View Full Version : My Crazy Vet -- GAH!!!

07-24-2009, 09:25 PM
I was at the vet picking up some meds. I asked if one of the vet techs was interested in cat sitting for me for a few days. Jxxxx said sure.

I happened to mention that I have friends willing to come in, but Vita needs a pill a day (for thyroid) and none of them is willing to pill her.

Jxxx said no problem.

Vet said no, it is a conflict of interest. He offers boarding, I can board her there for $29.50 per day.

THIS is in Vita's best interests? To sit in a cage for 4 days while I am away, rather than being in her home with her clowder?


07-24-2009, 09:41 PM
Try and ask the tech again outside of the vets office, what the tech does on his own time is his business.

Cinder & Smoke
07-24-2009, 10:36 PM
Vet said no, it is a conflict of interest.
He offers boarding,
I can board her there for $29.50 per day.


You could hire her own VET for that much!

Line up a different Vet for your FurKids;
then tell the Greedy One that HE became a conflict of YOUR interests.


07-24-2009, 11:13 PM
Bad business, I say!:rolleyes:

07-24-2009, 11:16 PM
Try and ask the tech again outside of the vets office, what the tech does on his own time is his business.

I agree with this. At my vets office one of the techs actually has business cards for pet sitting on the counters.

07-24-2009, 11:23 PM
At my vets he charges $75 a night. So that is not bad price to pay.

07-25-2009, 06:28 AM
Try and ask the tech again outside of the vets office, what the tech does on his own time is his business.

This is what I would do.

07-25-2009, 06:29 AM
At my vets he charges $75 a night. So that is not bad price to pay.

Good grief! Where do you board them, the Taj Mahal? That's outrageous! :eek:

07-25-2009, 09:50 AM
my vet was cheap- 10 bucks per cat, per night.

07-25-2009, 09:54 AM
My Vets very good about boarding. When Juke Joint Joseph or Michael the Dream Cat go in for an expensive procedure , a lot of times he will leave that boarding charge off!!
And when they go there, they are spolied by the Vet Assistants with treats and snacks.
I would think that staying at a Vets is stressful and Your Cat would not enjoy that at all!!!
Thats not a considerate Vet!!!

Edwina's Secretary
07-25-2009, 10:28 AM
Asking the tech "outside the office" could put the tech's job on the line if the vet has a policy prohibiting employees from engaging in competitive business.

Don't bother telling me how wrong that is. Just saying some employers have that policy.

07-25-2009, 10:59 AM
I think it's stupid, but you could to talk to the assistant when she's off work. Have you checked if there's a Catsitting group on "Meet-up" in your area? You could start one. :)

This what our group says:

"Does this sound familiar?
You are planning your vacation but the big question is what to do with your cat? You want it to be in good hands but you also want to give it as little stress as possible.
How about we take care of each other's cat?"

People have to register and answer a few questions. It's nice to get to know people before you actually use them as catsitters, so we meet up every month/few months and have dinner.

07-25-2009, 11:35 AM
Randi, I think that program is wonderful. I wish I had something like that around me. I had a neighbor that had two cats and we would take care of each others, but she moved to North Carolina. And now that my mom is retired she watches Paizly for me. I have to take Paizly to her house, but she is okay.

Yes, if you can just ask the tech outside the office if there is a set (in writing) policy that prohibits her from doing such things. Or even ask the techs if they know someone (that doesn't work there) that could do it. They may be able to recommend a trustworthy person.

Laura's Babies
07-25-2009, 03:29 PM
I'd be finding another vet! He should be concered that you get the best care for your baby that you could get... so either he don't trust HER or is just being a BUTT (like a controlling, money hungry freak!).

07-25-2009, 09:11 PM
Oh good, I was afraid I was the one not thinking clearly, ha haa.

Jxxx is young, just got her first apt., I wouldn't ask her out of the office and have her put her job on the line.

I did find some cat sitter listings. Plans for my travel are not settled yet anyhow, just trying to line things up.

07-25-2009, 09:28 PM
"Good grief! Where do you board them, the Taj Mahal? That's outrageous!"

This made me LOL! :D I can just see the kitties being fanned with big ostrich feathers and being spoon fed their kibbles!

I would never kennel my boys. It would stress them no end and I'd feel aweful knowing how miserable they would be.

I agree to ditch the vet. Money hungry jerk. I also agree not to jepordize this girls job. Not worth it.


07-25-2009, 09:55 PM
A conflict of intrest has nothing to do what takes place outside of the office. If the vet makes his employees sign a non competition agreement that is entirely different and would put the techs job at risk.

Are home visits part of the vets normal business operations? If the answer is no, there is no conflict of intrest that I can see.

