View Full Version : Going crazy!!!

Aspen and Misty
09-29-2002, 08:34 PM
I've never relised how much of my day I spend takeing care of Chewy. I mean it just kinda came naturally. I am bored to death tonight. I need something to do. I walked Teddy 3 times I had the rats out all day I held peaches I petted all the cats like 6 times. I listened to music did my homework, stuyed for 2 test twice! I never study. I'm thinking about going to bed and its only 9:30!!!! I need my Chewy! I'm counting down till I get to see him again. I'm never leaving him again. I will smuggle him some where if I have to! ::sigh:: I will just have to wait till tomrrow. A whole day of school! BLAH! At least we have the concert all 3 periods tomrrow. Hmm I wonder how much trouble I would get into if I broke into the vets and stole him??? Think they would mind? I don't! I feel like I have don nothing with my day. Like it has just been a big waist of time. I wanna go outside and run around the backyard and have my puppy chase me :( :( O, if you didn't know this yet...I miss Chewy :( :( . They need to make a crying face. ::sigh::

Does anyone else get this way when there pets are away from them?

:( Ashley :(

09-29-2002, 08:40 PM
oh poor aspen and misty....we all know how you feel....i am petsitting a beautiful yellow lab/weimeraner right now...his name is jake...he misses his family so much...hes' not eating well...only if i hand feed him....your dear chewy probably misses you as much as you miss him......
he;ll be home soon....
keep your chin up...hug your "teddy bear" and your kitties and other pets until he gets home!!!!

we're thinking of you...

{{{{{chewy and his mom...}}}}}}}

09-29-2002, 08:42 PM
LoL, it goes opposite for me, I have so much to do. I usually put off everything in my life for four or five hours to hang out at Pet Talk, and THEN comes homework, cleaning my room, and friends. My pets come first, and anything associated with them (Pet Talk). Any of my friends who critizises my pets, is not my friend any more. That is one thing I take seriously!!Anyway, you'll survive!! Chewy is probably thinking about you too!! I'm sure you will both be happy when he comes back!!:)

09-29-2002, 08:47 PM
What's wrong with Chewy?? Is he OK?? Did I miss something?? I am so sorry that you are missing Chewy!! Yes I get the exact same way! When do you expect him to be back?

Aspen and Misty
09-29-2002, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker
What's wrong with Chewy?? Is he OK?? Did I miss something?? I am so sorry that you are missing Chewy!! Yes I get the exact same way! When do you expect him to be back?

Calm down! I read your post then read my post and I was like O my. I hit myself on the head :rolleyes: Sometimes I swear Ashley.

Chewy is at the vets for boardng. Me, my mother and my sister Went away to women of faith this weekend. You think I am goign to trust my dad and 3 brothers with Chewy? :eek: :eek: . I think I just had a heart attack on the floor just thinking about it ::cringes:: i didn't even get to take him to the vet :( . But I atleast know he is going to be fed and well cared for there. I miss my Chewy :( . Chewy, since he is still a puppy demands so much attention! He needs it 24/7 and if he doens't he gets destructive. Trust me alone for an hour he can do alot of damage :rolleyes: .I don't think the boys could give that to him. I get Chewy back tomrrow around 4 so don't expect me to post right after school. I need to remeber to wear bad cloths and shoes and he will pee all over me when he sees me. Ahh the joy of owning a puppy :D . The only thing is, he's still a puppy, but no more puppy breath :( . O well. I still love my Chew Baby.


Aspen and Misty
09-29-2002, 09:51 PM
PS: Cookie baker. Thanx alot for your concern it means alot to me. I mean since you didn't know what was going on to hear you ask questions like you were a mother kept in the dark about what was going on with her baby ment alot. To know that other people care about my pets brings me so much happieness.

09-29-2002, 10:23 PM
Yes, I am excatly like that when I don't have my dogs when I come home. They are so much apart of your life and you don't realize it till they are not there!

09-30-2002, 06:54 AM
Whew! I am glad that he's fine!! Yes I totally know what you mean! I love it when you finally get to see them again, and they are just so wiggily and jumpy and licky! :D It's gonna be a LONG day at school today, so just hang in there, and then you'll get Chewy back! :D

09-30-2002, 07:45 AM
Yep, I know just what you mean! If we go somewhere I'm thinking about the dogs, what are they doing? are they having a good time, etc...
Guess we all just love our animals!

09-30-2002, 09:11 AM
Oh yes I go crazy when I'm away and not home with my pets. I'm ready to go home soon as I get somewhere.

Aspen and Misty
09-30-2002, 02:39 PM
I'M GOING TO GET CHEWY!!!!!!1 see ya!!!!!!!!!1

09-30-2002, 02:53 PM
Great!! I see you are on..did you get him yet?? I bet I can picture the look on his puppy-face when you pick him up!!

Aspen and Misty
09-30-2002, 03:24 PM
We just got home.We were in the loby and Cheyw peed so much I think we were swiming in it!! O what a sweetie he is! he is doing is laps around the hosue saying hi to everyone telling them that he is home. He has a look on his face of "I'm home! Finally!" :D
