him. (That's my Butter Cat....... :eek: )

10-01-2002, 11:00 AM

What's one more poop in the box??? I'd keep her if no one claims her. I think it's obvious that someone just let her out not caring whether she came back or not. If she gets along with the others, let her stay?? She's already used to you feeding her. :p

10-01-2002, 12:34 PM
I would definitely keep it as long as it doesn't belong to anyone else. They are so hard to resist!

10-01-2002, 12:36 PM
I say, post an advertisement but plan on keeping her if you will not be burdened by one more. You always have the option of fostering her until the right home comes along. I love the way you think, I must admit! ;) How can you NOT feed it and how can you just kick it out??? :confused: The best of luck

10-01-2002, 12:40 PM
I would surely do as much as I can to find out if she isn't somebody's lost pet !!! I may not think of what I might do if my own Maya would get lost one day !!!! Of course , if you do not get any reaction , feel free to keep the sweatheart !! Remember , she chose to come to you ...;) :D
Good luck !! Let us know how it goes !!

10-01-2002, 01:07 PM
It sounds like the cat has already found the perfect home where it can blend right in with your other cats! Go ahead and run an ad in the paper, if no one claims her consider her yours as long as she gets along with your other cats.:)

10-01-2002, 01:10 PM
I agree with everyone else. If she doesn't belong to anyone she's yours. You've already been feeding her, so what's one more cat. Besides cats choose their humans, and she choose you. You can't deny her kitty wishes :)

10-01-2002, 01:13 PM
what should you do?!!.....Why keep her of course!! Unless you see lost signs or hear of someone looking for a cat, I'd say she has found the perfect home :) If I ever lost any of my kitties, I'd have ads in the newspaper, online, fliers posted all over, and in schools(kids have a knack for finding lost animals). If no one is looking for their lost cat, she's probably better off with you.

10-01-2002, 03:22 PM
China Doll- my mom said similar things..if one of our cats got out, the entire city would know immediately, shoot, I would probably take off work! I would definetly post signs, etc... I will continue to leave the front door ajar so she can come and go...but if it gets too cold- well, in she comes. I wouldn't want anyone to 'take' my cats, but, I hate knowing every night she is out on the street. I will put a 'found' ad in the paper tomorrow...and see. Truthfully, I don't want/need another cat, but, having said that, I wouldn't do anything negative, either. It does seem like she chose my home. How will I explain it to the herd?

10-01-2002, 03:38 PM
Truthfully, I don't want/need another cat, but, having said that, I wouldn't do anything negative, either.

I know that feeling!! I now have 5 ferrets. I didn't need or want a fifth ferret...BUT...there was this poor little girl all by herself in a cage at the petstore with 3 big signs plastered to het cage that said DO NOT TOUCH!! BITES!! I tried to give some helpful suggestions of why she bit...she was all by herself and not with the other fuzzy, they weren't giving her moistened food(she was probably hungry and being just a baby couldn't chew the hard kibble well) The store didn't want to listen to me. I heard from another employee that they were going to send her back. I know the company they got her from. She would have been PTS. I argued with the store..called that company who said they would allow her to go to a shelter rather than take her back. Argued some more with the store....they lied to me..they said they wouldn't send her back to be PTS, that they'd keep her until she sold...but I'm so sure she would have sold with BITES!! written across the cage. I finally talked them out of her. I think they just wanted to shut me up.

So now I have 5. I wasn't sure what I would do with her because I really didn't need another...but its so hard to find someone who's ferret knowledgeable...sooooo I have 5 fuzzies. I'm such a sucker.

10-01-2002, 04:10 PM
China Doll,
You must be talking about Lulu? I don't see a picture of her, yet you list her with your signature. So, does she bite still? Is she doing better? Is she in with the other ferrets? Tell me about her. My friend had chinchillas...aren't they similar to Ferrets??? Now is your chance to educate me on something besides cats!
PS did you get hit with the storm/flooding?

10-01-2002, 07:20 PM
I just saw your 5 babies photos on www.cathappy.com! So does that mean that this new cat would make 6 or 7 black and white cats for you?

10-01-2002, 10:28 PM
I also think that you should try to find out if she is lost. If not then I'd keep her as long as you can handle another cat. I'm at my limit with 3 but if I found a needy stray cat I'd keep it at least until I was able to find a loving home for it. I think that maybe someone knew that you had a lot of black& white cats so they dropped it off at your house and hoped that you would think it was one of yours or that you would adopt it. :) Good luck. Please keep us posted.

10-01-2002, 10:55 PM
You need to have her tested by a vet. Cats that may not seem sick, could "carry" something that might make your other cats sick.

The Cat Factory
10-01-2002, 11:12 PM
I didn't want (well, I lied, I always want more cats:D) or need anymore cats after I had 4, but I have 11 now:eek:

10-02-2002, 12:07 AM
Originally posted by Fuzzy317
You need to have her tested by a vet. Cats that may not seem sick, could "carry" something that might make your other cats sick.

Excellent point. Also there is a chance that the sweetie is chipped and the owners are relying on that to get her (him?) back.

10-02-2002, 10:38 AM
How can I already fall in love with her? Jeesh..I called her my cat to someone in the office. I have called the local paper, and called the county shelter...and called someone last night that had an ad in paper- but it was sooo far away, it seemed impossible to gotten so far so soon. I also looked down at the corners of my block to see if any signs were posted. I don't want someone else's cat...it would hurt them too much.

I know about the sickness thing, and if I keep her, she will go to the vet before I officially let her mingle with my cats. But thanks for the concern.

Strange how dirty her paws are now...after being out for a few days. I really am convinced she was someone's indoor cat, since when I first noticed her feet- they were WHITE WHITE WHITE. Now they are grey and dirty.

Vermontcat- aren't my babies soooooo cute? Bari_d did all that work for me, as well as help me with my signature...what a great person that is, huh? The sixth cat is Minnie, and she is the partly feral one in my basement...I haven't photographed her yet...and this new one on my porch would be the 7th.....Good Lord!!

10-02-2002, 10:45 AM
Well, you do call yourself the "cat herder". Looks like you're doing a terrific job! :p

10-02-2002, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by cataholic: You must be talking about Lulu? I don't see a picture of her, yet you list her with your signature. So, does she bite still? Is she doing better? Is she in with the other ferrets? Tell me about her. My friend had chinchillas...aren't they similar to Ferrets??? Now is your chance to educate me on something besides cats!

Yes, I still have Lulu. If I could have found her a home, with someone I knew was ferret knowledgable in my area and could work with her I would have done it. The one person I do know that would be a great ferret mom already has about 7 ferrets of her own and she's fostering 2 that were dumped on her...so I couldn't ask her. Lulu nips now. I wouldn't call it biting because there is a definite difference with the way she went after my hand the first day and now she just play nips. We're working on that. Besides..she just so adorable. I haven't had a baby fert since my first one, Rory. All the rest were those I rescued that were a bit older. But, I'm so at my limit...any more animals would have to be emergancy cases only.
Here are some pics of Lulu...


Ferrets are definetly different than chinchillas. Ferrets are part of the weasal family and I'm not sure about chins but I do know it's a completly different family. I could type forever about ferrets, but I'll direct you to two websites. One is my own that I haven't updated in ages. It only has my first 3 fuzzies and none of the kitties...but it does have some basic info
Triple Trouble (http://loyno.edu/~tdomil)
and Ferret Central has great info on where ferrets originated and care for ferrets and great ferret info in general.
Ferret Central (http://www.ferretcentral.org)

I was fine for Isidore. No flooding just tropical storm weather. Really reminded me of a bad thunderstorm...BUT Hurricane Lili is hitting Louisiana and she's a Cat. 4 She's hitting far enough west tomorrrow that the forcasters believe we'll be fine and just experience the same tropical storm conditions we had last week. I hope so. I would be long gone if a Cat. 4 was hitting New Orleans directly. I so sick of all this weather!

PS...Is the kitty still with you? Has he/she moved into the house yet? ;) :p :)

10-02-2002, 07:31 PM
I know how you can love this stray kitty so fast. At least 3 of mine came home on the assumption that they would get a new home when one could be located. It never took me more than 3 days to admit that I could not part with them. Of course you do not want to keep someone else's kitty, but if she is being looked for, you are bound to find that out with some effort.

10-03-2002, 12:57 AM
well if you do decide to post an ad, or a poster around the neighborhood, I wouldn't give the details of how it looks, if they are missing a cat, they will know what it looks like. I would just want to be careful about black cats at this time of year.

10-03-2002, 09:22 AM
The kitty is still on my porch:D In fact, she is almost ALWAYS there...and despite my nice blanket on the teakwood bench..she chooses to lay on this rickety wood table all crammed up. I have moved some plants to give her more room, though.

She really really wants to move into the house, as she greets me on the step to the inside as soon as she sees me peak around the window. I caught her last night sleeping...and she apparently didn't see me...it was very sweet. She is quite safe in the porch, but I do live on a street with cars!!!

My ad is in the paper, and it says "tuxedo cat". Now I think maybe I should have just said b/w??:confused:

I will wait until next Saturday to take her to the vets..that would be two weeks that she has lived on my porch...still no signs in the 'hood, either.

Rest assured, all my feline friends will be locked up tighter than anything the week before Halloween...

10-03-2002, 09:23 AM
YEE HAW! My signature finally works!!! Thanks so much to Bari_d for making it all happen for me! She even called me last night to walk me through it again!!! PT people are the absolute bestest in the world!!

