View Full Version : tigger has passed away

07-12-2009, 11:32 PM
People today at 8:30 a.m. july 12th my cat tigger passed away from liver failure, there is a good chance that it was the science food md that made him sick, this cat survived congestive heart failure, diabetes, when i went on md food for hid diabetes, his health went down hill, when i went to the md site it told of alot of people that had lost cats to liver and renal failures when they switched to the science diet, dd, od, and md are some of the diet food from france, people look at the food you feed your pet, i found out that in 2007 there was a recall of md and other special diet food due to wheat germ, but people are still losing cats to liver and renal disorders on this food. Don't learn the hard way like i did. Check out your cats food look it up. A vet that works with special cat disorder is the one who told me to give md food, and knew of the recall but did not tell me. Now i have lost my tigger i don't want it happening to you

07-12-2009, 11:44 PM
I am so sorry about Tigger. I just lost my Taz to kidney failure too. Although he was eating the dry food Hills k/d. But who knows anymore? :( It's all so scary.

RIP Tigger

07-12-2009, 11:50 PM
I am so sorry about Tigger. I just lost my Taz to kidney failure too. Although he was eating the dry food Hills k/d. But who knows anymore? :( It's all so scary.

RIP Tigger
hills k/d is the same food that i was feeding tigger renal disorders is the huge complaint on hills food renal and liver disorders, check and see if this could have happened with your cat. I am so sorry to hear about your loss, i am having such a hard time dealing with my loss. Tigger was a cat wit an attitude that cant be copied

07-13-2009, 12:06 AM
Rest in peace, Tigger.

07-13-2009, 05:46 AM
RIP sweet Tigger.
Thes: I'm so very sorry for your loss.

07-13-2009, 05:58 AM
I'm so sorry for your loss of Tigger, and it's even more awful if it was because of Hills food. :( Gosh, it's difficult to know what to feed these days.

Rest in peace, sweet Tigger, you will always stay in your mommy's heart. :love:

07-13-2009, 06:02 AM
I'm sorry that Tigger is no longer w/you and even sorrier if the cause was a brand of cat food. Please know that you and Tigger are in my prayers and a candle burns for you both. RIP, Tigger and peace to your human.

07-13-2009, 07:10 AM
I'm so sorry for your loss. :( RIP sweet boy.

07-13-2009, 09:30 AM
I remember like it was yesterday when we got Tigger. One of my mom's ex friends came by and asked if we could take care of him until we found him a home. So we took him in. He could of been older then 6-8 weeks old. But even then we fell in love with him. We tried finding him a home, but we couldn't find a home for him. We even fell in love with Tigger so we decided to keep him. So we did. Took him to the vets for his shots and at 5 months he got fixed. Poor kitty. He was a laid back cat with an attitude. He would pick fights with Ashes just to watch Alison run to them, break up the fight, and smack the heck out of Ashes although most of the time it was Tigger who started the fight. When we let our cats outside (used to do it, and we kept close supervision) he once caught a baby bird. Mom wouldn't let him keep it and he gave her such a disappointing look. But Tigger being Tigger forgave us. He also was spoiled. When he wanted attention, he got it. If we were on the computer, he would just jump on top and demanded to be petted. There were a few times when you would defend your home and fought with a cat that we would keep save when the weather got bad which turned into a temporary home and just like Tigger we fell in love with her and decided to keep her (long story may post her story soon) Everything was fine with Tigger until June of 2008. On June 11, 2008 we were evacuated and we took the cats to the shelter until we found a place to live that took cats. When we did we brought Tigger and the other cats back. When Tigger was younger, the vet detected a small heart murmur and told us not to worry about it. So we didn't and we even forgot about the murmur. Well when we got the cats back they all got upper respiratory infections but Tigger got the blow of it. He went into heart failure and nearly died from it. They even had his body bag ready because they thought that Tigger wasn't going to make it. But he did and was put on lasix. Then after that he was doing well. In March of 2009 our special care vet advised us to put Tigger on a diet. Unaware that Tigger had diabetes at this point we put him on his diet food. A month later Tigger was sick again and had a seizure. We rushed him to his special vets and we had to ask to get a blood test. That showed that he had Diabetes and a urinary tract infection. We treated the infection but for some reason we had trouble getting his blood sugar down. It would be around 364 one check up, around 564 in another, around 306 the next, 691 the one after that, and the last one that we know about was 509. But Thursday night (7/9/09) Tigger threw up all night and by Friday morning his was lifeless and weak. We took him to our regular vet who had to rehydrate him and drew blood. Saturday morning we found out that his Liver was failing. We thought were going to put him down but while we were saying our goodbyes he perked up so we decided to give Tigger another day to see if once again he would pull through. But on Sunday morning (7/12/09) at 8:30 am Tigger passed away from Liver failure brought on from Kidney Failure. His kidneys were failing as well. We didn't know until that night that he passed. For the entire day we thought that he was improving but deep in my heart, I had a feeling that he was gone. I was at church at the time that mom found out 6:30 pm central. I found out when I got home from church. We were devastated. We still are devastated. We buried him this morning in our backyard. We also put a picture of Tigger on the computer and blew it up so we could frame it. We will always have a memory of Tigger. We thought that it was the food, but the vet tech doubts it since the problem was fixed. Mom still thinks that he may still have to do with the food. My mom is also a member here (thesun898). If you want to add to Tigger's story mom go ahead and do it.

