View Full Version : getting real close to my goal weight...

07-19-2009, 04:33 PM
Most of you know i have been on the weight loss journey since Feb and am a stauch Weight Watcher, i do this programme at home by myself and i have now shed 9.5 kgs which is 20.9 pounds, yes Richard that sounds oh so better, but now i will do it in reverse i am only 3.5 kilos away from my goal, i am so happy, i cannot quite believe it, this little bit will actually be the hardest to loose and probably take me the longest, i am more than happy if it takes me until xmas, as that is what i anticipated my goal reaching day would be.

However i certainly will take an earlier date, and then when i reach my goal , i may go down a bit further or just stay at that, depending on how i feel.

I have battled with this on and off since having children, i have been slim, to a nice rounded curvy girl, i have never been obese, but still that is not what matters here, i have been more than i should, for my health and well being, my determination started back in Feb with the onset of terrible hip and knee pain, i have had sore knees on and off since my 30's and have fibromyalgia, so put it down to that,the hip pain was new and i was having to use a walking stick to get up and down the stairs and around the place, having the extra weight just added to the problem and i decided no way, no more,i also want to look and feel better, and am hoping this will keep my blood pressure down, i have yet to have my blood tests done, but am waiting until i have reached my goal for a complete work over,how exciting NOT.

Anyhow hope i have not bored anyone to tears, but i am just over the moon , and i feel so much better within myself, unfortunately no improvement on the hip or knee pain, i guess the damage is done, and it is probably arthritis,but at least i can deal with it a little better these days.

I hope to post pics when i get to my goal,hope everyone else is doing well in their journey's and congrats to all who have arrived to their place of happiness and comfort within themselves, thanks for listening.

P.S i just wanted to add my thoughts on being overweight, i believe it is not about what we eat so much as how much we eat, i also believe in low fat 100 per cent, i try never to eat anything over 3grms of saturated fat, and that would only be a treat food, most of my foods are 0.1 to 1.grm of saturated fat, when i was overweight, i ate more higher fat foods, and i just ate too much, it was often not bad food, it could be a breakfast cereal, a healthy one we have here which i eat every morning, weetbix,but i would have it maybe three times a day and my other food, in fact i probably have more treat foods now than i did before, but it is the quantity that is different, i can buy a packet of chocolate biscuits, and ration myself to one per day, and share with the family, before i could eat half a packet to myself no problem, shameful i know, but the truth, chocolate and i have always had this kind of relationship, even now i really have to watch it,we have these biscuits here i love chocolate disgestives, they are great for a treat choice, as the saturated fat is only 1.7 and one and half points on WW, i get my chocolate fix that way lol.
However yesterday i bought a block of whittakers creamy milk chocolate, a large family block, and i had only four squares,but i found it so delicious that after sharing with the family i gave it away to others, as it was just too tempting, i won't be doing that again,but i am glad i stuck to my portion control,but it was just too darn hard, i am ok with the biscuits but not that particular chocolate.

I have always been a comfort eater, and consider food my drug of choice,i would even go so far as to say i have addiction to it, i am sure many of you can relate to my comments 100 per cent, anyhow just wanted to share my trials and tribulations lol.

07-19-2009, 05:00 PM
I admire your will power. I have NONE. I am just lazy. One of these days I'll get off my rear and do something about it.

Congrats on your weight loss. That is so wonderful for you!! :D :D

07-19-2009, 05:03 PM
Great job Carole, I would love to see a picture of you to put a face with your name. I too wish I had the willpower.

07-19-2009, 05:26 PM
Thanks, and you know what guy's YOU have the will power within you, it is just got to be when the time is right for you, sometimes it takes something like my health issues that gets you motivated, mind you i have always been successful at loosing weight, but keeping it off is the real battle and challenge that lies ahead, but best get to goal first, one thing at a time.

I remember watching Dr Phil and he said it was not about will power but lifestyle changes, i disagree with him a bit there, it is about both in my opinion, you cannot do one without the other.

As for a pic, oh i have shared my mug on here many times, but i will post a new pic when i get to goal, want to wait until then.lol

Just remember YOU can do it do , when you are ready, i am here any time for support or advice, i really think it is one thing i can talk about with confidence, as i have a wealth of experience lol, and as you can see i can chat about it forever, one piece of advice though, do it before you reach your 50's it is way harder in this age group, you have other things that make it just that much harder,so DON'T leave it too long ladies,you are only going to make it that much harder on yourself, as i did.

07-19-2009, 05:37 PM
I think I have seen your picture before but its been a while.

I was doing pretty good last year at this time. Getting injured and not being able to walk has derailed all of my weight loss efforts, I am sure I have gained a few pounds but I can't stand on the scale.

07-19-2009, 05:38 PM
Congratulations on your success, Carole and thanks for sharing! With my recent heart scare, I am getting a new attitude about my health and weight as well. First, I am trying to get off of most of my medications as I am thinking that they have caused more problems than the good they have done. I believe that most of my health issues would be greatly improved, if not completely corrected, if I would take control of my own health instead of handing it over to the pharmaceutical industry! Well... that's another story but I am very happy for you and look forward to seeing your results!


07-19-2009, 05:48 PM
Congratulations Carole!

I too need to get off my butt and shed these pounds I've gained (way to many to even mention:o) and I keep saying tomorrow or Monday, but those days come and go and I keep eating the same.
I am a sweet eater. I could eat ice cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

I know it can be done, and I agree it has to be when I'm ready. Just wish I was ready now:p
Your success gives me great hope. Thanks and keep up the good work!

07-19-2009, 06:01 PM
Anna i have seen your picture many times, and you always appeared to be super thin to me, are you sure you need to loose any, or has it just crept up upon you lol, i am glad sharing has helped some , i hope to inspire others here a I know only too well how hard it can jolly well be, as i said i still have the real challenge ahead actually keeping it off, i am a determined person by nature,and i am hoping that will keep me down this time, when i make my mind up about something it is very hard to budge it, can be good in some cases and not so good in others lol if you get my meaning.

07-19-2009, 09:47 PM
I'm so proud of you Carole! Good for you! I lost alot of weight several years ago and when people asked me what I did I just said "I just got sick and tired of being sick and tired!" You are absolutely correct, it can't be done for a Wedding or a reunion etc. That weight will come back plus some. It has to be a life change.
I'm currently on the Flat Belly diet as that's where I hold most of my weight. It's going well and I'd like to loose another 20 lbs. I'm on the right track and it's a great balanced diet that's flexible and something I can sustain as a life style. I did WW and LOVED it as well.
Everytime I buy my 30lbs of kitty litter and have to haul it up the flight of stairs, I think to myself, How the heck did I climb stairs with 30lb of fat on me back then?
Keep up the good work! Kudos!

07-19-2009, 10:28 PM
You know what is really bugging me now, people are saying you look fine, you don't need to loose anymore weight, which is simply not true, i am not a healthy weight yet,it somewhat annoys me, i have no ideas of being skinny, i won't be , i just want to look and feel good about myself and be considered in the healthy weight range, and i am getting close to it now, but i am still not there.

Hey good on you for doing so well too, it is indeed a battle alright ,but one worth winning, keep at it, we need to encourage each other.

I know I always think of it as 20 pounds of butter, honestly i could not carry that now, but you know i was, i was lucky i hid my weight quite well ,and probably did not look as much as i weighed, well that is what people kept telling me, but i knew what was underneath, ugh!!! lol

07-20-2009, 06:05 AM
Carole, good on you! I agree with you it is how and when you feel the power to commit to a healthier you that starts things off. I carry j around sometimes and think "omg, I am nearly carrying this much extra weight around on my body !" I never had a weight issue until j came around. Frankly, though, I allowed my pregnancy to serve as an excuse to eat like never before. 5 years later. It is still here. I am finally getting into better shape, exercise wise, I jogged 1.5 miles the other day easily(far cry from the 3 to 5 I used to do)but, I am getting there. The weight is still there but I am really watching my portions. I want to wait until August 1st to weigh myself....a scary thought! But, the scale keeps ME accountable, and most of all let's me stop any back sliding that happens.

