View Full Version : Scutter's opinion

07-16-2009, 02:30 PM
I took lots of picks of the furbabies (some of them are posted in my album) and the cats look like they are not happy about me following them around. My camera is old and it has a very long shutter time so I have to toss most of the pics and I never really know what I'll get.

When I was reviewing the pics I found this pic of Scutter (the yellow boy). Looks like he's letting me know exactly what he thinks of me and my camera!!

Brie NEVER looks happy in her pics. She's either surprised or PO'd. I've attached a typical picture of her too.

Dj, Brie and Scutter

smokey the elder
07-16-2009, 02:34 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk! Does Brie have blue eyes? Gorgeous kitties!

07-16-2009, 02:37 PM
Is Scutter an ORANGEMAN????

07-16-2009, 03:08 PM
Yep and yep.

When I first found this site I posted pics of Brie to ask if maybe she was a lynx point Siamese and the general consensus was yes, she is. She's pretty, right? I think so but then I'm biased. Her eyes are so blue that if I look at her with a light behind me she'll have red demon-eyes. The foster moms at the rescue agency named her Brie because she is "light, soft and luscious just like warm brie cheese". =) I kept the name because it really fits.

Scutter is, indeed, a yellowman. More of a buff color. His name is sort-of derived from his peanut-butter color. He has the jealous nature of yellowbabies. He is my first yellow tab. His full name is Scutter J. McNugget O'Love. The J stands for Jihad. Suits him when he's in one of "those" moods. He's a snuggler, though...loves his tummy rubs.

Thanks for the comments!
Dj, Brie and Scutter.

07-16-2009, 04:22 PM
Scutter:love::love: does seem to have that Greta Garbo I want to be alone look , but how could we admire you Scutter if your Meeowmie doesnt post Photos??
Cheer up Scutter :):)we hear Whiskas Temptations are a coming for You All!!!'

07-18-2009, 05:33 PM
Awww, kitties! Thank you for allowing your photos to be taken - you are beautiful!!

07-18-2009, 08:47 PM
Your cats are adorable and I love their expressions.:) My Pearl is also a Lynx Point Siamese Mix and my Sunny is my orangie Aby mix. Even though Sunny will be 9 in late August, he still thinks that he's the baby. He's also an eternal kitten and a big goofball. Orange cats always seem to have the best personalities.:) I look forward to hearing more about your cats and seeing more pictures of them too.:)

07-18-2009, 09:25 PM
I love your kitties! Brie is absolutely precious with that annoyed look on her face and Scutter is well, a tabby and possesses that tabbitude. I have an orangman, and he always lets me know EXACTLY what he's thinking about everything!:p

07-19-2009, 06:11 PM
Your babies are absolutely gorgeous! Don't worry though, Groucho isn't too thrilled when the camera appears either. Could I ask you to give each of them some scritchies and lovies from me?

07-27-2009, 03:40 PM
:love: How so Sweet & Adorable they both are..