Erp hates other cats so I cant board her, she gets too stressed out and isnt welcome back at the one place I did board her.

There is a PTer that works or volunteers for a cat boarding facility I wish was near here.

Disclaimer, I am not a lawyer and I dont play one on the interweb.

Tora Oni
07-26-2009, 09:07 AM
A conflict of intrest has nothing to do what takes place outside of the office. If the vet makes his employees sign a non competition agreement that is entirely different and would put the techs job at risk.

Are home visits part of the vets normal business operations? If the answer is no, there is no conflict of intrest that I can see.

Erp hates other cats so I cant board her, she gets too stressed out and isnt welcome back at the one place I did board her.

There is a PTer that works or volunteers for a cat boarding facility I wish was near here.

Disclaimer, I am not a lawyer and I dont play one on the interweb.

Indeed that is true even if he does offer boarding he isn't offering what you what. I Kinda understand you don't want to put the vet tech at risk. I know some of the rescues around here have their own pet resorts they run, to make extra money. Sometimes their charge is higher because the service is better sometimes cheaper charge will get you just as good service if not better. I've looked at several cat sitters, I normally just hire one of our neighbors to care for my cat which considering he isn't that much work I give the kid 5 bucks a day plus maybe a little extra if I come home and I see its all been done, since its not like they couldn't skimp on him. of course I know they could just do extra on day I come back but last time we came home a day early. So I'm lucky that we have kids around here that like animals.

Prairie Purrs
07-26-2009, 09:32 AM
I agree with your decision not to press the vet tech about pet sitting, as it could indeed jeopardize her job if the vet found out. Unless she's got an employment contract (unlikely), the vet could fire her for virtually any reason. So it wouldn't matter whether there was a "genuine" conflict of interest or not. (Not legal advice--just an observation.)

Good luck on finding a sitter--and perhaps a more caring vet.

07-26-2009, 10:18 PM
What is "legal" and what happens in real life are two different things. He may not be able to fire her for how she uses her personal time, but I'll bet you anything that she was hired "at will" and the vet could fire her for any or NO reason. That's the way it is in the real world.
There are way to many other people out there at a variety of prices and expertice to help you out. Surely someone in the 9.7% unemployed legions would be a good fit :(

07-27-2009, 08:41 AM
I would not ask the vet tech outside the presence of the vet. And, I do see how it is a conflict of interest. Boarding care is consistent with what you would want the vet tech to do, take care of your cat whilest you are away.

My current vet does not prohibit his tech from doing this service. And, while my current vet does 'board', no one is there overnight. For that reason, I would never leave any of my pets there. I would insist they board only where someone is there overnight, or, for the majority of the night.

I would take my business elsewhere. And, if he so inquires, I would tell him why.

For the person that says their vet charges $75 a night, I have a tough time believing that.

Pinot's Mom
07-27-2009, 08:59 AM
Just posting my two cents....

I, as well, would not ask the vet tech. There are always pet sitters available, all you have to do is interview for the right fit. That's what we just recently did, as we had to find a new one, and Vicky has been great. The charge, per visit, is $15 and I have her come in twice a day while we're gone. They keep a key on file, so they're available any time, and they'll do other services as well (water plants, take the trash up the drive, bring in the mail...). They even have a $10 service to come let you in your house if you lose your house key! They're bonded/insured, too.

You'll find the right one, don't worry, and it's a load off your mind when you do. Relying on friends and neighbors, to me, becomes a nuisance for the other people, as we do travel a bit, so I didn't want it to become an issue.

The vet is another story - I think he's just a jerk.

Good Luck in your search! :)

07-27-2009, 09:21 AM
:eek: I so agree.. What $29.50 a day is horrible & hwy robbery..
Try and ask the tech again outside of the vets office, what the tech does on his own time is his business.

07-27-2009, 12:25 PM
I agree with Pinoy's mom, you can always find a sitter. We have used he same one for almost 20 years. It's $ 15.00 a vist and she comes in twice a day, feeds check the water plays with some. so we figure at $ 30.00 a day it's pretty good. And the kids alll the kids love her.

07-28-2009, 09:34 PM
Moon and Bean say: Boo-HISS to that vet.

07-29-2009, 03:51 PM
Sandra, you know if I lived near you I'd babysit for you anytime:)

07-29-2009, 09:23 PM
Sandra, you know if I lived near you I'd babysit for you anytime:)

Yes, Kate, and I also know you mean "cat sit" Ha haa.

Thanks everyone. That particular trip never happened. But it does show me I need to have someone lined up for "when" I next travel. I used to have a cat sitter who came in, used her for 7 years but she stopped doing that during this time I've been caring for my Dad so I didn't pursue finding a new sitter.

Thanks for all the great info, insights, and comments.