View Full Version : Gatesgate

07-30-2009, 07:13 AM
Am I the only one who feels that the woman who made the 911 call should be invited to this beer fest? She's taken an awful lot of heat and has been wrongly called a racist for trying to do the right thing and protect her neighbor's home from a break-in but she's being ignored by Obama.

07-30-2009, 07:25 AM
I'm with you Mary, for if it hadn't been for her, none of this would be taking place.
She's being criticized and bashed, and folks are putting words in her mouth that she never said to start with. I think Pres Obama needs to apologize to her on behalf of all those who are guilty of this.
What's happening to her surely is sending a negative message to anyone that might make a similar call like she did. They might be inclined to turn the other way and ignore a like situation, rather than reporting it.

07-30-2009, 08:01 AM
Making it three votes in the affirmative! I thought the very same thing while watching her statement.

Laura's Babies
07-30-2009, 09:23 AM
Make it 4!~ Maybe it is a "guys night out" kind of thing?

Just think, if she HADN'T called and it been a actual burglar breaking in :rolleyes:...... Next time I bet she won't call!

But I am confused. There was a blond lady on TV being interviewed as the one who made the call, then a dark haired younger lady on yesterday as the one who made the call..:confused: ?????

07-30-2009, 09:34 AM
But I am confused. There was a blond lady on TV being interviewed as the one who made the call, then a dark haired younger lady on yesterday as the one who made the call..:confused: ?????

I haven't seen the blonde, only the dark-haired woman. My question is: what if she had given the description of the person as being a man of color? Isn't that what we're supposed to do? We're told to be as accurate as possible in our descriptions and she didn't even bring race or color into it anyhow. The person on the other end of the 911 call did. To call someone a racist is one of the most serious charges to level against someone and yet that word is bandied about and ofttimes unfairly. What if the person that she perceived to be breaking into the home was quite diminutive in stature and she said "Well, he's really short". Are the little people going to be outraged? What if she said "I can't really tell if the person is male or female". Will the transgender people be ready for a fight? This has got to stop. She was looking out for her neighbor and her neighborhood and she's been vilified for it. It's no wonder that people are afraid to get involved.

07-30-2009, 09:41 AM
she didn't recognize her own neighbor?

07-30-2009, 09:46 AM
she didn't recognize her own neighbor?

See, this is what I'm talking about. Apparently she did not recognize him. Otherwise, why would she have called 911? I'm dismayed to say that I don't know most my neighbors except the ones to the immediate left and right and across the street. People work, long hours, too. My neighbors directly across the street from me are gone nearly all day and night. I only see them pull in or out of their driveway. I never see their faces. Even my neighbor to the immediate left of me is gone so much that when I saw her, I jokingly said "I thought you had moved!" So if I saw someone trying to force a door open, I'd probably call the police, too, and then probably also take criticism for it. We're told to watch out for our neighbors, neighborhood watches used to be big around here but not so much any more and now I can see why. Just a couple of weeks ago, someone tried to steal concrete furniture from my yard. It was clear that they were trying to lift it over the fence. They apparently didn't realize how heavy it was so they just dropped it in the middle of the yard. Did anyone see anything? Who knows. No one called 911, except me when I got home and discovered that the furniture had been moved.

07-30-2009, 09:47 AM
she didn't recognize her own neighbor?

You can live next to someone in Cambridge for years and never see them - it's very densely populated, and yet this is completely true. I feel sorry for the woman who made the call, and think both Gates and Crowley owe her an apology.

07-30-2009, 09:51 AM

Only in America can we have some cretin yell "racism" then get 'rewarded' by a beer bash in the White House.

If the AH had no shame, he'd tell the prez, "No thanks, I acted like a moron and need to get my head straight!"

Nope, he's made a celeb because he's BFF with Obama.

What a chump.

07-30-2009, 10:26 AM
I live in the country, but still have neighbors on either side - just further away since the lots are 2 acres and have a 200' frontage. I wouldn't know any of them if I fell over them - that's just the way it is. I see them at a distance working in their yards occasionally, but that's the extent of it. It seems no one has time for anyone but their own anymore. :( If I saw any suspicious actions around their properties, I would still report it and take my chances, and hope that they would do the same for me.

07-30-2009, 11:41 AM
I lived for 13 years in Cambridge right around the block from his house. I couldn't recognize all the people who lived in my building (about 40 apartments), let alone anyone who lived in the next one. That's all Harvard property on that block, rental housing and offices, and all kinds of people are coming and going all the time. And it's right on the edge of Harvard Square, one of the busiest locations at all hours of the day and night in metropolitan Boston.

07-30-2009, 01:32 PM
I called out the cops on my neighbor's son and his friend when they were lurking in my garden but all I saw were two young men standing at the top of my front garden at about 2am and then racing around to the back of my house. Of course I called the cops, and I remember my voice shaking when I did so. And of course I gave the best description I could, they appeared to be white, late teens, casual clothing, that kind of thing.

07-30-2009, 02:13 PM
In a country where people have been criticized for not getting involved when they see things happening I think this woman is a hero. I would like her as one of my neighbors. ;)

Make it 5 votes! :)

07-30-2009, 05:58 PM
I was under the impression that the woman didn't live in the
neighborhood, but was cleaning the house were she was.The woman really
deserves a apology. Obama can speak out in her defense & tell these
crazy people to apologize to her themselves.

07-30-2009, 06:11 PM
Nobody needs this kind of talk. Coming from a Boston cop at this
particular time is bad news.


07-30-2009, 06:28 PM
I have to laugh, I had the unfortunate reason to talk to two LAPD cops today.

I asked them each, One woman and one man, if they would go to the White House for a beer, they both said, "Yes".

We all laughed and had fun with the topic. They are the unsung thread in the world we live in.

Until they do something stupid, like tase and pepperspray a deaf man, they deserve a little respect.

We want our neighbors to be nosy when we need them, We don't need them to see EVERYTHING!

Again, I laugh at the hispanic reference in the woman's 911 call, I am not offended....


This poor woman did the RIGHT thing, as did the cop before Blowhard Mc Effwad began to yell and scream racism.

She doesn't derserve an invitation where the 'boys' are going to sit there drink pee-water and talk about good old boy stuff? Coors? Red Stripe? Bud Light?


Some mezcal or Everclear....Get them wasted and make them talk about women. Or sports....

Let them play beer pong or have the Secret Service shoot them all in the crotch with tasers.

What ever happened to winning a visit to the the government? When I was a kid you wrote an essay to get a trip to city hall, a photo with the councilman and a tuna melt, coke and fries with the CM and the other winners.

Now you have to be involved in a racist incident to get that trip, plus they are serving beer that sucks.

Thanks, but no thanks. I'd rather go to the party where people talking loud, acting stupid and having a good time.

Not a get together that the altruistic head master calls when people get into a tussle.

Beer and talk?

Nope, I want booze and scandal!:D

07-30-2009, 06:39 PM
I have to laugh, I had the unfortunate reason to talk to two LAPD cops today.

I asked them each, One woman and one man, if they would go to the White House for a beer, they both said, "Yes".

We all laughed and had fun with the topic. They are the unsung thread in the world we live in.

Until they do something stupid, like tase and pepperspray a deaf man, they deserve a little respect.

We want our neighbors to be nosy when we need them, We don't need them to see EVERYTHING!

Again, I laugh at the hispanic reference in the woman's 911 call, I am not offended....


This poor woman did the RIGHT thing, as did the cop before Blowhard Mc Effwad began to yell and scream racism.

She doesn't derserve an invitation where the 'boys' are going to sit there drink pee-water and talk about good old boy stuff? Coors? Red Stripe? Bud Light?


Some mezcal or Everclear....Get them wasted and make them talk about women. Or sports....

Let them play beer pong or have the Secret Service shoot them all in the crotch with tasers.

What ever happened to winning a visit to the the government? When I was a kid you wrote an essay to get a trip to city hall, a photo with the councilman and a tuna melt, coke and fries with the CM and the other winners.

Now you have to be involved in a racist incident to get that trip, plus they are serving beer that sucks.

Thanks, but no thanks. I'd rather go to the party where people talking loud, acting stupid and having a good time.

Not a get together that the altruistic head master calls when people get into a tussle.

Beer and talk?

Nope, I want booze and scandal!:D

He wasn't rewarding his BFF or the cop. It's a CYA move because he spoke "stupidly".

07-30-2009, 09:05 PM
Sometimes even if you KNOW your neighbor, you are looking at them at an odd angle and not a normal view. I think shouting racisim is no better than shouting fire in a movie theatre. He acted like an ass and was treated accordingly.
I also agree a big apology is owed to this woman. She merely discribed the situation.
Some one on the Jon Stewart show said..."SO, what can we take away and learn from this situation?....Remember your damn keys!"


07-30-2009, 09:26 PM
Im with RICHARD, a Presidential game of beer pong would have been epic! A contest of Edward 40 hands would have been astronomicably Epic.

Anybody taking bets on the 911 caller NOT getting a Presidential apology? Ild like to see her get one but I aint holding my breath.

07-30-2009, 09:46 PM
Anybody taking bets on the 911 caller NOT getting a Presidential apology? Ild like to see her get one but I aint holding my breath.

I would but I'd lose that bet. He's too busy teaching us all what we can learn from this. Please.

Cinder & Smoke
07-30-2009, 09:55 PM

So, How did Joe What's-his-name get invited to the beer fest?

He didn't even have a dog in the fight!


07-30-2009, 09:56 PM

So, How did Joe What's-his-name get invited to the beer fest?

He didn't even have a dog in the fight!


Comic relief.

07-30-2009, 09:58 PM

So, How did Joe What's-his-name get invited to the beer fest?

He didn't even have a dog in the fight!


But he does have dog ;)

07-30-2009, 10:00 PM
You all are cynical!

I can see Michelle sticking her head out of the window and saying, "Barack, your friends have to go home, Dinner's ready and the girl's need homework help...........ARE YOU DRINKING AGAIN!!!":eek::rolleyes:

07-30-2009, 10:01 PM
Was that an ashtray I saw in the picture?

07-30-2009, 10:11 PM
Was that an ashtray I saw in the picture?

I wondered that, also. Then I saw Obama and Biden reach over a couple of times - I think it had nuts or chips in it.

And there was no smoke rising; and Obama wants us to think he's quit - so he wouldn't have done it out in front of the press. Not yet, anyway.

07-31-2009, 10:04 PM
I'm thinking Professor Gates read our posts here. He sent Lucia Whalen flowers and a note of thanks.

The woman whose 911 call set in motion this week's White House "beer summit"--but who didn't score an invite to the confab--has received a "beautiful" bouquet of flowers from Harvard Prof. Henry Louis Gates Jr.

The lawyer for 911 caller Lucia Whalen, Wendy Murphy, tells me that the flowers were accompanied by "a nice note of gratitude" from Gates who has previously said he appreciated Whalen reporting what appeared to her to be a break in to Gates's Cambridge, Mass. home.

(http://www.politico.com/blogs/joshgerstein/0709/911_caller_gets_flowers__note_from_prof_not_Obama. html)

07-31-2009, 10:12 PM
Grace, Pirtate4x4 or Gunsnet probably had a bigger impact then PT.

07-31-2009, 10:21 PM
Grace, Pirtate4x4 or Gunsnet probably had a bigger impact then PT.

I don't understand? Who or what are/is Pirtate4x4 - Gunsnet?

07-31-2009, 10:27 PM
I don't understand? Who or what are/is Pirtate4x4 - Gunsnet?

