View Full Version : Has anyone heard from Giselle?

07-20-2009, 06:14 PM
I posted her a note and haven't heard from her, she last logged on in March?

07-20-2009, 06:16 PM
I have her phone number (if it's still valid). I'll try to give her a call.

Edit: I just sent her a text. I know she graduated and is/was going to be off to college. But I'll let you know if/what she replies.

07-20-2009, 06:22 PM
I have her phone number (if it's still valid). I'll try to give her a call.

Edit: I just sent her a text. I know she graduated and is/was going to be off to college. But I'll let you know if/what she replies.

Oh I thought she had one more year of high school. I know she was considering which college to pick but I didn't hear which one she ended up picking. We are doing the big college hunt right now with my daughter so it made me wonder about her.

07-20-2009, 06:36 PM
We are doing the big college hunt right now with my daughter so it made me wonder about her.

How is that going? You mentioned it in a topic of mine a month or so ago. I was talking about my grandson.

They are going to check out a few places in Pennsylvania next week.

07-20-2009, 06:48 PM
She went with my sister in law this weekend to check out UC San Diego because my sister in law needed to go there anyway. She loves it there. I told hubby we need to go check out Cal Poly at San Luis Obispo, I am rooting for Cal Poly, I think it has a better Engineering program and I don't like the idea of the 300 student classroom that UC San Diego has.

We scheduled a mini vacation in San Luis Obispo for August to go check that out, those are her two major choices right now. I would like her to look at UC Davis also, its only 30 minutes from our house so she could stay at home, not sure how great there Engineering program is though, she said they don't have much.

If she goes to Cal Poly its only 5 hours for me to go see her and there are places nearby to go camping with the dogs, San Diego is 10 hours away and I don't know about campgrounds down there...of course I doubt that will be a major consideration for her:rolleyes:

07-20-2009, 08:48 PM
Oh I thought she had one more year of high school. I know she was considering which college to pick but I didn't hear which one she ended up picking. We are doing the big college hunt right now with my daughter so it made me wonder about her.

You know, maybe you're right. I think she is a year younger than my niece. Well, I haven't heard from her yet.

07-20-2009, 08:51 PM
I'm really not sure, she was waiting to hear from Berkely and my daughter hasn't even sent letters yet so maybe she did graduate...did she answer your text?

07-20-2009, 09:12 PM
She went with my sister in law this weekend to check out UC San Diego because my sister in law needed to go there anyway. She loves it there. I told hubby we need to go check out Cal Poly at San Luis Obispo, I am rooting for Cal Poly, I think it has a better Engineering program and I don't like the idea of the 300 student classroom that UC San Diego has.

We scheduled a mini vacation in San Luis Obispo for August to go check that out, those are her two major choices right now. I would like her to look at UC Davis also, its only 30 minutes from our house so she could stay at home, not sure how great there Engineering program is though, she said they don't have much.

If she goes to Cal Poly its only 5 hours for me to go see her and there are places nearby to go camping with the dogs, San Diego is 10 hours away and I don't know about campgrounds down there...of course I doubt that will be a major consideration for her:rolleyes:

Stay at home - would she do that?

Will keep my fingers crossed for Cal Poly. 5 hours is a good distance - away, but not a terrible distance.

My son went to Annapolis, the Naval Academy - that was an all day trip for us. His oldest is at Hood, in Maryland - maybe 3 hours away. Evan wants to go out of state, also, but that could be as close as 2 hours.

We'll just have to wait and see.

Does your daughter have a specific field of engineering in mind?

07-21-2009, 10:11 AM
Stay at home - would she do that?

Will keep my fingers crossed for Cal Poly. 5 hours is a good distance - away, but not a terrible distance.

My son went to Annapolis, the Naval Academy - that was an all day trip for us. His oldest is at Hood, in Maryland - maybe 3 hours away. Evan wants to go out of state, also, but that could be as close as 2 hours.

We'll just have to wait and see.

Does your daughter have a specific field of engineering in mind?

She told me a few of her options and I can't remember them:o She isn't positive but she wants to put to use her love of math and how good she is in it. She got college credits for her calculus in high school last year and its funny those calculus classes are her easiest classes.

Edwina's Secretary
07-21-2009, 10:32 AM
If she goes to Cal Poly its only 5 hours for me to go see her and there are places nearby to go camping with the dogs, San Diego is 10 hours away and I don't know about campgrounds down there...of course I doubt that will be a major consideration for her:rolleyes:

There are a few campgrounds around San Diego. I researched when my brother-in-law and family visited last summer. They stayed at a nice one in Oceanside.

07-21-2009, 10:39 AM
There are a few campgrounds around San Diego. I researched when my brother-in-law and family visited last summer. They stayed at a nice one in Oceanside.

