View Full Version : What's the weirdest thing your cat has eaten?

07-02-2009, 06:59 AM
I'm asking this because my cats Milly and Izzy have some bad manners and they tend to eat things that they shouldn't sometimes. My Samantha was well trained as a kitten to never counter surf and she never ate anything weirder than a rubber band the night before she was spayed as a kitten.

Last night Izzy helped herself to some corn oil that was in a pan that my husband was getting ready to use for dinner. She didn't have a big appetite for her dinner last night and she has been drinking a lot of water. She also was a bit "messy" in the litter box last night. From what I have found online it looks like Izzy will have a nice shiny coat and not have to worry about hairballs for a while.:rolleyes:

Milly is even worse than Izzy, she eats too many things that she shouldn't. She helped herself to some margarine from the container that my husband left on the counter the other night and she has eaten strings and elastics from toys, bits of plastic milk rings and a twist tie. I think the weirdest thing that she has eaten was a bag of skittles that my son had left out. She bit right through the wrapper to chew up a few pieces.:rolleyes:

I really wish that Milly & Izzy's former owners had taught them some better table manners when they were young. They really keep me on my toes worrying about what they may get into next.

Please tell me what is the weirdest thing that your cats have eaten so I don't think that my cats are too weird.:)

Pinot's Mom
07-02-2009, 07:53 AM
Pinot eats all bugs; especially wasps. Pinot eats bits of paper on the floor. Pinot eats any leftover cheese crumbs on the counter. Pinot licks the ice cubes poured into the sink after I've had a Vodka drink (only after a cocktail, mind you). Pinot licks any liquid droplets on the floor. Pinot licks ice cream bowls. Pinot eats butter if left out. Pinot would like to eat a tree frog (we have lots of them outside this year, more than other years), but we have so far prevented it.

Are you getting the idea? You see, none of us really FEED our kitties, according to them. They have to EAT, you know! ;)

07-02-2009, 08:04 AM
Sterling eats watermelon, and I think that is STRANGE!

07-02-2009, 08:15 AM
I forgot that both my girls also love to eat bugs, they have both eaten flies, spiders and other little bugs which is much appreciated.
I also forgot to add that Izzy once sat in a pot that was used to make kettle corn, her floofy tail and feet got all buttery which earned her the nickname "Hot buttered Izzy" from my daughter because she smelled like hot buttered popcorn for days.:)

07-02-2009, 08:16 AM
My RB Meezer Ming was notorious for eating what he wasn't supposed to. Other than the nibbles on the house plants, stealing a piece of meat off the counter, and rubber bands - usual stuff like that - he had a couple that really stick in my mind. Once at a holiday gathering at the house, he drank almost a whole cup of highly spiced eggnog that was left unattended. He was looped, and we were in hysterics watching him afterwards. Eventually, he just conked out and slept it off with no ill effects. But the weirdest was BenGay - he was addicted to it! If I or my ex used it before going to bed at night, we had to close the bedroom door to keep him out, because he would try to lick us all night long. One time he took a direct dose by licking it out of the inside of the cap to the bottle. And he also got caught slurping tinsel off the Christmas tree like it was spaghetti, so we had to quit using tinsel because he just wouldn't leave it alone. He was my funny boy, and all this had no bad outcome, and he went on to live to the ripe old age of 20! :D

07-02-2009, 08:35 AM
Coco Puff loves romaine lettuce. As soon as he hears me tearing it for a salad, he jumps up on the countertop. I tossed the bottom pieces in the sink and he jumped in and started eating. Actually, I don't think he eats it. He just likes to crunch it.

My RB Puddy loved pizzelles, salt and vinegar potato chips. fudgsicles and Twizzlers. (all junk food)

The rest of the Fur Posse eats fairly normal except for my RB Peeka. She LOVED bugs, especially spiders. Ew!

Pinot's Mom
07-02-2009, 08:54 AM
But the weirdest was BenGay - he was addicted to it! If I or my ex used it before going to bed at night, we had to close the bedroom door to keep him out, because he would try to lick us all night long. One time he took a direct dose by licking it out of the inside of the cap to the bottle. :D

OMG BenGay!! Our RB kitty CK went NUTS over it! My husband used it on occasion for his back. Once, he had it on, CK came in the room and went crazy, biting the sheets and licking them. It got so bad he peed on the bed, he was so excited! We couldn't get him near it.

On that type of substance-Pinot goes crazy over moisturizer and deodorant. She'll literally try to bite my husband's underarms over Ban Roll On, and she licks me all over after moisturizer...:rolleyes:

07-02-2009, 08:55 AM
Snowbelle also eats bugs too, mostly flies. She would chase them around the house until she finally catches them. When we first got her, Snowbelle would like to hop on the counter when my mom would be making potatoes and steal a little bit of it.

07-02-2009, 09:45 AM
Handsome John Hnacocks a regular Furry Hoover Vacuum Cleaner and gooes around the dishes cleaning every thing up!!
My Princess goes crazy for fettucini alfredo.
Scrappy 2 loves Mc Donallds and Michael the Dream Cat LOVES KFC!!!
Moose loves polish sausage, I bet he knows every Deli in the world!
And Miquelito the Little Orange Lion and Precious LOVE Potato Salad with Egg!
And they all will nibble on Cookies!!!

07-02-2009, 09:50 AM
My friends cat Gordon is addicted to green olives!

07-02-2009, 09:53 AM
I'm sure Taz has eaten some strange things in his 14 years, but I can't remember anything except bugs. Any kind of bug. When we lived with my parents he got to feast on crickets. Which was just fine with me (I hate crickets!!).

Paizly loves to chew on gift wrapping ribbon. I can't leave anything like that out or she just sits and chews it until it's gone. Other than that, Paizly hasn't eaten anything too strange in her first year. But stay tuned, I'm sure she's going to surprise us someday! LOL

07-02-2009, 10:11 AM
Morgan loves Blistex. If you put some on your lips, it is terribly hard to keep him away from your face and trying to lick your lips.

07-02-2009, 10:35 AM
Oh yes, Moon loves wrapping ribbon!!!!!!!!

07-02-2009, 01:03 PM
Kuhio ~ Canned mushrooms, jalapeno, nachos, cheetos, yarn :eek:
Willow ~ Paper, plants

None of the others eat things that seem unusual to me. All my cats have always eaten bugs.

When I was a kid, we had a dog that ate green beans and chewed bubblegum. :D

07-02-2009, 01:42 PM
MacGyver eats nothing strange, ever. Ming, on the other hand, loves anything plastic! Bubble wrap or bread wrappers are his particular favorites, but anything plastic will do. My boyfriend's two cats love strawberry icecream from Hagen Daz!

07-02-2009, 01:42 PM
Lingerie straps were Shahdee's secret treat. I would get a bra or teddy out of the drawer, try to put it on, and then discover it had no straps! I think my Artful Dodger, who could open any door or drawer used to slide the drawer open for her so she could fish them out, then drop them back in when she'd got the straps. For a time I wondered if I was losing my mind, perhaps cutting off the straps in my sleep, because the lingerie was still in the drawer not out on the floor. The thin straps she must have chewed into pieces and swallowed because I never found any evidence and she never blocked. I only understood what was happening when I found a wet bra strap under the bed and then I assumed it was Loki who had a passion for string. The poor guy went through surgery to find all the other straps that had gone missing, I was so sure it had to be him, but they searched him from oesophagus to colon and found nothing. She also loved to eat the middle out of anything made of wool so you could never repair it. The middle of the body of a sweater, or the middle of a sleeve, the middle of a mohair throw. She lived to 17 and died of renal failure.

Teddy adored nuts, especially cashews, and would tear them out of my hand as I moved it to my mouth. He also loved raw oatmeal just dampened with water, and ginger biscuits. His sister, Seshat, also loved oatmeal but it had to be cooked. Dodger had a passion for sun dried tomatoes. Catullus stands on my chest to try and get flavored potato chips out of my fingers. Some of my cats really liked to eat corn-based litter so I had to stop using it.

07-02-2009, 02:32 PM
Filou (an I don't count mango, coconut and avocados) once swallowed a cooked jalapeno when he was a baby. He got a very bad hickup- all the little boy was hiccuping, not just his throat. I was VERY worried as it happened Saturday night of course but he was ok in the morning.
Tigris is good compared to that. The strangest thing he ate was a cold cooked potato. Without sauce :rolleyes:
I think a bit of oil for a healthy cat is ok if it is not her standard diet. I would be much more worried with Milly's pieces of string.
Table manners: I am not sure such a thing exists for meezers.... or Abys. Why do you think Juni is called Juni-get-down. Certainly not because her mom never tried to teach her manners:D

07-02-2009, 06:26 PM
They all love the nachos and tacos from Poco Loco, but that no surprise as Jorge , Janice and Donna day in and day out have one of the best restauants in Hamilton.:love::love::love:

07-02-2009, 06:56 PM
Spunky did have a moth in his mouth, and he opened it and the moth flew out!!! Needless to say, I was not prepared for that!!! Our cats like to eat aspargus(sp), broccoli, cauliflower, canteloupe, honey dew, craisens, raisins, blueberries, WATERMELON, and most Italian food!!!!

07-02-2009, 08:00 PM
Ed likes Ben Gay and he has a plastic fetish, He likes to lick the emulsion off of photos. If I put one down he goes nuts trying to get to them.

I really have to be careful when I am looking thru pictures!:rolleyes:

Ed loves any kind of packaged drink mix. Kool Aid and other brands-I buy a melon drink that is powdered and small packets of Tang. He'll bite through the plastic and leave it alone-I keep them on the table in a bowl- the moisture gets in and makes the mix hard. That is how I know he was in there!:rolleyes:

07-02-2009, 08:05 PM
My Carly will eat anything and I mean anything. Broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, cole slaw, carrots, corn, mashed potatoes,.........you get the picture. Any human food she will eat.

Mackie absolutely loves yogurt and ice cream. He did eat ribbon one time, but fortunately threw it up!

My rainbow bridge TJ loved, and I mean loved yeast rolls. He was my only one that was indoor/outdoor. I would find him in the trunk of the car looking thru the grocery bags for yeast rolls. I would have to hide them in the oven.

All 11 of them love deli turkey and ham. I really have a difficult time making my husband's sandwhich for lunch daily. The gang is upon me. I try to make 2 to 3 days worth at a time just for that reason.

Of course everyone does the bugs and it is funny watching 11 of them chasing a fly to see who can win the prize.

07-02-2009, 08:43 PM
cat food, people food, bugs, random fuzzballs on the carpet....just about anything that will fit in their mouths, especially Toby's:rolleyes:

Don Juan's mom
07-02-2009, 09:14 PM
Zerlina will eat any bug that she catches, but the weirdest thing she's eaten were the flowers (sunflowers of various shades) my sister sent me for my birthday last year. (Actual, unretouched photo attached.) She started with the pink ones.

Don Juan will lick the cheesy powder off cheese puffs.

My late grandmother's cat C.B. (for Clara Bow) was a fan of canteloupe! Grandmother would give her the rind, and she would lick the flesh side until it was completely dry.

07-02-2009, 09:27 PM
It makes me feel better to know that a lot of other cats sometimes eat things that they shouldn't.
Izzy is feeling much better today, she is a lot more playful and happy again.

Barbara, when Milly first got here is when she ate the strings/elastics off her toys and some bits of plastic from the milk rings. I was very careful to check the litter box to make sure that all the bits and pieces made it through her.;)

I know that Juni-get-down is a naughty cat, I remember one time I was visiting Sasvermont and we were going to sit down to eat and there was Juni on the table with her head in the butter tub!:p

Another weird thing that my cats have eaten is the packing peanuts that are made of something that dissolves in water, they seem to smell/taste good so we have to be careful to keep them away from the cats.