Of course you dont understand, and Im not going to explain.

07-31-2009, 10:29 PM
Of course you dont understand, and Im not going to explain.


07-31-2009, 10:31 PM

My 86 year old step dad can Google, so can you. Dont be a crybaby.

Niether the PPB (Pirate) or Gunsnet are 35% safe, just as a warning.

07-31-2009, 10:39 PM
My 86 year old step dad can Google, so can you. Dont be a crybaby.

Niether the PPB (Pirate) or Gunsnet are 35% safe, just as a warning.

FYI, I googled Pirtate4x4, and got this - Did you mean: Pirate4x4 Top 2 results shown

I googled Gunsnet, and got this - http://www.google.com/#hl=en&q=Gunsnet&aq=f&oq=&aqi=g3&fp=flbC24gbdiA

I have no idea what either of those has to do with the subject of Professor Gates sending flowers to Lucia Whalen.

Would you care to explain, or are you just being rude tonight?

07-31-2009, 10:53 PM
My 86 year old step dad can Google, so can you. Dont be a crybaby.

Niether the PPB (Pirate) or Gunsnet are 35% safe, just as a warning.

FYI, I googled Pirtate4x4, and got this - Did you mean: Pirate4x4 Top 2 results shown

I googled Gunsnet, and got this - http://www.google.com/#hl=en&q=Gunsnet&aq=f&oq=&aqi=g3&fp=flbC24gbdiA

I have no idea what either of those has to do with the subject of Professor Gates sending flowers to Lucia Whalen.

Would you care to explain, or are you just being rude tonight?

Dont be a crybaby. Pirate4x4 and Gunsnet are huge sites, if you cant figure out their search engines, its not my fault.

Care to explain why you like talking down to others?

Do you get a power trip logging in as invisible?

07-31-2009, 11:07 PM
I think the Beer Summit worked!

I saw cars of all colors traveling the roads, interacting nicely!:eek::o:confused:

07-31-2009, 11:25 PM
I think the Beer Summit worked!

Ild post the transcript, but it isnt family friendly.

08-01-2009, 12:54 AM
Hey, guys, enough of the bickering, okay? There's no need to argue about this, you can do that in PMs if you want, but it has nothing to do with the rest of Pet Talk. Simply explaining that those are other forums or venues would have been more helpful.

Be nice, children. T'was two people getting all hepped up for not much reason that started this whole kerfluffle in the first place.

08-01-2009, 10:09 AM
T'was two people getting all hepped up for not much reason that started
this whole kerfluffle in the first place.

Then the kerfluffle becomes a 'todo' that goes right into a 'scrum'!:eek:;)

08-02-2009, 06:39 AM
My niece's husband posted something on his Facebook status the day of the *suds summit* that went like this "(blank) is peeved that the president gets to have a beer at work." I wrote back that I found that less offensive than what Bill Clinton "had" at work. :p:eek::D

Cinder & Smoke
08-02-2009, 10:21 AM
[Joe What's-his-name ...]
But he does have dog ;)

I try not to hold that against the Dog.

Cinder & Smoke
08-02-2009, 10:26 AM
Of course you dont understand, and Im not going to explain.

My 86 year old step dad can Google, so can you.
Dont be a crybaby.

Good Grief! :(

WHY don't you just POST the correct URL and be done with it?

Do we really need all this DRAMA in every thread?

08-02-2009, 04:44 PM
I wrote back that I found that less offensive than what Bill Clinton "had" at work. :p:eek::D

Well, that sucks.:confused::mad::rolleyes:

08-03-2009, 12:36 AM
WHY don't you just POST the correct URL and be done with it?

Do we really need all this DRAMA in every thread?

Pirate4x4 and Gunsnet, would not be considerred family friendly by PT standards, so I will not be posting full URL's. Search and ye shall find.

Lately the Drama Llama award goes to Liz.