07-13-2009, 03:10 PM
We are sorry to hear about Tigger, and we pray that it wasnt defective food as so many other Cats are being prescribed that food at incredible prices!!
Nutro and Blue Buffalo had issues with thier food and they are so expensive!!
Tiggers got hs wings of Silver and Gold and is now in Provence for a banquet in his honor. He wants you to know just how much he loves you and how hard you fought for him, and that there will be a very special place for all of you in Paradise when you are reunited in love.
One Fine Day.:love:

07-13-2009, 03:39 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about Tigger's passing.:( If it was the food then that's even more heartbreaking.:( I used to feed my Storm Royal Canin Urinary S/O formula in dry and canned but now all of my cats are on Innova Evo. This food has improved Storm's health so much and it's grain free. Veterinary diets aren't always the best ones.

Now Tigger is pain free and playing up at Rainbow Bridge. I'm sure that both my Starr and Pepper have welcomed him and are showing him around. RIP sweet Tigger.:(

07-13-2009, 05:30 PM
I am so very, very sorry for your loss.

Rest in peace, Tigger, you are loved and missed so much.

07-13-2009, 10:19 PM
i hope i did this right

07-13-2009, 11:48 PM
i hope i did this right

He sure was a very handsome boy. RIP sweet boy.:(

Pinot's Mom
07-14-2009, 07:05 AM
Tigger really was a handsome kitty. I'm sorry for your loss.

Godspeed to the Bridge, dear Tigger, and Peace to your family back home.

07-14-2009, 09:34 AM
I want to thank everyone for their kind thoughts for my cat tigger. I loved him very much, its like i lost one of my children, I cant stop crying, It hurts so much. Don't think that I will ever get another cat can not go through this again. I will alway miss tigger he had a special attitude you just don't see in a cat. Again thanks for being there

07-14-2009, 02:56 PM
Sleep softly, sweet Tigger....

07-14-2009, 09:11 PM
I am so very sorry to hear about your Tigger:love:...So many PT'ers have been losing their babies lately...:(

About the Science Diet food connection...It does make one wonder doesn't it? After all that weirdness the last several years about pet food from overseas, it's a wonder all of us aren't all feeding our pets homemade food. We lost our Billy last year to chronic renal failure, but that had been going on for years and he hadn't been eating Science Diet until the last year or so of his life (our vet put him on the k/d, but he refused to eat it, so we stopped giving it to him, shortly after we started). I'm going to call my vet tomorrow to find out if they know anything about more problems with the Science Diet lines. It is scary and thanks for the heads up.

I know how much you are all missing your sweet Tigger:love:...What a handsome boy he was. As awful as this all is, just remember that most if not all of us have been where you are now, and that you aren't alone...We are all sending hugs and prayers for you all and for your Tigger:love:. He's busily playing happily at the RB right now with all the rest of his new friends who have welcomed him there, and even though he isn't physically with you, he will never really leave you... He is with you in spirit every day, and he will always love you.:love:

As for not getting another cat, I understand how you feel, but please don't close the door on that possibility...I know you don't want to be in the position you're in now, and don't want to miss another cat like you're missing Tigger...But just think what joy and love he brought to your life...Can you imagine having missed out on that? I have had several cats in my life, but Billy was the most special to me, and when we lost him last June ('08), it truly broke my heart...I'm still not over it, and I don't think I ever will be, but I am so very grateful for the other beloved kitties that we still have...We have 4 (they have all been strays...the latest showed up last December, right before Christmas), and they have been so wonderful to have to love even though we all miss Billy and always will. There are so many wonderful cats out there that need loving homes, so please try to keep that possibility open for the future...In time you may feel differently. In the meantime, cherish your memories of your Tigger:love:, and know that he will always love you and wants you to be happy...God bless you and Tigger:love:!!


07-25-2009, 10:03 PM
I can't believe that two weeks ago today we said goodbye to Tigger and that tomorrow marks the 2 weeks since Tigger passed away. I am doing better. I had one cry spell today, first since last Wednesday.

Luckily Peaches let me hug her and she even purred. She is such a sweet and loving cat even though her and Tigger rarely got along.