View Full Version : freckledimple - how are Pretty Mama and the babes?

07-11-2009, 12:16 PM
Not that this is a hint for pictures or anything. :p;)

Any homes lined up for the wee ones when they are older?

Bless you again for helping this special fur family!

07-12-2009, 12:26 AM
Pretty Mama and the babies are doing GREAT:D atm. Runt is starting to catch up to the girls, and the girls are fat and sassy. Pretty Mama'a mastitis has cleared up, as well. Tuesday the babies will be 3 weeks old. Of course, Runt still looks like a little alien, he is sooooo adorable:love: Pretty Mama and the girls will probably be taken to our local shelter (it's a good one), but we are keeping Runt. Our social circle is small right now, so not many placement prospects.

Here are a couple pics:



07-12-2009, 12:30 AM
OMG! LOOK at the face on Runt! What a character! :D Everyone has their eyes open now?

I'm glad to hear Pretty Mama is feeling better. I am sure she was happy when her babies could snuggle up and feed again!

Is there any low-cost spay place where you live for Pretty Mama? Things are tight for a lot of people, including me, but we could always send a bit to your vet's office to get PM looked after, and maybe initial shots for the kittens.

Not trying to speak for anyone else, just sayin'...;)

CUTE babies!:love::D

07-12-2009, 11:21 AM
Thank you:love: Right now, we plan on getting Pretty Mama spayed, and the babies their first shots. We do have a low cost spay clinic nearby, but it won't be done for a few weeks yet. The babies have to be weaned first:p

All of the babies' eyes are open, but we have to keep cleaning the girls' eyes. Their eyes keep gumming closed:( Runt's had his eyes open since he was a week old;) He is the character of the bunch:cool: If we didn't know better, we would think he was from a different litter:confused:

Pretty Mama is definately glad to have them all back and nursing:love: It's funny, now that they are older, she's more possessive of them than when they were born:rolleyes: When we have them out for cleaning and feeding(we're still supplementing), as soon as one of them squalls, Pretty Mama scruffs them up and takes them back to their bathroom. We have to go and bring the baby back because we usually aren't finished with the baby she decides to take:eek:

Thank you, again;)

07-12-2009, 10:55 PM
I'm so glad that they're all doing well.:) They sure are cutie pies.:)