View Full Version : Oh the HORROR!! My Mommy hates me....

09-29-2002, 02:51 PM
This is Bixby....I stole the puter from Mommy to tell you she must hate me...She gave me a ...BATH! I didn't do anything to her and she...she bathed me. It was torture. I tried to escape but she locked us in the bathroom and there was no way out! uh oh here she comes. She wants to post pics..Yes, she actually poked fun and took pictures of me!! No Mommy Nooooooo!!

Ok, I got the computer back. Geez...I didn't know Bix could type! He over exaggerates(sp?) The other day he jumped on the sofa and he smelled like the liter box. The trials of being a long haired kitty...he got some of *potty* stuck to his fur. Into the tub he went because he reeked. He HATED the bath. He scratched. He yowled. He thought he was Super Kitty and tried to fly...and yes, I mean FLY out the tub. It was not pretty. Here are the pics. The very last one is of him dry. He's pretty much forgiven me now, but he was not happy with me that night!

09-29-2002, 03:14 PM
aww poor wet Bixby! your mommy doesn't really hate you! she just wanted you to be a nice clean kitty, and not be smelly!. hope you have a better day today Bixby!

.....this is Charlie, hey Bixby, I know exactly how you feel pal, when I first got to this house, they BATHED me too, and they say its so we are clean, but I know they just think it's funny to see us wet, and so they can take those silly pictures!.......

ok Charlie let me have the keyboard back, I don't bathe you to laugh at you, and I didn't appreciate the scratches either!

:eek: :eek:

09-29-2002, 07:01 PM
Poor little Bixby, he looks like a drowned rat all soaking wet!:( I bet he's nice and soft and sweet smelling to cuddle with now.:)

09-29-2002, 10:50 PM
Awwww poor Bixby. You're so skinny when you're wet. I'm sure you smell much better now. Hasn't your mom heard of babywipes? That's what I used to use when my cats had poo stuck in their fur. Since they only eat dry food now, those days are gone. :)