View Full Version : How do you dress a crib mattress?

finn's mom
07-07-2009, 07:51 PM
I'm seriously at a loss! There are so many things for a crib mattress! Fitted crib pad, waterproof pad, fitted sheet, padded this, quilted that...someone help me! :)

In all seriousness, though, I would like some thoughts on the proper layering of a crib mattress.

Thanks for any help!

07-07-2009, 08:05 PM
Usually the pad goes on the mattress, then the waterproof layer next, then the fitted sheet. Then baby, then blankets!

finn's mom
07-07-2009, 08:08 PM
Usually the pad goes on the mattress, then the waterproof layer next, then the fitted sheet. Then baby, then blankets!

Sounds easy enough...I'll have to look at some of the things we've gotten so far! :) I guess it's just that there are so many different kinds of things to choose from! It was a little overwhelming to think there would be four or five layers, haha.

07-07-2009, 08:10 PM
Sounds easy enough...I'll have to look at some of the things we've gotten so far! :) I guess it's just that there are so many different kinds of things to choose from! It was a little overwhelming to think there would be four or five layers, haha.

Yeah, but you want to keep it simple enough so that you can change it down to the waterproof pad without needing two washing machines! ;) Babies - um, they leak! ;) :love:

07-07-2009, 08:23 PM
Our fitted pads are waterproof, so only one layer there. I just put on the fitted pad and then the fitted crib sheet. On our 3 year old's bed, I have the mattress pad, then the waterproof layer, then the fitted sheet. It isn't a crib, but the same concepts apply. As for the rest, you don't really use blankets, etc., until they are much older, so I've just hung the comforters from their crib sets over the end of the crib until they moved into the toddler bed phase.

07-07-2009, 09:49 PM
Kari, its been a long time since I had a baby, so bear with me. But personally, I don't sleep on a waterproof "rubber" sheet and I wouldn't want my baby to either. Its so hot! If I used one, I'd use it under the mattress pad. I always used a mattress pad, a fitted crib sheet and sometimes I used were these squares of thick fabric that I don't know the name of and I would put where her little diaper and legs rested on that. I sure wish I had a picture to show you. Usually, I don't think I used anything extra. Just kept lots of extras, just in case.

07-09-2009, 07:49 AM
I used the waterproof/fitted pad layers on at first...but honestly, quickly found that they really didn't do much good. So, after about two months of being in the crib (she was in a bassinette for the first 6 months, so she was like 8 months old) I just used a fitted cotton sheet. It is SO much easier to make the crib up with just a sheet...no more pinched fingers trying to squeeze all those layers down the sides. Hope that helps! :) Oh, and no blankets until one year old!!

07-09-2009, 12:11 PM
But personally, I don't sleep on a waterproof "rubber" sheet and I wouldn't want my baby to either. Its so hot! If I used one, I'd use it under the mattress pad. I always used a mattress pad, a fitted crib sheet and sometimes I used were these squares of thick fabric that I don't know the name of and I would put where her little diaper and legs rested on that. I sure wish I had a picture to show you. Usually, I don't think I used anything extra. Just kept lots of extras, just in case.

If I could "I trillion this" I would do it now! Baby J sleeps on the identical items I sleep on. A decent mattress, a feather tick, high count cotton thread sheets, and now, a feather duvet.

When he was just a babe, he slept on a specially made, crib sized feather tick, underneath the tight fitting mattress sheet. And, boy was it tight! I never did the rubber protecter/rubber sheet thingy. Those things are hideous. I must have a low-pee child or something. :) We like our creature comforts.

finn's mom
07-09-2009, 07:11 PM
What is a feather tick?

07-10-2009, 07:43 AM
A feather mattress. I bought a cheap twin size and had it squished into a nice crib sized one. After he came out of the crib, he used it as a mat in one of his play tents.