View Full Version : Very Sick Kitty :(

07-07-2009, 08:33 PM
I haven't been on here much lately I have been very busy dealing with my own health issue not to mention have so many fur kids of my own.

I have gone in and saw Chloe to pet her because she usually she just sleeps she had been dealing with Pancreatitis off and on for awhile we have been treating symptoms etc. Well being she spends very little time with me I went into the room where she spends much of her time and picked her up because my hubby said she won't move much (her and my husband spend much of their time together) and there is just nothing to her. She is skin and bones...My heart is breaking...:(:( I kinda think I know what the vet is going to say to us on Thursday... I don't know what to do? I can't get off from work but my husband is taking her in... Does anyone have any advice for kitties with Pancreatitis? Has anyone had a kitty who has had one? If so any advice or anything to bring with us to the vet??

I don't want my hubby to go through the situation of having to make a call on whether she is suffering by himself but she looks horrible... My poor baby!! Heart is broken....

07-07-2009, 09:15 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this.:( My cat Ziggy Stardust was diagnosed with a minor case of this several weeks ago but it's still inconclusive if she ever had this or not. She just stopped eating and then if she did eat she'd throw it back up again. I had to hospitalize her for about 24 hours and luckily when I brought her home she started eating on her own again. At first she didn't eat as much as before but now she's totally back to normal and doing great.:) She had 3 very stressful episodes before this happended and my vet said that stress can cause this.

Has she had an ultrasound done yet? Has she had bloodwork done? Even if the bloodwork results are normal it still doesn't rule this out. Have you been giving her sub-q fluids or liquid pepcid? This is what I was sent home with for Ziggy as well as appetite stimulant pills. Later she received a vitamin B-12 shot instead to help stimulate her appetite because the pills were upsetting her stomach. I'm supposed to continue giving these to her once a week until I'm out of it. She was also on liquid antibiotics for quite a while too. I sure hope that you'll be able to get her well again. I'll keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers. Please take care. (((HUGS)))