10-03-2002, 02:38 PM
It's to the point now that I am routing for this kitty to get to stay with you (sorry) I think I love her too, and I don't even know her!!!!
P.S. your cats are wonderful. I like Tennessee :D

10-03-2002, 02:47 PM
Have you figured out what you will name her yet?? I'm thinking Caroline.........as in Carolina (South Carolina). I love how they are all named after states!!! :D :D :D And I am definitely biased!!!! Hehehe!!!

10-03-2002, 03:15 PM
I don't mean to stay on the subject too much, but just want to say that black cats are taken well before the week of Halloween.

sounds like the kitty has adopted you, so congratulations!

10-03-2002, 03:26 PM
I have, I must confess, given some thought to the naming of the newbie. One of my best friends is named Karlyn, with a step daughter- Caroline...so, I might have to pass up on Carolina. I was going to name Minnie (sota) that, but thought twice. My dad's dog is Cali...so that is out...mom has Indiana, Nevada and Washy...it is tough! Only about 40 possible choices left, huh? Don't bother suggesting "Flo" as in Florida...some clown I work with did that :D

Remember people...we are trying to find her old owners!!! I might send her to jenluckenbach or logan if you two don't knock it off;) ;) Not that any one will believe me, but the state naming was kind of unintentional...well, up to a point (by the third cat...). I have always wanted to be 'president'. They all have occupations, too!!! (Please please please don't let any potential dates see this page!)

I hate to even ask, but I am clueless about black cats and Halloween...I don't need examples, I can imagine the horror, but is it really true? I would probably be forced to acts of violence myself if I even saw a tad of what I am imagining. I will certainly keep my babies under lock and key!

10-03-2002, 03:37 PM
I have no halloween horror stories (thank goodness) But shelters in my area will not adopt black cats out around halloween. You'd have to wait, if your choice just happenes to be black. So they take the possible threat quite seriously.
How about Penny for pennsylvania?

10-03-2002, 03:38 PM
Arizona would work too. :D :D :D :D

10-03-2002, 03:48 PM
I totally love Penny...but, won't Tenny get confused? I think I am going to go with Arizona, but should I call her Ari or Zona as a nickname? (Am I queer or what?) I call Alabama 'sters...for Allsters...

10-03-2002, 06:02 PM
I have to put in my 2 cents worth, name her Vermont!:D But it depends how much snow is in her coat and the nickname Monty works better for a boy cat anyway.:) I think I know how you got the name Tennessee, is he named after a cartoon penguin named Tennessee Tuxedo?
I think all your cats are beautiful, it makes me want a house full of black/white cats but Sam won't allow it.:( I love your signature photos and jenluckenbachs sig. photos look nice too!:)

10-03-2002, 06:39 PM

10-03-2002, 08:12 PM
What Jen said :p :p :p

Nah, nah, nah nah nah!!!SHE'S HOOKED!!!!!!!!

How about DeeDee??:D

Word of caution though, I'd wait till well after Halloween to place the ad. There are ALOT of strange characters out there. And shelters don't adopt out for 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after for that very reason.

But really, Cataholic, I wish you luck.

10-03-2002, 10:20 PM
How about naming her Indy for Indiana. :)

10-04-2002, 12:12 AM
Originally posted by krazyaboutkatz
How about naming her Indy for Indiana.

Okay, I'm bad. Been musing about obnoxious nicknames based on states:

Noisy for Illinois
Maniac for Maine (stretching....)
Ticky or Cutty or Necky for Connecticut
Yorkie for New York (fine for a dog...)
Zoney for Arizona

getting punchy here. Ought to turn in

10-04-2002, 08:14 AM
Originally posted by krazyaboutkatz
How about naming her Indy for Indiana. :)

We already have an Indy in the family...my mom's cat...and AmberLee....I am not calling a cat Maniac...what if she decides to live up to her name! I love Yorkie, too...and Monty was decided as being to boyish...but I would go with either of them if they were boys.

Anyhow, I am babysitting my friend's dog, beginning last night, and the puppy scared the new girl up onto the top of the screen on the porch. For the first time this morning...she wasn't on my porch!!!! :( So, I am now taking the puppy out through the back yard....I hope she comes back!!!!

Thanks for your advice and name selections...I will let you know what I decide. :)

10-04-2002, 11:51 AM
ok, I'll add my 2 cents and give a plug for my state...how about Louisiana? Louisiana(if I remember my LA history right) was named for Louis and Anna, French royalty. You could call her Louise or Anna. But whatever you name her, I'm sure she'll be a little darling.