I wish I would not have waited so long to Lose it, and of course, wished I never gained it to start.

So, here's to you losing your last bit!

07-20-2009, 06:13 AM
Congrats, you're almost there. I'm stuck right now at my weight. Its my equilibrium and I can never get below it. The problem is I don't eat. If I take in over 1500 calories in a day, I've eaten a lot that day. I have no idea how I'm not skinny as a rail. I don't even like food.

07-20-2009, 07:06 AM
Keep up the good work, Carole. Whatever weight you've lost, I think I've found. I admire your will power. :)

Laura's Babies
07-20-2009, 08:22 AM
CONGRATULATIONS to you for loosing and achieveing your goal! The real trial comes in maintaining that weight! Good eating habits have to become just that, a habit and you have to be committed to keeping it up. But don't it make you feel GREAT to have set a goal and achieved it?!

My problem is I have enjoyed eating healthier so much that I have kept it up and am continueing to loose. My goal was to get to 130 and I think I am somewhere around 120 now and dip even lower now and then. I up what I eat and do good, then go back to eating healthy again and drop off a few more pounds so that has become a battle... finding the right balance to maintain! Find the right balance for yourself to maintain where you are.

07-20-2009, 10:19 AM
You go, girl!!! WW is THE best diet yet. You eat right, exercise and drink lots of water and the weight WILL come off. Great job!

07-20-2009, 05:08 PM
.......I have always been a comfort eater, and consider food my drug of choice,i would even go so far as to say i have addiction to it,.....
carole, food is the only addiction that you have to do to live...are you hooked up to a 12 step program?

07-20-2009, 05:44 PM
Hey i have really enjoyed reading all your responses, thanks for the extra support, it is hard going it alone,and it means a lot to get your encouragement, i only hope i can inspire others and keep them at it too.

I was reading a BMI chart yesterday that really dismayed me, i really think build and age should come into it, if i were to go to what they recommend i would be stick thin and look awful, i think i will just stick with my goal, and then when i achieve it, i will decide whether or not to go a bit further down, i probably could go another further 4 kgs after that, but one day at a time, and i will wait till i am there.

No twelve step programme for me, i think i can do it without that,this is going to be a lifestyle change for good this time, i actually do not enjoy fatty food,i am more of a sweet tooth really, and that i have to watch.

My lifestyle programme is to continue as i am forever just adding a few more points in the way of fruit mostly when i have found my maintainence level, it took me six weeks to loose this one kg that is 2.2 pounds, i thought i was doing my maintainence, with the cold weather i was super hungry and was giving it a rest for a while, but hey presto one kg came off, so i now know this is not my maintainence level, ooh thank goodness, i don't want to eat that little the rest of my life, i want a little bit more than that.
I also plan to have special occasions ,like birthdays, wedding anniversary's,xmas days when i can eat whatever i want, if there is a low fat option i will choose it , if not i won't stress over it and go right back to healthy eating the next day, now this is all theory for now, so hopefully when i put it into practice it will work. you still have to enjoy life, and if eating nice food occasionally is part of it, then so be it, i have already done this a few times during my journey, and it has made no difference, went out to lunch on mothers day,and we choose someone we had not been before and i had no option but to eat fatty food, it was awful , i was disgusted by the menu and will never go back again, however it made no difference to my weight loss,it is all about control, portion control and how often you eat the NO NO's.

And the biggest thing i have to work on is exercise, i have been so slack on that, i have been in quite some pain lately and that has really stacked things against me, even walking is painful at times, but i guess it is the catch 22 if you do not use it , you loose it, and i know i have to do it, now where is the determination, and motivation there, it is very lacking,so that is also my next challenge.

