View Full Version : Can I kill somebody?!

09-30-2002, 08:46 PM
His name is Craig. He is Melissa's (Lady the german shorthairs owner) brother. He's like 23 years old, still lives at home. He's always trying to make Melissa mad by saying things about Lady, taking her places, letting her get out, etc. This time, he went waaay to far!! I have no clue what possessed him to do this, other then to make Melissa mad, and because he is jealous. Melissa had just got Lady out and had her tied on a dog trolley type thing (they don't have a fenced yard). Lady was just sitting there while Melissa was cleaning poop out of the dog run. She was not doing a thing wrong. Craig comes out of the house, and walks right up to her carrying a notebook. He starts saying crap about how he's so sick of her running off, not doing what she's supposed to, Melissa doesn't punish her, etc. and he's going to give her what she deserves. Melissa looks up and tells Craig to go away and leave Lady alone. He (of course) doesn't listen, and then he rolled up the notebook and started smacking Lady hard with it! He was able to hit her twice before Melissa could run down and stop him. Melissa said Lady was just whining and shaking...and was hiding behind her. She said she'd never seen a dog so scared! I feel so bad for her!! I would just looooove to go smack Craig with a rolled up notebook a few times and see how he likes it! Lady had no clue why he was hitting and yelling at her! :( Craig threatened to do it again too. Aahhh! And he is home all day long (doesn't even have a job) while Melissa is at work. Melissa has a lock on the dog run, but it would not surprise me if Craig found a way to get her out anyway....ahh I'm so pissed off...I wish I would have been there when it happened...of course then I probably would have beat the crap out of him lol...

09-30-2002, 08:50 PM
OMG! If I were her, I would have kicked his ***! What a jerk this guy is:mad: How would he like it if someone started beating on him for no reason?! Guess this goes to show just how STUPID some people are. I'm sorry your friends brother is such a JERK! Please give Lady a big hug from me. Poor Girl:(

09-30-2002, 08:52 PM
What a jerk! :mad: I do not understand how people can treat dogs that way. i think he needs to be hit with something a lot harder then a rolled up notebook....see how he likes it! Poor Lady! Give her lots of extra hugs and kisses to remind her from all of us that not all humans are jerks!

09-30-2002, 08:52 PM
Actually she umm....kicked him in the balls...lol....I think he deserved more then that though! Nobody in her family (except Melissa of course) knows how to treat dogs. They just think of them as property.

09-30-2002, 08:59 PM
I agree, he should not be hitting Lady. :mad: Is the house Melissa's or their parents? I hope Melissa has a strong talk with Craig, or talks to their parents about his actions.

If I had talked to Craig, and it was my house, and I caught Craig treating lady or another pet badly, then I would tell him to hit the road. If he doesn't follow the "rules of the house", then perhaps he doesn't need to be there. :mad:

09-30-2002, 09:04 PM
It's her parents house. They let him get away with EVERYTHING, that's why he's the a**hole he is today. Her mom especially, Craig is her "baby." She's going to talk to her dad about it, although I doubt it will do much good.

09-30-2002, 09:38 PM
God.... that all sounds like a book im reading in class..... aobut the older brother getting away with everything, even killing someone. Scary Stuff.

Maybe you and melissa should both talk to her parents and tell them what something like hitting the dog could lead to. Like Lady biting him.

09-30-2002, 09:47 PM
That brings up a thought. I recall hearing that most of the abusers of humans, started as abusers of animals. :( He may need counceling.

If his parents are too set in their "pets as property" mentality, tell them his treatment of Lady is hurting their "property". She would be harder to sell or even give away if she is tramatized into fearing, or worse yet, hating humans

09-30-2002, 10:17 PM
He definitely needs "counseling" of some sort, though you hitting him would make him feel victimized, not sypathetic, I can guarantee you that. He's being abusive, and that is just plain wrong.

His parents need to exersize some "tough love" but that doesn't sound likely. Guess it's too late for military school, huh?

09-30-2002, 11:54 PM
I agree with you, I would have attacked him too!
If he is going to treat an animal like that then that is probably why he is 23 and has no job and still lives at home. No one in their right mind would marry him! If he is going to treat an animal like that, then he is going to treat a person like that. Wouldn't surprise me if he came after his sister,
always judge him the way he treats his mom or his sister!
What a jerk. I suppose your friend is also a senior and no chance of her moving out? What will happen if and when she moves away to college, how will Lady get treated then?

10-01-2002, 12:13 AM
I am going to say this I know I am pissed off due to this happening to one of my dogs when I was married by my ex. He beat the hell out of me then beat my female dog. Anyway! Melissa needs to call the cops on her brother or the animal shelter to let them know what happen, I know this is her brother but if she dont do something this punk will kill that dog. Sounds like he has more on his mind though and that was I am getting at .. if he gets to that dog again I dont doubt that he will not kill it. But for Lady Melissa needs to give that dog all the love she can and put it around people before she turns skiddish. Please Please tell her to turn him in.. I dont want you to post he kills the poor pup .. Hexe

10-01-2002, 06:26 AM
How aweful, Amy! Craig seems like a big fat loser! I do agree that he may need counseling. And if you think he would actually harm Lady when Melissa is out, then she needs to take action to prevent this from happening.

10-01-2002, 09:00 AM
GRRRRR!!!!! :mad: If ANYONE laid a hand on my dog like that... they would so regret it. He's lucky a kick to his family jewels is all he got.

Poor Lady. Tell Melissa to give her a hug for me.

But I agree... it sounds like the boy needs councelling.

Stupid jerk.... :mad:

10-01-2002, 09:22 AM
OMG! The nerve of some people. Who does her brother think he is. Give Lady and Melissa a BIG HUG from me! And I think her brother needs his ass kicked! This is serious and not an isolated thing. Lady is going to turn on him one day and he is going to be in trouble! People make me soooo mad!:mad:

Deisel & Phoebe say: "Watch out, or you might just get it back "brother"! Grrrrrr

10-01-2002, 09:30 AM
Up here its illigal to hit a dog really hard & out of anger for no reason, its called animal abuse. People can go to jail for that.

I think it was a year or two ago, that these teen boys took there female German Shepard, beat her, tied a sinder block to he choak chain & tossed her into the St.Lawrance River in Brockville Ontario. I don't remember everything that happened, but if my memory serves me right they were arrested & broght to jail.

& several weeks ago a man tied his black dog to his bicyle & took it for a run on the Ottawa bike paths, the temp. was over 40C, the dog died of heat stroke, & the man was charged with animal crulety.

All ur friend has to do is call "Crime Stoppers", or is it only a canadian thing? Well if its not & u can call them, ur friend doesn't have to give out her name, all she has to say is that she saw "so & so" beat the dog & he'll be dealt with.

From my exp. Councelling doesn't work, it made things worse, for me & my sister anyways. Punishment has always worked, in my eyes anyway.

Try the Crime Stoppers if u can :)

Its a great Org. out here & it protects ur name & everything.

I hope that savage beating didn't ruin the poor dog.

Dixieland Dancer
10-01-2002, 10:49 AM
:mad: :mad: :mad:

10-01-2002, 01:25 PM
People are jerks, it sucks but that is the way it is sometimes. I hate to hear things like this. Why are people so bad?

10-01-2002, 03:38 PM
I wish all of us Pet Talk people where there, and then we'd show him!!! That is so mean!! What kind of a psyco is that guy?? I cath anybody doing anything to an animal, and they will never see daylight again! Nope, kidding, nobody takes me seriously. When I start college in Alaska (and finally get to leave New York!!), that is it! I'm on my own, and anybody I see abusing animals is gunna get it! Until then, gotta deal with it! Actually, once I was over my friend Samantha's house, and they have a cute little Labbie named Onyx. She also has a 16-year-old brother named James. Well, I was eating dinner with them once, and Onyx jumped up on James (he's just a puppy!) and he said something innapropriate to the dog. He said get off me, you b*st*rd!! I got mad and told him that he didn't know if the dog could hear him or not, and that is totally unnessecary. I actually took on a 16 year old just because he said a innapropriate word to the dog! My friends were astonished, I don't know why but they thought I was crazy.

10-01-2002, 06:56 PM
OMG!! SOMEBODY HOLD ME BACK WHILE I GO AT IT BEATING UP CHRIS FOR HURTING THAT POOR DOG! :mad: What an asshole! *vents* I hate things like that..

10-01-2002, 08:54 PM
OMG!! Can I come over and smack him upside the head? PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:

10-02-2002, 12:40 AM
Hey Rach, come on over, we can all beat up Craig together lol. That'd be fun. Melissa told her dad about it, and he said "it's just a dog" but he at least yelled at Craig a little bit. Her mom didn't care at all. I don't think I could really get him for animal abuse, as the dog wasn't "seriously" injured, and there was nobody there to see it but Melissa and Craig. I really think Craig just wanted to piss Melissa off. He is sooooo jealous of her having a dog! When she first got her he took her around to his friends and told him it was his dog. He actually put up the dog run for her, built her a dog house, a pantry thing for toys/treats and even a stool type thing to put her food and water on. I don't get him. He favorite thing to do is when Melissa is out training Lady, he'll come by and start calling Lady, or giving her handfuls of treats.........just whatever he can do to annoy Melissa. Lady *used* to like him........I think he's going to find the opposite now...hopefully

10-02-2002, 12:57 AM
I hope Lady will not get too violent toward Craig (or other humans). I would hate her to be "put-down" because of attacking humans. :( Craig sounds like the sterotypical, "bad brother" and "bully". :mad:

10-02-2002, 01:20 AM
It'd be really hard to picture Lady being vicious with humans. She's a german shorthair. A big, fun, happy-go-lucky "huntin' dawg." Well she looks like a hunting dog at least, she's never been hunting. She just loves everybody she meets, maybe a little too much, as she likes to jump on them. Hopefully she will not have any more incidents like that with Craig.

10-02-2002, 01:27 AM
this guy needs to come to our house and raise a hand to anyone of our dogs and Mike would take him through a whole can of Whoopass...lol, This moron would find a new definition to the words pain and suffering. Mike is normally very calm and does not like confrontation unless it involves me or one of the dogs. At that point even hell takes a step back. So give him a ticket to fort wayne and directions to our house. he will learn his lesson quickly.

I really hate stupid people...:mad: :mad: :mad: