View Full Version : Memorial pages for our RB friends...

07-03-2009, 12:40 PM
I don't know if you're aware of this, but some years ago, I have build a website to remember our pet friends that went to the RB. I started building that page in 2000 after I have lost my Katz, and the page still exists, even though I had to move it a couple of years ago.

The url is www.catmom.de/petloss (http://www.catmom.de/petloss/) (even though it can still be reached via www.pet-cemetery.de.vu)

I hope you don't find it importunate of me to post this, but if anyone would like to see his RB friend remembered there, it would be an honour for me to post the tribute.


07-03-2009, 01:16 PM
I wish I could send you some of mine, but all I have are portraits or snapshots, and nothing digital. I've only had the digital camera for a couple of years, and fortunately haven't lost anyone in that time. I got a scanner/printer/copier for Christmas last year with the good intention of scanning many old photos, but as yet, the task remains to be even started. One of these days.............;)

07-04-2009, 11:04 AM
I've only had the digital camera for a couple of years, and fortunately haven't lost anyone in that time.

...and I hope it will stay like this for many more years! :)

Feel free to send photos whenever you got them scanned, okay?

For the time being, I have updated the page with a dear PT pet, "our" stork and Rocky, my parents' rottie....
