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View Full Version : Does anyone know about Pedi-Paws?

07-14-2009, 06:29 PM
Hi PT friends!
I just got an e-mail about Pedi-Paws, a way to trim your pet's nails without using clippers. This ad was all over tv around the holidays. This thing is said to trim nails without the risk of causing pets pain and discomfort because it doesn't go near the quick of the nail. It says this thing trims the pet's nails evenly with no jagged edges.

Have any of you heard about this or tried it? I'm thinking about it for Groucho but decided to check with you first. I know I can trust your advice!

07-14-2009, 07:11 PM
It is spam, I have gotten that email for months. Various Pet Talkers have tried them, some prefer a little dremel, some pets will put up with it, some won't. You can still go too far and hit the quick, but it's harder to do.

We were fortunate in that Miss Hoppy decided she would trim her own nails!

07-14-2009, 07:16 PM
We get alot of returns on those things. The main complaint is the noise of the thing. Forget about using it on cats. Dogs can also be a little skittish too. Not worth the aggravation from customer feedback.

Queen of Poop
07-14-2009, 07:31 PM
Got one. Noise isn't the issue, it just doesn't work all that well. You need to be a contortonist to get good shape on the dogs nails.

07-14-2009, 09:39 PM
I have a friend who has one and swears by it, but she has big docile dogs who probably wouldn't care if you cut their whole toe off. No way I'd ever try one on a cat, though.

07-14-2009, 09:49 PM
I purchased one for my nervous Lab. He hates his nail getting cut but he doesn't mind the noise from the pedi paws - he is fine when I try - the only problem is - it does not work. All it does is heat up his nails. They told me at the store just to take it back.:)

K & L
07-14-2009, 10:04 PM
I've always wondered about these so good to hear the feedback.

07-14-2009, 10:10 PM
Yeah, my boys are skittish about ANY noise so I know this wouldn't work for me. I have to sneek up on them and do a few toesies at a time as it is. If they heard me coming, they'd have claws that would curl!

07-15-2009, 12:57 AM
I bought one at Petsmart but before I did I wanted to be sure that I'd be able to return it if I needed to. I tried it and it was very noisy and scared my cats. I only tried it on Pearl briefly and then I decided to take it back. I wasn't impressed with it at all. I've found that toe nail clippers work great to trim their nails.:)

smokey the elder
07-15-2009, 10:05 AM
They had a bin of those things at Petsmart that they couldn't move. I don't trust "as seen on TV" products.

07-15-2009, 11:06 AM
I've got one (actually, I had two but gave one to my sister). I can use it on Taggart. What I do is trim his nails with clippers then use the pedi-paws to round the edges. Yeah, it doesn't work the greatest, but it works for what I need it to do. As someone else here on PT suggested, I take the guard off and it's much easier to use. Otherwise his nail would get caught all the time in the guard.
I would not be able to use this on Paizly or Zoee. They are both difficult to get near with noise. And Paizly is tough to even clip nails on. Bruce has to hold her for me. Luckily, Zoee doesn't need her nails trimmed often so it gets done when I take her to the groomer.

Oh, and my sister likes it too. Her Boston Terrier sits well for it. It really all depends on the animal.

If I hadn't got this I would probably invest in a Dremel. And probably will when this one breaks or dies.

07-19-2009, 06:59 PM
Hi everyone!
Thank you all very much for your comments and thoughts. These things are currently on sale at the Rite-Aid around the corner.

We first heard about Pedi-Paws over the holidays when the tv ads were running almost constantly. I had mentioned to Soncat once that the animals in the ad seemed like they might have been drugged or something, they just didn't seem right. I hope I'm wrong about that.

Anyway, Pedi-Paws is scratched off my list of things to consider getting for Groucho.

07-20-2009, 07:26 AM
HIGHLY recommend this one:

NOT this one:

Please, please, please notice the difference between the spelling of the two devices.

I purchased the PETICURE grooming aide and both of my cats allow me to file their nails without running away or hiding. My male cat (younger) allowed me to use it from day one. My OLDER (11 yr old cat) was a little slower to warm up to it -- BUT both cats are fine with it now.

The model I purchased is NOT battery operated. I didn't want to worry about replacing batteries, draining out while trying to use -- so I opted for the professional model with the AC cord and boy am I ever so glad I did.

Notice the price difference -- the professional one is $60; the other one is less than $20!

I much prefer to file the cats claws and so do they.