View Full Version : Out of the mouth of babes...

07-28-2009, 08:38 PM
I had to go bra shopping tonight (my bras have seen many better days). I've been meaning to get out bra shopping and finally decided it was time since I was already out with Cameron in a "super store".

We walked into the bra section, and immediately Cam started asking me why we were there. I tried to quietly explain that grandmom needed new underwear. He then proceeded to shout, "But these are for BOOBIES!"

OK... this embarassed grandmom turned her shopping cart around and left the underwear section as fast as she could. Quite a few shoppers got a nice little giggle. :p

I dropped Cam at home with hubby and went back out to the mall by myself. :)

07-28-2009, 08:40 PM
LOL LOL LOL Leave it to the kids. :p

07-28-2009, 09:20 PM
He's a bright boy!! How funny!!!

07-28-2009, 09:23 PM
If I'm not mistaken this isn't the only embarrassing bra shopping story you've shared with us.

07-28-2009, 09:35 PM
If I'm not mistaken this isn't the only embarrassing bra shopping story you've shared with us.

Yup, my step son embarassed me ROYALLY when hubby and I started dating. :o He held up a HUGE bra and screamed across Vanity Fair "Is this one big enough?" He was taking the shopping escursion seriously -- which made the whole thing so much funnier. Sigh.... I don't think of bras as anything but utilitarian so I tend to forget that others might consider them racy.

07-28-2009, 09:42 PM
HAHAHAHA that's hilarious

07-28-2009, 10:42 PM
I can relate to your embarrassment over the Bra saga.

When my son was young we all got on a elevator that was fully of people. My son broke the usual elevator silents with a loud , "Mommy somebody in here stinks." We got off on the next floor even though it wasn't our floor. My wife had her hand over his mouth because he was still trying to mutter something else.

Daisy and Delilah
07-28-2009, 10:50 PM
That is so funny. Kids say the darndest things!! I know I'm really dating myself.:)

07-28-2009, 10:50 PM
Thanks, all, for a wonderful midnight laugh!!!!

07-28-2009, 11:13 PM
Thanks for this funny thread. I really needed a good laugh today.:)

07-28-2009, 11:35 PM
I thought Grammy's didnt get embarassed?

07-28-2009, 11:40 PM
LOL! I can relate to this one only my story isn't about bras.

My daughter was potty training and we were having trouble with her doing #2 in the potty. We were out to dinner at Pizza Hut one night and she had to GO. We were sitting all the way in the back of the restaurant. The potties were up front. Well, Rach did a #2 and was so proud of herself. About halfway back to the tables she loudly annouces..."DADDY I POOPED in the potty!!!". Well, I am sure I turned 10 shades of red. She is 19 now and I still tell the story which is just loves...NOT. :D

07-29-2009, 04:02 AM
:D:D So funny...and refreshing! :D:D
Valentine is not old enough for that yet, but she starts repeating many things. Everyday we are surprised about the new words she has memorized. Must be careful! :D

07-29-2009, 07:33 AM
Years ago, when I first moved to this location, I was in need of updating my insurance with my new insurance agent. I had my then 2 year old son with me, and as Mr S and I were talking, a very attractive black lady walked in the office and sat in the waiting area off to the side of where we were. She was dressed like a million, and had a rather different hair style. Her hair was parted down the middle and drawn tightly into a large bun on each side of her head. As Mr S and I continued our conversation, my little boy was tapping my arm and trying to get my attention. As I was about to ask him what he wanted, he blurted out for all to hear as he pointed to the black girl - "Look Mommy - Mickey Mouse!" Keen observation for a 2 year old, don't you think???
OMG - I could have crawled under my chair, and poor Mr S was practically busting a gut trying not to laugh, and we couldn't even look at each other without a chuckle! I never really knew if "Mickey Mouse" heard it or not, since I was way too embarrassed to look for a reaction on her part. :o

07-29-2009, 08:03 AM
A friend of mine was in a crowded grocery store....in line with her 8 year old youngest child and his friend....they were looking at the tabloids. The headlines on one proclaimed that Cher said she hasn't had sex in 6 months...Well, my friend's little 8 year old son proclaims in a very loud 8 year old boy voice that that was nothing....."his mom hadn't had sex in 8 years!".....She said she felt a thousand eyes staring at her and heard a thousand subsequent giggles!!!

07-31-2009, 12:00 PM
We were waiting in line at this art fair, for it to open. The line stretched through the parking lot. This woman was inching her car forward to get to the front row of parking spaces, which I could have assured her were already taken. Well, she was moving so slowly, but steadily towards the crowd of people in line, most of whom had their backs to her.

I said to the woman ahead of me that we all better move, cause this woman was coming through, and someone said something like, "what is her problem?" J yells, "IDIOT"...as that is what I say when their is a driver with skills lacking...I think he was 3 at the time.

LOL, she was, but, still...I think Grammy was embarressed.

Laura's Babies
08-01-2009, 08:44 AM
My Captain's mother is dieing with cancer and he decided to shave his head because the radiation was making her loose her hair. He shaved it off after we were on the boat. Before we got off he told his 5 year old grandson, he had shaved his head and had no hair anymore. The 5 year old told him "GOOD! You had wore that hair do out anyway, it had holes in it!" (referring to his bald spots) :rolleyes: