View Full Version : Sorry I haven't been posting much...

06-30-2009, 09:56 AM
I'm suffering from sciatica. It's excruciating and nothing seems to be working. I went to the doctor and he gave me Oxycodone which is doing nothing more than making me loopy (okay LOOPIER than I already am, okay??) The only time it seems to subside to a dull ache is when I lay flat on my back. I was supposed to work today from 12 noon to 5 pm but there's no way I'll be able to stand on my feet for 5 hours straight.

I wish I could make this pain stop. I want to go outside and enjoy the warm weather but know it'll only exascerbate the sciatica.

I was thinking about asking my doctor about a possible cortisone shot but he hasn't called me back yet.

Anyone have any suggestions that might help get rid of this pain???

06-30-2009, 10:14 AM
Donna - I feel your pain, since this is something I've been suffering with off and on for several years. I think I've been prescribed everything possible to relieve the pain, but nothing seems to work. I even gave a TENS unit a try, but that was just another waste of my insurance company's money.

My spine surgeon recommended a series of 3 epidural cortisone injections, but in the end I decided against it. This isn't something that is just done in a doctor's office - it must be preformed in the hospital. Due to the complex nature of it, and seeing that other regular cortisone shots (knee, elbow, shoulder) never gave me any relief for more than a couple of weeks, I just didn't feel it was worth even taking a chance.

The only thing that works for me, is as much bed rest as possible. I realize for most working folks, that isn't really an option. I hope you can find a solution that works for you, and that you can get some relief asap.

Pinot's Mom
06-30-2009, 10:24 AM
I'm sorry you're in such pain; I don't have any magic solutions, though. My husband has spine issues (though not sciatica) and he does stretches twice a day to help a bit. Would stretches do any good?

06-30-2009, 10:28 AM
Are you of an age where you could have arthritis in your spine?

I had an attack of sciatica two years ago, and it was caused by arthritis. I went to P.T. and have been fine ever since. There are exercises I do on a regular basis. Still have some twinges on occasion, but nothing like they were originally. My MD gave me Vicodin and Flexoril initially, but neither of them did a thing for the pain. I find that Motrin works for me now.

FWIW, I had sciatica caused by a slipped disk 26 years ago. The pain then was down the opposite leg as now. Had surgery and never had another problem. When you sneeze, or cough, and feel pain in your ankle, you know you have trouble http://bestsmileys.com/sneezing/1.gif

06-30-2009, 01:18 PM
Have you ever tried acupuncture? It's supposed to work on most
any kind of pain. I used it for awhile for lower back pain & it did help me
more than any RX pill I tried.

06-30-2009, 02:43 PM
Chiropractic, if you have any coverage (or if there is a school nearby). The ProAdjuster method is particularly effective - it's computerized and involves NO hands-on adjustment.

Perhaps a Pilates or other program might help too? They might be offered at community centres etc.

Daisy and Delilah
06-30-2009, 05:29 PM
I also have sciatica. I had PT for it too(consisted of electrical stimulation, deep tissue massage and ultrasound). After PT, it was gone. My doctor told me I had to find a way to deal with it after the PT was over. I also have a TENS unit that helps me a little if I use it but it's so cumbersome and a royal pain to hook up by yourself--if you have help it's easier. Like Ellie said, it sorta see it as another expenditure for the insurance company.

Donna, you can go online and find some stretching exercises. It's the best thing I can do for it. I also found some relief in a heating bad but for no more than 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off. It can burn you if you use it too much. Bed rest is helpful too if you have the time for it. I've talked to people that rubbed their hip with Icy Hot, Ben Gay, or something like that. That also gives a little relief to some people.

My son also has it. He just started the spinal injections last week. After the first shot, he is pain free. I cringe at the thought of that. He's alot braver than I am.

I've always heard that you just have to ride it out until it decides to go away. Best of luck with it. I know how painful it is.:(

06-30-2009, 07:34 PM
I'm sorry, Donna. :( It's always something, isn't it?
I've heard all kinds of pain relieving remedies. Frankly, rest and heat packs were the only thing that helped me. A few of my friends had epidurals to calm the nerve. It's an underlying problem of something else from what I understand. I know you need the $$, but babe, how are you going to stand for 5 hours without going nuts? That's just nasty

06-30-2009, 07:56 PM
I talked to my doctor a little while ago and he said that while cortisone shots are an option, they have to be done in a hospital. The Tramadol seems to be working a little better and doesn't make me groggy or loopy. Laying flat on my back helps and I've also got pain patches which also helps. I'm hoping this episode will end soon.


Believe me, I didn't go into work tonight. They'd have to take me out on a stretcher if I had. My doctor told me he'd write me a note so I'm all set there.

I don't get these flare ups very often. But when I do, they are unbearable to say the least.

06-30-2009, 08:08 PM
Glad you are getting some relief!

06-30-2009, 09:35 PM
My son has sciatica and his last bout of it came when he was on a 4 1/2 hour flight. He believes strongly in chiropractic and he apparently has a good one because this one manages to relieve my son's pain every time, so he called and they squeezed him in. Like you, he's tried pain killers and muscle relaxers, heat treatments, cold packs, acupuncture, etc. and nothing worked until he found this chiropractor. I feel that he's fortunate because I haven't found one yet that hasn't caused me more pain than I went in with but he swears by him, so maybe you'll be as lucky. Sorry that you're in such pain, girl.

07-01-2009, 07:04 PM
No ideas / suggestions to offer, just prayers for relief for you, Donna!

07-02-2009, 04:39 PM
Today was the first day in 5 that I've been able to go out and walk around. I had to find a dress for my niece's wedding. I thought I'd be looking all day long. Lo and behold I went into TJ Maxx and found a really nice black empire waist dress with sequence in the bust area,spaghetti straps and vertical pleats which will make me look skinny. I found a pair of black flip flops with rhinestones that goes perfect!!!

That was my day! At least the pain is nearly gone. I'm going to keep the Tramadol handy just in case.

07-02-2009, 04:53 PM
I found a pair of black flip flops with rhinestones that goes perfect!!!

That was my day! At least the pain is nearly gone. I'm going to keep the Tramadol handy just in case.

Sounds like a good shopping trip! I have never been able to wear flip flops, the part between the toes always bugged me, and now my orthotics would fall out of 'em, but I always admire the fun ones! I am glad you are feeling better, too!