View Full Version : Hello? Kitteh?

07-14-2009, 06:44 PM
I have been easily amused by the little orange/yellow kitteh that has taken up residence in my yard.

I want to snag her so badly and give her a bath, it's not funny. but, that is another thread!

What is funny is the apparent fear of contact this little one has. Any approach is considered a threat and she shows me her rear end when I get near. I have been close enough to touch her but, I am afraid I'll get clawed!
I had lured her close enough to try, but that little bugger is faster than I am.

A few nights ago I was sitting in the front room with the Edster when he made a dash and crash into the screen door! This was a jump-run-crash/boom that scared the living poop outta me!

I went to the window to see what on earth made him act that way and it was the LY/OK that had snuck up onto the porch step and was watching us relax.

I am confused about the "I am interested in what goes on in your home, but don't get near me!"

Ed climbs into the window to monitor the front porch and runs back and forth when we do get visitors, but I demand a little respect for feeding and watering you, you little stinker!

I will prevail!:D

Cinder & Smoke
07-14-2009, 08:17 PM
I have been close enough to touch her but, I am afraid I'll get clawed!

I will prevail! :D

Suggested Uniform of the Day?

Welder's Gloves!


K & L
07-14-2009, 10:07 PM
You can do it. Just work daily with her. Food is the best way to gain her trust. That's how I worked and trained my first bunch of ferals! Can't wait to hear updates.

07-14-2009, 10:13 PM
Maybe you could play with her..String attached to a stick? Something like that? She may forget she fears you altogether in the state of play :) What baby doesn't like to play?
Good luck!

07-15-2009, 09:21 AM
Maybe you could play with her..String attached to a stick? Something like that? She may forget she fears you altogether in the state of play :) What baby doesn't like to play?
Good luck!


I got out the laser light, but that was more a 'big kid' game!
Thanks for the recommendation!

07-16-2009, 04:36 PM
Richard she will eventually come in when shes ready. You are going to have to chase her, until she catches you!!!:love::love:
Do you will the Edster:):) will like a Cat Companion???