View Full Version : Yesterday was one year...

07-08-2009, 11:49 AM
that Paizly came into our lives. I'm still in shock over the fact that we almost lost her over the weekend. But all is well now.

Since Taz is no longer with us Paizly seems to be more confident. I mean, she wasn't afraid of Taz, but she was cautious of him. She always tried to play with him and was usually met with a hiss, growl or swat. But in the end Taz was too tired to fuss with her and she was good and kept her distance. She'd try the occasional playful tap but was just ignored.
She has been more affectionate and much more vocal. I do not put her in "her room" at night anymore so she's out in the morning with me and is just all over me. :D If I don't give her attention right when I get up she'll stand at the bathroom door and meow at me.
I'd like to get her a young adult kitty to have as a playmate, but I'm wondering how she'd react. (Of course, nothing is going to be thought of until I get Taz's vet bill is paid off.) But when I brought her into the house she was fine with Taz and Zoee because they were here first. She did NOT like Taggart coming in after her. She gets along with him, but she usually runs or hisses at him. She :love:s Zoee. She will let Zoee give her a bath for what seems like hours. Until Taggart gets his nose involved. :p

She is still afraid of strangers. But on the 4th of July my friend was over and she was eventually able to pet her. :)

I'm not sure where this post went, but it was supposed to be a Happy Gotcha Day post. Sorry, I got off topic. I guess I just needed to share. :D

07-08-2009, 03:28 PM
Well, happy first Gotcha Day, Paizly! Your meowmie loves you so much!

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings about her.

Prairie Purrs
07-08-2009, 03:47 PM
Happy Gotcha Day, Paizly! What a sweet girl you are! :D

07-08-2009, 04:41 PM
I remember she the dilemma of what to name her so she would have her "Z" in the middle of the name somewhere. She is a cutie. It seems that sometimes the loss of one cat makes another act differently. I have one friend who had a kitty named Kate. Kate was the boss of the house, although she was a sweet girl. She died a year or so ago and since then, another one of the girls, Ruby, is much more laid back and easy going. Ruby and Kate were friends. Kate had been there when Ruby came as a kitten. I bet Paizly would do fine with another kitty if introduced slowly. All in due time. :)


07-08-2009, 05:59 PM
Happy Gotcha Day, Paizly! WOO HOO one whole year of getting the people and furbies in that house in shape and willing to cater to you! :D

07-08-2009, 09:34 PM
Happy Gotcha Day, precious Paizly! I remember the discussions about your name, too!

07-08-2009, 11:01 PM
HAPPY 1st GOTCHA DAY PAIZLY!!! I'm so glad that you were found quickly before all of the fireworks started on the 4th and now you're safe in your wonderful loving forever home.:)

I bet that she'd love a cat playmate. You'd just need to get one that was very laid back and not the dominant type. I'd suggest a male.:) Hopefully it won't take you too long to pay off Taz's vet bills. Good luck.:)

07-09-2009, 07:59 AM
Happy Gotcha Day Paizly! You landed in a great home, I know you know that :)

As for the scared of strangers thing, it WILL get better in time. Its taken Flutter a couple years, but she let strange KIDS give her pets and treats yesterday :eek: