View Full Version : Newest Rescue...Poor Milo FLEA BOMBED! Milo RIP

07-15-2009, 09:42 AM
Please see my link in the Rescue Section.

Thank you,


We received a call about a man who had to give up his 16 cats because he had recently become homeless. When we heard that one was injured, we (of course) rushed right over to assess the situation. That's when we saw Milo, who has swollen eyes and seems to be unable to walk, though he can move his legs. He is going bald from what we assume is flea dirt (it is black and crusty and all over him) and he is severely malnourished. The people who had him said that he had been hiding from the landlord, who (I believe unknowingly) set off flea bombs inside the apartment where he was hiding.

When he was found, Milo was dragging himself aroud by the front paws. He also seems to have some internal bleeding indicated by the dark color of his stool. If anyone has any advice or support, we could use all we can get. He is scheduled for a 1:10 appointment today, so we will update after that.

07-15-2009, 09:48 AM
We are praying that that Poor Owesome Orangie:love: is all right, and was not hurt by the flea bomb.:love: I pray those Other Cats are all right, and that this fellow was not a hoarder with more Cats at one time!!:eek:

07-15-2009, 03:20 PM
See small update for now :)

K & L
07-15-2009, 07:16 PM
Bless your heart for rescuing him. I will have to go check the update.

07-15-2009, 07:56 PM
Oh, my. Prayers from the "auntie" of another orange Milo that your orange Milo will make a good recovery and be able to go to a new forever home.

07-16-2009, 08:11 AM
Milo was just let go to the rainbow bridge.

It was so hard. Milo I love u so much. If anyone would like their donations back please let me know.


Here is a link to the Memorial Thread I put up for Milo.


smokey the elder
07-16-2009, 08:44 AM
I'm so sorry Milo didn't make it. RIP, Milo.

07-16-2009, 03:30 PM
RIP Milo. Your story brought a tear to my eye. You can run and play now and chase those silly bugs all you want.

Big Hugz to Melissa for helping him.

Dj, Brie and Scutter

07-16-2009, 03:48 PM
We are so sorry, at lest MIlo had love in the end.

07-17-2009, 06:44 PM
RIP, sweet Milo.

07-18-2009, 07:25 AM
Poor little one, it's very sad. You did something very nice for him.