View Full Version : New eyeglass time - help me shop

07-15-2009, 12:18 PM
I had my yearly eye exam today (ok so it took me two years to get around to the yearly exam :rolleyes: )

While I was waiting, I was checking out the frames. The hard part is trying them on when you're blind as a bat. I'm all excited because I get to buy new glasses! I have several pairs picked out on the discount glass place, but I wanted to see what some of the new styles actually look like on my face. I think I'm going to be brave and try some funky frames :) Maybe something with rhinestones. Hey, if I hate them, I only lost $30 at most

Here's the pair I'll be ordering to test my new prescription:

Then if they work well, I have several others to get. I also want some sunglasses, since the ones I'm wearing right now are at least 6 years old.

I REALLY want these but don't know if I'm brave enough to go with the purple :eek: I'm also not sure if they are wide enough

I ADORE these, but I think the "medium narrow" frame will be too narrow :(

I'll definitely be getting these. I think in red.

and I think these would make cute shades

Oh, and have fun shopping for glasses for me! I like red best, but can only get one red pair. I have a round face. Check out zenni and link what you think would be good for an over-weight grandmom who's also young and a designer. Good luck -- its harder than I thought it would be :p

I want at least two pair of sunglasses (one for the car, one for doggy walks) and three pair of every day glasses.... somethign light, something dark, and something fun. At the prices on the website, I can afford to have so many glasses.

07-15-2009, 12:52 PM
If you get these, (http://zennioptical.com/cart/product.php?productid=1053&cat=22&page=2) you'll have to tell me if the fancy sides are distracting in your peripheral vision. I've wondered that, which is why I went with plain ones.

07-15-2009, 08:37 PM
The hard part is trying them on when you're blind as a bat.

I agree! I have NO clue what I look like in any frame, I always bring a friend or make one of the employees decide.

07-15-2009, 09:27 PM
The hard part is trying them on when you're blind as a bat.

I can definitely relate!!

I have prescription sunglasses (bifocal) - purple;
regular, everyday glasses (bifocal) - burgundy
computer glasses (just the reading part of a bifocal) - sort of mauve

I love them all. The older I get, the more color I want in my clothes and glasses.

07-16-2009, 07:14 PM
How fun! I am soooooo far-sighted that I can't even see my face in the mirror while trying on new frames. It makes it easier just to stick with the same boring styles! *sigh*

07-16-2009, 07:24 PM
I forgot - there are places online where you can "try on frames" - which is great. I picked the style and shape I wanted at one of those, then ordered them from Zenni Optical. You upload a picture of yourself without glasses, and it plunks the frames on so you can see what you'll look like! I no longer have it bookmarked, but it was pretty easy to find.

Way easier than dragging someone with you to the store, then having to trust them with how you're gonna look!

07-16-2009, 07:42 PM
I like all of your choices! I'm all about the 'different' frames. =) I love bright red frames too.. I don't have the complection for them though.

I got two pairs last Christmas, one pair is brown w/ gold flecks all around the lenses (which are rectangular) and a black pair that have the metal piece from the top and bottom of the lens going straight back and meeting together by the ear, so there's an open triangle of space. Hope that makes sense. Got them both from JC Penny's.

Before those, I had a plastic pair that was brown on the outside and teal on the on the inside. I've never gotten so many compliments on something as I did on them. I wish they still fit my fat head!! :eek:

This last time I wore my contacts while trying on the glasses... worked pretty well. I also had my mom with me to help.

07-16-2009, 09:09 PM
Oh, I remembered where I did the "virtual" try-on - Frames Direct!

http://www.framesdirect.com/framefinder.asp it was easy and fun, and some of them made me glad it existed, because they were cute but looked awful on me! I have a classic "oval" face, so theoretically any frame shape will do ...

08-05-2009, 02:15 PM
I wanted to bring this thread back up because my hair stylist is coming to look:) (hi Maria!) I have been telling her about the glasses and the info I have found here at PT. Oh yes and I have bought a new pair of frameless lenses that are so CUTE!! (think Sarah Palin) Anyway - a couple questions...

Kim did you ever order more of the frames and if so , how about pictures?

ES & Jen - did you ever post any pictures of yours - are you happy with them?

For those who ordered bifocals - was there any problem with the selection of frame sizes that accomodate them?? I am thinking that moosmom mentioned having to get larger frames?? Can bifocals be put into the smaller frames ok?


08-05-2009, 02:28 PM
For those who ordered bifocals - was there any problem with the selection of frame sizes that accomodate them?? I am thinking that moosmom mentioned having to get larger frames?? Can bifocals be put into the smaller frames ok?


I don't know how small you're thinking about. I've had bifocals for years, and don't consider my frames as large. The part covering each eye is 1 3/8" high, in the center, and 2" wide.

08-05-2009, 06:43 PM
I wanted to bring this thread back up because my hair stylist is coming to look:) (hi Maria!) I have been telling her about the glasses and the info I have found here at PT. Oh yes and I have bought a new pair of frameless lenses that are so CUTE!! (think Sarah Palin) Anyway - a couple questions...

Kim did you ever order more of the frames and if so , how about pictures?

ES & Jen - did you ever post any pictures of yours - are you happy with them?

For those who ordered bifocals - was there any problem with the selection of frame sizes that accomodate them?? I am thinking that moosmom mentioned having to get larger frames?? Can bifocals be put into the smaller frames ok?


Yup, I ordered a burgundy pair from the $8 section to test the new prescription. I got them yesterday -- and I love them! My new prescription seems so much thicker than the last one :( Sorry, no photos, but I'll get there some day.

08-05-2009, 10:23 PM
This is so cool. I didn't know you could get glasses this cheap. I'm not sure about measuring my eyes to get the presciption right. But I am looking for some closer to home.