View Full Version : sad news about my mothers kitty...

07-19-2009, 04:11 PM
I introduced you all to my mother's kitty some time ago, Tessa, is a beautiful chocolate burmese kitty, my parents have owned her for at least 12 years maybe more.

My mother had noticed a few things not quite right with her, she seemed fine some days, not so good others and was having a few toilet troubles,anyhow the sad news is Tessa is in CRF, i actually was pretty sure this is what the result would be having dealt with my Ash for over a year now.

Tessa is 16 years old, and has been very healthy up until now, i know my mother had a different point of view than mine, and i thought she was going to put her to sleep, as she does not want her suffering in anyway, however the vet has prescribed her some pills and she is going with that, i can now sigh with a sense of relief about that.

At least i can help my mother with dealing with it all, i don't think Tessa is as far on as my Ash, as she still eats well, however she is getting more test done tomorrow.

So all prayers and good thoughts would be appreciated , thanks my friends.

Here is a pic of the lovely Tessa, cute isn't she?

07-19-2009, 04:26 PM
Tessa is a cutie. I'm glad she is trying the pills. Cats can live very nicely for some time with CRF if it is caught early enough and treated. Give your mom and Tessa my best!

07-19-2009, 04:38 PM
Tessa is BEAUTIFUL! What a stunning senior lady.

Prayers that she and your mother will have many more years together.

07-19-2009, 04:54 PM
Tessa is beautiful! You can say all kinds of things about what you'd do in this situation. But until you are actually IN it you don't know. I felt I had to at least try the sub-q's and anything else with Taz. And I did, for two weeks. But Taz's progressed so quickly (I think it had to do with the cysts he had around his kidneys) there wasn't much more I could do for him besides let him go.

I hope the meds will help and Tessa can be with your mother for several months or even years longer.

07-19-2009, 05:20 PM
Thanks yes, Tessa is one fine senior lady, she is a real love bug too, she just adores having her tummy rubbed, i love her too, and i am sad this is happening, but it is just old age, she has had the best care possible before my parents owned her and now,i think realistically years is not going to happen, but maybe they will have one more year together, my poor mother was crying her eyes out the night before she even knew Tessa had this,as she feared her kitty was ill,and thought it would be serious, due to her age,she has been a much loved companion, i am just glad my mum has decided to give the pills a go,at first she was very reluctant when i talked with her, she said i don't want her suffering.
and i can well understand he thoughts there, i have to question my own decision daily with Ash, when the days are bad, you wonder if you have done the right thing, and letting him go would be a blessing, but next day he has picked up and seems so much better, you think yep i did, it is a real roller coaster ride, not sure if mum is up to that or not, but rest assured what time Tessa has left will be happy, she is very spoilt, she has her own electric blanket, tepee House, and of course the best food and care possible.

07-19-2009, 05:25 PM
Tessa is stunningly beautiful, Carole! I hope the new meds will improve her quality of life so she can stay with your family a while longer!:love:

07-19-2009, 05:39 PM
CRF kitties can live a long time. My Puddy had it for years. Subq's and meds make a world of difference. It's no longer a death sentence. Hopefully, Tessa will improve and she'll have many more good years yet. She sure is a pretty girl. Keep the faythe.

07-19-2009, 05:48 PM
Tessa is a real beauty and her loving purrsonality comes shining through the screen. Please know that our prayers are already being prayed for the meds to work and Tessa will be feeling better in no time. Please let us know how she's doing?
Sending her gentle feel better tummy rubs :love: :love: :love:

07-19-2009, 05:52 PM
Mary how old was Puddy when she was diagnosed,? i do think the age has a lot to do with it, if they are younger, then perhaps the life span is longer, my vet told me to only expect one to two years with Ash, and we have hit the one year already yahoo., i think it would depend on the cat as well, as with humans every one is different.

07-19-2009, 06:26 PM
If theres a downside to having a Fur Companion its the fact that we will eventually in most cases outlive them.
All we can do is take the best care of them that we know how, and to get them good food and lots of qualuty time so that thier minds are active, and they get lots of exrecise.
We are praying for Dear Tessa, that she can be with you longer and enjoy a good qulity of life.
Tess is such a Beatiful Cat!!

Laura's Babies
07-19-2009, 07:45 PM
What a lovely girl she is, prayers that the pills is all she needs!

07-19-2009, 08:46 PM
Mary how old was Puddy when she was diagnosed,?

I can't recall exactly but I think she was around 10 years old and she lived to be 14. Now Pidge is in CRF but she also has cardiomyopathy. Each situation is different, of course, but I can still hear Dr. Lee's voice when I took Puddy in once because she was having a particularly bad spell and I thought I'd have to help her to the Bridge, he said "Mary, you'll be selling Puddy short if you do. She's been through worse times than this". That's all I needed to hear. She lived for a couple of year after that but, Puddy too, had other problems such as anemia and senility.

07-19-2009, 08:47 PM
She is just STUNNING. :eek:

Prayers that the pills will help. I don't know if she eats wet food, but maybe your mum could mix just a bit of warm water in it to up her fluids.

Please keep us posted.:love:

07-19-2009, 09:16 PM
Your fursis is lovely! Fingers crossed and good thoughts sent out to the universe that she is comfortable and will let your mom know when it's time to go. Blessings!

07-19-2009, 10:18 PM
Yes Mary my Ash has the same problems as your Puddy, with the heart, i think Puddy being quite a bit younger six years, probably makes a bit of difference, anyhow we shall just hope that Tessa has a while yet,my dad is real good friends with the vet, he is just not a customer, so will give them all the advice necessary, and i guess they will have to make the decisions regarding her, not me, it is their kitty after all, i just hope she has a little longer left with my parents,as mum especially will miss Tessa a whole lot.

Candace as with regards to her diet, they may have to slowly introduce wet foods, Tessa has been on dry food for many years,and the vet did say she would be better on wet now, so let us hope Tessa adjusts.

07-19-2009, 10:41 PM
She sure is gorgeous.:) Hopefully her pills will help her with this disease. I'll keep her in my thoughts and prayers.

07-20-2009, 04:27 PM
More prayers for lovely Tessa, and a candle: http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/message.cfm?l=eng&cid=8815468

07-20-2009, 06:09 PM
Thanks everyone, and Phesina you are so sweet lighting candles for my sick babies, i really love how you do that for me.

I think she is going for her vet appointment today, for further tests,i will ring my Dad tonight, my mother is away in auckland at my sisters, she did not want to leave ,but she knew my dad would take good care of her, i will find out tonight hopefully any more results, news, keep you all posted.

07-21-2009, 07:52 AM

I'm so sorry to hear about Tessa. She's beautiful!!!! Spoil her rotten, give her anything and everything they want. She certainly is stunning.

Following suit, I will pray for Tessa and light candles.

((((((((HUGS))))))))))) :love::love:

Donna and fur crew

07-21-2009, 04:37 PM
ok well Tessa is not going in to the vets just yet, he has put her on Fortekor, the same medication as my Ash and in ten days will assess her, she will also probably go to the vets every month for a check up,and the vet has assured my dad she will not suffer in any way as that is my parents main concern, so she will be in very good hands, and Donna believe me she has alway's been and is still spoilt rotten , as all our furbabies deserve.

Tessa has a lovely nature, and is a real sweetie pie,thanks everyone for your concern and prayers, every bit helps,let us all hope Tessa has some quality life left.