Oh thats good to know, I figured they were all fancy smancy rv parks...

smokey the elder
07-21-2009, 10:40 AM
She told me a few of her options and I can't remember them:o She isn't positive but she wants to put to use her love of math and how good she is in it. She got college credits for her calculus in high school last year and its funny those calculus classes are her easiest classes.

Pretty much ANY flavor of engineering requires strong math skills.

07-21-2009, 10:46 AM
Pretty much ANY flavor of engineering requires strong math skills.

Yeah thats pretty much what we are thinking, she wants to pick something that has good job prospects also.

07-21-2009, 12:00 PM
...did she answer your text?

No. :( I think I might just call her cell and leave her a message this afternoon.

07-21-2009, 12:08 PM
No. :( I think I might just call her cell and leave her a message this afternoon.

Thats not like her...I hope everything is okay.

07-21-2009, 01:32 PM
She went with my sister in law this weekend to check out UC San Diego because my sister in law needed to go there anyway. She loves it there. I told hubby we need to go check out Cal Poly at San Luis Obispo, I am rooting for Cal Poly, I think it has a better Engineering program and I don't like the idea of the 300 student classroom that UC San Diego has.

We scheduled a mini vacation in San Luis Obispo for August to go check that out, those are her two major choices right now. I would like her to look at UC Davis also, its only 30 minutes from our house so she could stay at home, not sure how great there Engineering program is though, she said they don't have much.

If she goes to Cal Poly its only 5 hours for me to go see her and there are places nearby to go camping with the dogs, San Diego is 10 hours away and I don't know about campgrounds down there...of course I doubt that will be a major consideration for her:rolleyes:

That's awesome.. You do know, Ohio State is a really, really good school for engineering. Just as you know, it is one of the top majors chosen at the college.

07-21-2009, 02:03 PM
Right here in Sacramento CSUS is a great engineering school, but of course she doesn't want to go there:rolleyes:

08-20-2009, 02:03 AM
I'm here :) Thanks for asking!

So much has happened since March; it's just been absolutely insane...

- I graduated from high school (finally... LOL)
- I chose UC Berkeley and will be moving in this Saturday. Go Bears! :D I was a little upset that I did not get into my first choice (Cornell University), but, admittedly, it was my "reach" school and I'll have a second chance (vet school). So, I'm very happy with UC Berkeley.
- I've been juggling a lot of dog behavior stuff: working with a lot of 'problem' dogs, working more with Ivy (she makes so proud), got a mentor a la an extremely well-renowned veterinary behaviorist/author/speaker/ethology professor, planning to attend the APDT conference this October, etc.
...I'm basically doing everything I can to make myself one of the best potential veterinary behaviorists I can. I can't believe it took me so long to find this field, but I'm passionately in love with it. I love it, love, love, love, love it. And it comes so naturally. My plan is to attend either UC Davis, Cornell, or UPenn after Berkeley and then get my board certification. So, check back on me in 10 years and, hopefully, I'll have some letters before and after my name :D
- I went to Thailand in July for about three weeks. Of the main highlights, we visited the Chiang Mai Elephant Nature Park = amazing. One of the most enlightening moments of my life. Will write more/post pics about it maybe later.

In less exciting, a bit more negative news...
- My budgies passed away. I only have the three dogs now. The house is a little less chaotic, heh.
- I crashed my car. I'm now car-less until the shop returns it, so I'm rediscovering the joys of public transportation.

So, there you go! I'm here! Bombard me with news! =)

08-20-2009, 09:53 AM
Congratulations on getting accepted into UC Berkely, that is quite an achievement!

Will you live on campus or at home? I keep telling my daughter to apply there and she says no thanks I don't want to do homework 24/7:D

08-20-2009, 10:35 PM
Oh, it'll be tough, but it will be more than worth it. SO many doors are open right now! :) I don't know what's going to happen in the next couple years, but I'm staying on campus this year. I need to socialize LOL.

08-21-2009, 12:13 AM
We went to check out Cal Poly this weekend. My daughter went to check out UC San Diego a month ago. Those are her top options. I broke my foot in may and had surgery and I am just now getting back to normal.

She did receive a dive scouting letter from Cornell, I think a lot of east coast colleges try to get divers from the west coast.

08-21-2009, 10:03 AM
You only have three dogs now? I thought you only had three before: Ivy, Giselle and Lucky. Am I forgetting something?

I'm sorry to hear about your budgies and your car accident. I'm glad you are okay though. And congrats on starting college! :D

08-21-2009, 12:15 PM
You only have three dogs now? I thought you only had three before: Ivy, Giselle and Lucky. Am I forgetting something?

I'm sorry to hear about your budgies and your car accident. I'm glad you are okay though. And congrats on starting college! :D

I think she meant no budgies, just three dogs, at least thats how I understood it.