Cataholic, all i can say is you are young yet, so if you can loose it now, it is the best thing to do, the longer it stays there the harder it gets, when you are dealing with hormonal ups and downs, and reach this age, it is darn hard, i am sure my fellow friends in my age group can vouch for that, a lot of women put weight around the middle and find it very hard to loose in this age group, so girl try hard, YOU can do it too, and yes those babies are beautiful but they have a lot to answer for lol,for me it was breastfeeding afterwards that i gained the weight after my second child, i actually weighed only 2.2 pounds more than i do today when i left hospital only gaining 4kgs all up,but after i fed for 16mths, i was starving all the time, and ate too much and my weight ballooned, by the time i finished i was the heaviest i had ever been in my life,luckily i did loose about ten kgs of it and kept that off for many years, just going up and down a few kgs now and then, until now ,this is the lightest i have been in almost 17 yrs, my baby girl will be 17 in August, i am trying to get to my goal then, as i will then be the same weight as i was before i got pregnant,when i was 34,so that would be quite an achievement for me.

Anyhow enough raving on and on, you will all be sick of hearing about it all, but i hope some of you can relate to my story, and motivate yourselves too, as you can see by reading my posts it has been a real struggle, it took me ten years to loose weight after my first child, i got down to the perfect weight then, and was very slim, i am aiming for a higher weight as i am older now, and it will take too much of a toll if i loose too much, and this time it has taken me 17yrs, just as well i only had two children lol.

07-22-2009, 11:23 AM
Carole- I do blame my beautiful child for it all. The weight gain, the large cup size, the grey hair, the sleep deprivation- LOL, all of it. This morning, when he yelled, "snuggle time" (something we do virtually every am, with Allie cat), I had 5 more minutes to go on the elliptical. I nearly jumped off and went upstairs. That is what I usually do, work his needs in ahead of mine. This time, I said, "Okay, honey, be up in 5 minutes!" and nary a word was said. Oh, well, he did say, "you can't lie in my bed all sweaty". LOL. Brat!

I am totally trying and feel very committed. I had a neighbor girl say, "you look like you lost weight" and inside, I nearly cried. Of course, I shrugged it off and said, "yeah, a whole half ounce".

Off to the gym for a quick workout. :)

07-22-2009, 03:29 PM
I was reading a BMI chart yesterday that really dismayed me, i really think build and age should come into it, if i were to go to what they recommend i would be stick thin and look awful, i think i will just stick with my goal, and then when i achieve it, i will decide whether or not to go a bit further down, i probably could go another further 4 kgs after that, but one day at a time, and i will wait till i am there.

I think the BMI charts are a bunch of effin horse shiat!

I just ran my #s thru a calculator and I am obese!

I do have a spare tire, but I have seen athletes the same height and a few pounds heavier and they look like slobs!

I did weigh quite a bit more at one time but now I walk more and feel a bit better since I started doing more physically.

I just don't trust the 'standards' for the world.

You know what and where you body feel like at a 'suitable' weight.

Congrats and get rid of those KILOS!;)

07-22-2009, 03:48 PM
right on Brother, i agree 100 per cent, they can stick their stats where the sun don't shine, according to these charts when i reach my goal weight i am still overweight for my height, sure i may still have a few spare tyres left as well, and realistically i always will,but i know how i look and feel, i would not be considered skinny at the weight, but i would be very acceptable even by my own very critical standards.

I do however want my waist measurement to be in the healthy range, and that is something i will have to work hard at to achieve, as it poses so many health risks that i am trying my darn hardest to avoid.

Good on you Johanna, keep at it, that's the spirit,yes those little darlings have a lot to answer for lol, but then we would not be without them in our lives for one single second would we?ok maybe now and then for a much needed break lol

07-26-2009, 09:48 AM

A news story about BMI!

07-26-2009, 08:43 PM
Thanks Richard that made very interesting reading, and you know to heck with the BMI, when i am happy with what i am, that is where i shall stay.:)

I just did my BMI just out of interest, and found i am slightly over the healthy side of things, in the slightly overweight category,but not too much to go, probably when i loose the rest i will be ok..according to it i need to loose another 12 pounds, which i am ok with, i was only go to loose another 7 but i could do the rest, i would feel better at a lower weight anyhow.

And i only have one inch to loose on my waist and i will be in the healthy waist range, yahoo.