10-05-2002, 02:38 PM
I got the call this morning from the stray's "owner", and I say that cause she sure isn't the cat's "mom". She said the last time she saw "meow" was last Friday, the same Friday we noticed her. She was a stray to her also, and had only had her two weeks when she got scared away by her neighbor's dog. Meow wasn't allowed in the house because of her claws....anyhow, I had to tell her that I hadn't seen Meow since Thursday night, as the dog I am babysitting scared her away too!!!!! I still put food out, and it looked like last night she ate some, but not like before. The lady said she stopped putting food out cause she thought she was 'gone'. HELLO? It hadn't even been a week yet! I have had the ad in since Wednesday!!! UGH. Not only that, but she said she couldn't come over to get her today because of her kids being sick. She only lives two streets away. I would of course take the cat over there...assuming she comes back to me. What a unhappy situation.:(

10-05-2002, 06:01 PM
And then there were six..I saw Meow again, and went and offered her some food. She didn't want any...so, she walked across the street, and I came in and called the owner. She came over, we walked the block to find her, got her into a cat carrier, and I made a make shift litter box for her. She said she would keep her inside only. I know others let their cats out..but we live inside the city limits..cars/trucks/meanies, etc., and I just think it is safer indoors.

So, now the six cats, my friend's Visla, and I are alone. I know I should feel good that she has been returned to her home, but I just have feelings of tredpidation. I have her phone number and address so I will call in a week and see how it is going...thanks for your support,and good ideas for names;)

10-05-2002, 06:56 PM
Aw, gee only 6 tux kitties.:( Well, I guess you were right about those white feet being too clean to belong to a stray. That is good that you have her number, you could always offer to cat sit if the family travels.:)

10-05-2002, 08:45 PM
I am happy and sorry all at the same time. I guess you'll just have to go get one now. :p :D :rolleyes:

10-06-2002, 06:56 PM
Six will hold me for awhile :D I really have to work with Minnie, too. I think I was being a bit judgmental of the other owner, and in rethinking the situation, she does have a lot on her plate right now..divorce, special needs child, and I am sure a stray she had for two weeks wasn't the biggest concern in her life right now..so, I am contrite now...:o

10-06-2002, 07:14 PM
By the way, are you going to be able to get a picture of Minnie up?

10-07-2002, 12:21 PM
Jenluckenbach- you must have been reading my mind! Yesterday I got some film developed, and have a decent one of Minnie, if you don't mind the paint cans..:D I was going to email it to Bari_d and ask her to post it...Poor Bari_d...but I do feel bad not representing Minnie on the herd page. She is quite a looker...smooshy and all! So, look for Minnie's debut this week.

10-09-2002, 03:42 PM
IMPOSSIBLE! I got a second call about the stray from a guy that lives three streets away...his cat matches the description...down to the funny swagger this kitty has (result of a back injury :( when she was a kitten). He said she has been missing since Labor day, and that he had signs up, etc. He was actually calling from the pound (humane society), cause he was still checking their records. He wants the number from the lady I gave the kitty to. Remember, she was a stray to her also..I see a bad situation developing here. I feel I have to give this guy the info..if only to check out the kitty. Maybe it isn't his. UGH!!! I am going home now to get the number. I will call her first. I will update you guys tomorrow...:confused: :confused:

10-09-2002, 06:17 PM
If it was found by the lady as a stray 3 weeks ago (Or something like that) and the guy lost her around labor day, it could be that SHE picked up HIS stray. I hope they work it out, ((Assuming it is his).

10-09-2002, 08:41 PM
Wow! I'm agog. Do keep us posted on how this works out, okay?

Wouldn't it be ironic if Minnie winds up with three homes? The guy's, the woman's, and yours?


10-09-2002, 10:36 PM
I sure hope that this stray cat finds her real home. Please keep us posted.

10-10-2002, 09:26 AM
Boy, what a predicament!! I would tend to believe the guy seeing as he described her down to the "swagger" she has. Let the two people duke it out. I just hope that kitty goes back to her rightful purrson. :(

10-10-2002, 01:34 PM
I am telling you, it is like a soap opera. I had her on one line, him on the other. I honestly couldn't remember if meow had a white flash or not, and the lady said no absolutely no white on her face. This was the man's marker...his definetly had a white blaze.

So, I think it is HER stray, as strange as that sounds. She also found it at her school which is a twenty minute car ride..so probably NOT his cat. I told him I would keep a eye out for his tuxedo, and that he should check the shelter,ads, and post signs.

Wow, I felt really stressed for awhile. I wanted to do the right thing, but not be in the middle. The lady even told me I could come down and see that meow doesn't have a white blaze.
I took another opportunity to tell her if it didn't work out I would take her....

I hope this works out!

10-10-2002, 03:57 PM
Well Cataholic, looks like you and I are both becoming humans to new cats. Good luck. I certainly wouldn't want to be in the middle either.

Boo comes to my house on Sunday. I posted in the "rescue" thread about his surgery. Everything went fine and he tested negative for Leuk and Aids.