View Full Version : Meet A Real Loser

07-08-2009, 04:41 PM
This guy ( a fireman) killed his own dogs because he didn't want
to spend his money to board them while he went on a Cruise. :rolleyes:

I wouldn't trust him around my dogs. I hope he gets fired.:mad:


07-08-2009, 05:06 PM
Wow, this dudes attorney wants people to cut him a break. I'm sorry, but what would his punishment be if it were humans that he did this to? He sure as hell would get more than 90 days (in 10 day incriments, what the hell is that!?!?!). I'm sorry for the foul language, but this just infuriates me to no end.
He can't afford to board them, yet he's going on a cruise. WHAT?!?! And now he has to pay $4500. Hmmm.....how much would boarding them have cost? IDIOT!!!! I hope he never has the opportunity to get another pet in his miserable life.

07-08-2009, 05:06 PM
I read about that earlier. I can't understand why he hasn't been fired yet.

07-08-2009, 05:23 PM
now his lawyer will get all of the money he saved on boarding.... and then some!

07-08-2009, 06:17 PM
I could not read the whole story.
I can't believe a fireman would have so little compassion.
Can you imagine how he could be with people.

07-09-2009, 05:18 PM
Gimme a break. It had nothing to do w/finances. Look at the way he killed those dogs. He took great pleasure in torturing and then killing them. Finances was the only excuse that his lame brain could come up with after people didn't buy his anti-freeze story. Hefty fine, long jail sentence, loss of job and no possible employment w/any other fire dept. ever would be the sentence if I was the judge.

Daisy and Delilah
07-09-2009, 10:21 PM
His lawyer is as sick as he is to back him up like he's doing. That is a horrible story of an idiotic moron that needs psychiatric help. He looks like a jerk in that picture.

Rest in Peace Doggies :(

I feel terrible that those poor innocent dogs had to be victimized by that scumbag. His punishment is a slap on the wrist to say the least!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.........:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: I'm afraid he might mysteriously disappear if he were working around me. I think alot of people might want to punish him the same way he treated the dogs. :( :( :(

07-09-2009, 10:35 PM
First, for the most part I agree with everything that has been said about the Firefighter here. If he is found quilty he should suffer the same fate as the dogs.

Second, I have a great distrust in lawyers, I even have a few in my own family including a DA, but in this country the firefighter deserves to have someone to represent him.

07-10-2009, 05:51 AM
blue, the guy had his union rep with him yesterday, not that i think it'll help him, he's gonna be out of a job by the end of summer.....in the next month the city is asking for a tax increase, many, many people have sent letters to the fire chief and the safety director telling them that if this guy isn't fired, the levy won't pass....http://dispatch.com/live/content/local_news/stories/2009/07/10/Dsanthttp://dispatch.com/live/content/local_news/stories/2009/07/10. i sure sent an email asking that this fool be canned.
the link won't work...try columbusdispatch.com and the story title is public gets wish on firefighter

07-10-2009, 11:00 AM
Try this link.


This adds some info on the story. The guy was divorced & had two kids.
I was wondering how he explained the dogs death to his kids. (It said
he lied to the kids & his girlfriend about what happened to them):(

I am so sick of hearing, "well they're only dogs" :mad: